Friday, February 27, 2009

Looking at the Sky on Friday


Often cemetery statuary is vandalized as this sculpture has been. The angel is poised to slay the dragon or snake which represents the Devil. In this case the vandals broke off the bottom of the lance rendering the angel harmless.

Standing below the angel gave me an excellent view of a clear, blue sky that day!

Go visit Tisha at Crazy Working Mom for more participants in this great meme!



Carletta said...

Another beautiful photo Mary!
I don't understand how some can vandalize in a cemetery. They truly must not know right from wrong.

♥ Kathy said...

What a beautiful picture and I agree, the world is definitely missing respect in many places.

Tink *~*~* said...

Angels can smite without a sword! ;)

Tink *~*~*
Now Playing at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* : Sanibel Island, pre-Charlie

SandyCarlson said...

Satan ain't nothing in the presence of an angel.

Loida of the 2L3B's said...

Hi Mary,
I post today my very first "Looking at the Sky Friday". Thanks.

Ingrid said...

Such a nice picture ! It's so bad that there are vandals on the cimetaries, we have that here too !

Anonymous said...

The shot is beautiful, Mary. I will never understand why someone feels the need to vandalize anything, much less an angel in a cemetery. I don't think I'd want to hang around them too much! *LOL*

Anonymous said...

That's a gorgeous sky and beautiful angel. Wonderful shot Mary.

Maggie Moo said...

I'll never understand vandals-especially in a cemetery. It just doesn't make sense.

I love the vivid blue-it really looks beautiful.

Heart of Rachel said...

It's a lovely sculpture but it's sad that is has been vandalized like that.

Desert Songbird said...

That blue is so brilliant and bright.

Anonymous said...

How sad ... but what a glorious sky you've captured behind this beautiful angel.
Hugs and blessings,