Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To My Followers

I just want to thank very much the people who have indicated that they follow my blog:

Roger, Penelope, Chuckie, Splummer, Tink, Desert Songbird, Akalamalu, Tisha, Mo and Tammy!

See there they are up on the right in my sidebar!

The definition of a "follower" is a fan, enthusiast or supporter.

What's interesting is that I AM A FOLLOWER OF THEIR BLOGS TOO!




Desert Songbird said...

No problem, Mary. It's easy to follow you!

Putz said...

oh my, you don't have a clue do you???

Putz said...

but you are so cute

Akelamalu said...

Being a follower is good, not everyone can be a leader can they? ((wink))

storyteller said...

I’ve noticed a couple of ‘followers’ showing up in the Blogger Dashboard at Small Reflections, but I don’t really know what this is. I suppose if I made time to read about changes at Blogger, I just might get a handle on things … but I use Google Reader to ‘follow’ LOTS of blogs … including yourz ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Unknown said...

well this just made me all warm and fuzzy. you're an angel...soon I will be working and you will be working too so it will be the blind leading the blind. *giggling*

Tink *~*~* said...

Thanks Mary! I don't know what happened, my Follow widget was there one minute and gone the next! I've put it back now - hopefully, it will stay put!

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Travis Cody said...

I follow you too...I just can't figure out the new blogger thingy.

SandyCarlson said...

This is a fun new Blogger thing, eh, Mary? As usual, I am behind the curve. Thanks for reminding me the world is going on!

Ingrid said...

I am like the sheep, I don't follow (nobody, never, lol) but I like reading your posts. You belong to the Americans who don't think that Shakespear was my neighbor and the Waterloo Lion hill is part of my garden !

Sherrie said...

Hey Mary,
Your blogs are so interesting! You always have something good to read! Thanks for sharing them with us!!

Maddy said...

Does 'follower' have some special meaning?

I noticed that something odd had turned up 'follower' on my blogger dashboard but I don't know what it means.

Obviously not the same as sidebar /bloglist following, right?

Love the sheep.


Suzie said...

Im not sure abot this whole follower thing. I keep seeing on the blogger page. I gotta look into it more. I like the term follower though.

Thank you so much for not having a 9-11 post.

Unknown said...

I love ya gal I'd follow you, would love to have a chat IRL someday.

Marilyn said...

I gotta read up on the following thing. I'm just getting the hang of one blogging trend and a new doohicky comes up.

Anyway, I think you have a better handle on things than I do. I'd follow you until you got a restraining order.

After Hours said...

Your joke always make me LOL!

Anonymous said...

You're welcome. I've always followed you, it's just public now. ;)

RW said...

Well thank you Mary! I like to think of you as my friend and putting down that I follow you is just my way of saying that.

Hugs & loves :D