Hi everyone! Welcome back to Ruby Tuesday.
The lovely geraniums and benches in the photos decorate the Dental Department at Montefiore University Hospital in the Bronx, N.Y.
It's amazing to me that you can always find a little bit of loveliness if you look for it.
I thought this week if you are a brand new participant you'd make sure to tell us in your comment. And then we'd all make a particular effort to visit you.
I've published early this week as I did last week for our participants from around the world.

Don't forget to sign Mr. Linky too!

Me first? That's never happened before. We'll see if I am once I click publish. :)
Love the shots Mary! My favorite flower!
Happy Tuesday!
Wow! You may have the only meme with a fully functioning Mr. Linky I've seen today. And definitely the only one with these arresting red flowers!
Not only are the flowers beautiful, the cedar planters are nice in and of themselves. A bit of nature in an urban setting is always appreciated!
Beautiful flowers. My mom worked at Monty for years (not at the dental dept though). I remember it being a lot grayer outside.
Thanks for the early posting - it definitely helps those of us already closing in on bedtime :).
Love your carnation shots. My favorite is the second, with the perspective of the benches. Great: the carnations are really singing in these photos; the people are the wallflowers.
That is such a pretty flower. Just stunning :)
Geraniums are such pretty bright cheerful flowering plants, nice shot!
Lovely geraniums indeed! Happy Tuesday! :)
Don't geraniums perk up a neighbourhood? These are in good shape too. ;-)
nothing says spring like geraniums
Great photos! The red is really striking :)
Geraniums are such a vibrant flower. It's almost as if they are apologizing for not having a pleasant odor so they make up for it by being beautiful.
Dear teach Mary,
I love the geraniums. Yours were vibrant red, and were lighting up the surroundings for tired people resting on the benches.
For some reasons they are called princes in Norway.
Elderly ladies used to have lots of them in all nuances of red. They were easy to multiply.
Somehow they must have been gene manipulated. I never succeed in making sprouts on cuttings.
Have a happy Ruby Tuesday.
From Felisol
so beautiful flowers, they definitely light up the place:)
Delightfully cheerful geraniums to wake up to. There are some on my page too.
Very pretty geraniums. Nary a wilted blossom or leaf in sight. someone is taking very good care of them.
Ok - fed the kids - now I'm free to comment! I like the whole place - looks like a dream place to have a walk. Somebody takes good care of the flowers - you can't trust me with that :)
These are the biggest geraniums I've seen in a long time--and mighty red. Thanks for letting me play along again this week. Such fun!
Happy Tuesday, Mary.
Okay, so I've got a Ruby Tuesday red batting helmet this week. Check it out.
Nice street posies there Mary. I'm in full baseball mode right now.
What a vivid red! Just beautiful!!
we both have a thing for red blooms this week. lovely flower :)
The color combination of the geraniums and benches seem to blend so nicely together :)
very pretty! and brick too!! I love brick
Wow Mary. Such color. How beautiful!
The Bronx- one of my favorite places. I've never been there, but the Yankees play there!
Bright red flowers ALWAYS makes just about anything look beautiful.
I love your photos..thanks for sharing.
What beautiful flowers, awesome shot! :)
Here's mine, hope you can visit :)
They are so gorgeous!
These are beautiful, Mary. And as your other Ralph pointed out, the planters are nicely done as well!
Geraniums are one of my mother's favorite flowers. Each spring I plant them along with either ivy or a small white flowering plant, some tall grasses and sometimes coleus.. in the planters on our porch. She derives great pleasure from watching them bloom all summer.
This is a beautiful perspective. I love those red flowers! Nice job, Teach.
Mine is a series of photos taken of a princess in flight. Come by and take a look when you get a chance.
Happy RT!
such a simple but nice decoration. Geraniums were the only plants which "my" snails didn't eat up !
They are gorgeous!
I love geraniums. When I used to live in N. California, they overwintered most years and so got really huge! Nice photos, so cheery.
I've posted flowers too, red and yellow gaillardias.
A tranquil environment - even if the screwing of benches to the ground somehow disturbs the illusion... Fresh summer beauty!
lovely reds!
am sorry about linking. am not a participant but linked by mistake. please delete my link at number 54.
thank you.
What a beautiful vibrant red!
I love the containers they are in. Beautiful!
It always nice when the town decorate to make it look nice with flowers.
Thank you Ivon, for informing me there's a dot missing between felisol and blogspot.
