Monday, July 13, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

Here we are at another Ruby Tuesday!

How do you like these thumbnails for this week? They all did a nice job, yes?

Left to Right:1. EG, 2. Elaine Ling 3. Dora 4. Carletta
5. Marilyn 6. Annie

My post for this week include:


Red begonia

Please sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment.

Spend some time visiting your fellow players...


Mojo said...

Uh hullo? Anybody home?

Mr. Liiiinkyyyy? You around anywhere?

Mojo said...

Scarlet Begonias and a touch of the blues! I love that song. Nice shot Mary, and a great collection of memories to go with it.

Since Senor Linky seems to be late getting up form his siesta, and I have a couple of links I"m gonna drop em here. First is mine:
Ruby Tuesday #47: "Run, Don't Walk"

And I'm also hooking up Robin from Israel, via Around the Island
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre - side view

Kenobiitti said...

Holy smoke, whre is mr.Linky?
Well, here's my ruby tuesday link

nonizamboni said...

Oh that Mr. Linky--I miss him so.
Visit me here anyway:
Thanks, Mary!

Nukke said...

Mr. Linky doesen't work once again, so I'll link my pics in here in my name in the title Nukke said.
Could you link my pics then to Mr. Linky as I am now already send my pics here ???

Jan said...

Beautiful ruby shots, Mary.

EG CameraGirl said...

I DO love red begonias!

Thanks for the extra plug, MaryT. ;-)

My Ruby Tuesday for this week is here:

Anonymous said...

Excellent shots. I love those begonias. The lady bugs are awesome :)

Leora said...

Ah, the missing Mr. Linky strikes again.

My post: 3 reds

Red flowers are always welcome, Mary!

Vicki ~ FL said...

Bregonias are such pretty plants and this red one is no exception!

Couldn't find Mr. Linky but my RRT is up

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Mine is just Peachy

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Yours is gorgeous I need to get some begonias I didn't plant any this year and should have

Carletta said...

I love the begonias! That little touch of the flag in the background works for me too. :)
So surprised to see my little car -thanks much!
I had missed those lady bugs which are super. They were perfect weren't they. :)
No Mr. Linky.
Mine’s here: Round The Bend.

Annie Jeffries said...

I guess Mr. Linkey is playing shy again. Here's mine -

Rinkly Rimes said...

This seems the safest approach!

Annie Jeffries said...

There is just something so lush and rich about a healthy, at the peak of bloom begonia.

moosh said...

Mary love the snapshot of others work. Thanks for the memories.

Felisol said...

Dear teach Mary,
I find both your red begonia and the ditto pelargonium beautiful.
These old fashioned flowers bring so many delightful memories.
Happy RT
From Felisol

Mary Bergfeld said...

Hi Mary, Your images are, as usual, beautiful. Mr. You Know Who wants nothing to do with me today. I have one silly image from China to share.....

Terri said...

I love the begonias. My mom used to grow them, I don't see them much anymore.

My ruby red post is up here.

Karen Coutu said...

What a beautiful soft red!

I love the car you chose to feature also.

Here is mine for this week:

Patti said...

Beautiful begonias! Nice closeup photo.

I love those lady bugs..missed them last week.

Me no see Mr. Linky.

Marites said...

Looking for Mr. Ruby Tuesday is up here

Ralph said...

These natural flower petals are red, of course, but the finish and texture of the flowers looks like silk...but in a natural kind of way!

Patti said...

Yay! Mr. L. has returned.

Happily Retired Gal said...

Love the thumbnail reviews of last week ... and your Begonia blossoms are DELIGHTFUL in red ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

G6 said...

I love the flower macros.
This week though, I went for something different. :)

DrillerAA said...

I've got Cars, cars, and more cars!!!
There's even a Ruby Tuesday car badge for the boys who don't want sparkly shoes!

Nice flower Mary. Well done.

judi/Gmj said...

Oh yeah, nothing says summer like red begonias. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice red flowers, are they grown by you?
Happy Ruby Tuesday Mary, do feel better soon!!

bj said...

Beautiful scarlet begonias and some of my favorites..
Thanks so much for hosting.

Cookie said...

such beautiful flowers!! i love their shade..fiery :)

Dianne said...

really pretty flowers!

love those lady bugs from last week

sorry I missed a couple of weeks, I think I have my groove back

Becky said...

Love your Begonias Mary. I have some just like it.
Hope you feel better soon. Take care.

MyMaracas said...

Beautiful, healthy begonias! Even better close-up.

Maya@A Beach Lovers Place said...

Fun pics. That backbag looks painful..., I'd rather drive that old timer. Thanks for hosting this party. It's my first time here.

Sara Chapman said...

I am sure someone else has mentioned that the bottom one is in fact, a geranium, but you don't feel well so I don't want to say anything, myself. Lovely photos! Feel better SOON!

Unknown said...

i hope you're feeling better, Mary.

love the vibrant shade of red!

Askew To You said...

I love your flower shots. Beautiful!!

Rinkly Rimes said...

I hope you're feeling better! Did you 'see red' when the dentist drew near?

Ingrid said...

That's what I want to plant next year in my flower pots in the garden ! beautiful !

Gemma Wiseman said...

It's awhile since I last saw begonias! These are so bright and breezy and refreshing!

MaR said...

Beautiful begonias!!!
Happy RT!

Terry said...

oh mary t...i just love annie's collage picture of so many red so pretty! terry

liza said...

Wonderful reds!

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Nice Begonia.

I have a red Daylily for this week.

Miranda said...

Beautiful flowers!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I am posted and hope your mouth feels better - and Scarlet Begonias is one of my favorite Dead songs

amanda said...

Mary those are some seriously red Begonias love the vibrancy usually I like roses for red but that color is not blood red its fire red! very nice!

Unknown said...

beautiful shots! I love the little spring riding truck.

Stephanie V said...

Nice begonias...such a pretty red.

Snowbird said...

Love the red begonias. Hope the mouth is feeling better.

Chie Wilks said...

Nice red flower here, this must be from your garden. Mine is up..i made it today

Phoenix said...

Beautiful photos, I love flowers of any kind! :)

srp said...

These look like unusual begonias... my mom really loves to have them in planters in the summer. We don't have any yet in the new house.

In case Mr. Linky is sleepy still... my ruby is up but late here.

Sandi (Meme) said...

I get it now.... My post is at Please go see what it's about!!!

CrAzY Working Mom said...

Hey Mary! I love the photo collages! Brilliant. :)

My (late) RT post is here with the recipe: Fresh Salsa.

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Mary, I hope your recovery is speedy!
Beautiful red Begonia's, perfect Ruby Tuesday offerings.

Seeing as Mr. Linky is playing hard to get, here's my link:

more Flat Stanley

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

hmmmm my link didn't work properly.

more Flat Stanley

This one works :))

JunieRose2005 said...

Loved seeing all of there!

I have a post up now! (late)


JunieRose2005 said...

ooops! Messed up! Meant to say,'Loved to see all of those!'

Also-I couldn't find Mr.Linky to sign in!! Hope some of you will visit me anyway!
