Thursday, October 22, 2009

Looking at the Sky on Friday

Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Sleepy Hollow, NY

Go over and visit Tisha the Crazy Working Mom for more LATSOF postings.


Anonymous said...

Very nice my friend

Dimple said...

I can't think of Sleepy Hollow without thinking of "The Headless Horseman." Which is a story I always associate with Halloween.
Very seasonal shot!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

you always manage to get the right angle to make it interesting.

Loree said...

Love that shot of Sleepy Hollow cemetery. I did not know that Sleepy Hollow is an actual place. I loved the movie.

Ingrid said...

Fortunately it's sleepy ! now with all the ghosts coming out!

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photo, love the angle looking up.

Carletta said...

Your perspective makes this look very tall. I wonder if she is a monument or just a column in the cemetery. :)
Lovely sky shot Mary!

Dianne said...

the angle is perfect Mary!!

Durward Discussion said...

That whole area has more that its fair share of ghosts and magical creatures. Rip Van Winkle may have taken his long nap under that statue.

Putz said...

what would happen to your sanity if you ever broke your camera?????????????

Calico Crazy said...

I remember visiting Sleepy Hollow as a kid. Funny when places in books turn out to be real, at least in some sense.

Calico Contemplations