Hope I've gotten it right by now.
From Felisol
WOW those beauties pop against the rich browns. They almost look fake. Gorgeous!
I had fun with my first Ruby Tuesday.
Looking forward to see what others have to share.
Happy Day,
What lovely benches and beautiful planters. Too bad everyone is hurrying by and not sitting down to enjoy them.
I really like geraniums. These red one are very nice. I guess it calm people down before entering the office,Happy Ruby Tuesday.
Beautiful flowers! I so agree to you that we can always find a little loveliness, if we look for it. Thank you for sharing, Mary. Have a great week, everyone :)
What vibrant shots! I absolutely love geraniums...they almost seem bullet proof here in Chicagoland, they don't mind the crazy weather we get...just seem to weather it all...
Hi Mary,
I agree that you can find a bit of loveliness anywhere if you take the time to look. Lovely planters. The geraniums are nice and red for Ruby Tuesday-ing.
I did a sequel to last week's post.
Lovely red geraniums. I'm new to Ruby Tuesday. This looks like fun. I posted last night (Monday) with your cute logo and link but somehow it didn't get posted. I redid it this morning and it is up now. My red is a little red headed bird and my robins. I followed them from nest building through little eggs hatching to leaving the nest on my porch. They came back for a vist!
hi mary t...these geraniums are some pretty,
one thing great about them is that they will last all summer and fall, eh?
they really make these benches look appealing and inviting to sit down for a bit but i must hurry on as i have miles to go before i rest!
happy ruby tuesday beloved teach...love terry
Your geraniums are gorgeous, I already left a comment for you under your joke post, for Ruby Tuesday ~sigh~ I thought I was in the right place...:)
Happy Ruby Tuesday, Mary.
This list is gettin' crazy long! WOW!
Love those geraniums Mary! They are ever so cheerful!
Heya, I am new to "Ruby Tuesday", I love it and decided to join.
Beautiful pictures of the sumptious red geraniums!
Nice photos here...love the red flowers.. I am playing today.
The geraniums are beautiful. I chose some red flowers for my post also.
Sadly, many of the flowers around here have gone to sleep because of the heat.
Mine's up now.
Ewph! That list is gettin' long. I feel like I've slept in...
The geraniums are beautiful, Mary. They just ARE summer.
I could have sworn I left a comment when I left my link, but I suppose it could have been a momentary lapse where my intention got lost. I've returned to visit others now that I have a bit of time ... and am reminded how much I love geraniums and photograph benches frequently myself. One of these days I'll create a mosaic with them ... perhaps.
Hugs and blessings,
Mary, I can sit on that bench with my computer and do blogging while waiting for Mrs. Jim. If they have wi-fi it will be better.
Happy RT, thanks for doing this once more. I do like your header picture, the table and the flowers are very pretty. You did 'good.'
I love Geraniums too- especially the RED ones!
I have flowers this time too! Come see! :)
I like that! A little bit of loveliness. Nice ring to it. Very lovely flowers indeed!
I can never keep geraniums alive for very long. I wonder why. They aren't supposed to be all that hard to grow. Anyway I like them very much. They look so cheerful.
My red geraniums are doing beautifully this year too. Isn't is wonderful the way flowers always add a little beauty for us.
This is my 2nd week. Thanks to all for visiting last week and your kind comments.
Mary, those are some great geraniums. Great captures
Beautiful flowers
Oh, I just found this meme! How fun! I absolutely love red and have it throughout my home and garden. I'm grabbing your logo for my blog and will try to participate next week!
Mmmm, lotsa pretty piccies! <3 <3 <3
I'm brand spakin' new, by the way! :)
Love these red flowers, Mary.
Oh My Gosh Mary!
The Geraniums are absolutely beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing. A little bit of country in the big city. Have a wonderful blessed day! Sherry
Geranium reds are so vibrant! And these look especially stunning! I agree! It is amazibng where you may find a pocket of beauty!
Hi Mary,
I'm from the Philippines and this is my fourth time to participate in your Ruby Tuesday.
You have a lovely blog.
Thanks for sharing your artistic gifts!
mine is a messy array of red flowers compared to yours..
I love geraniums. Mine are practically drown it's been raining for so darn long.
Well I've only posted once so this will be my second time doing Ruby Tuesday, found it tons of fun last time. Love the flowers Mary but even more the benches for some reason. Happy Tuesday!
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