I just want to thank very much the people who have indicated that they follow my blog:
Roger, Penelope, Chuckie, Splummer, Tink, Desert Songbird, Akalamalu, Tisha, Mo and Tammy!
See there they are up on the right in my sidebar!
The definition of a "follower" is a fan, enthusiast or supporter.
What's interesting is that I AM A FOLLOWER OF THEIR BLOGS TOO!

Roger, Penelope, Chuckie, Splummer, Tink, Desert Songbird, Akalamalu, Tisha, Mo and Tammy!
See there they are up on the right in my sidebar!
The definition of a "follower" is a fan, enthusiast or supporter.
What's interesting is that I AM A FOLLOWER OF THEIR BLOGS TOO!

No problem, Mary. It's easy to follow you!
oh my, you don't have a clue do you???
but you are so cute
Being a follower is good, not everyone can be a leader can they? ((wink))
I’ve noticed a couple of ‘followers’ showing up in the Blogger Dashboard at Small Reflections, but I don’t really know what this is. I suppose if I made time to read about changes at Blogger, I just might get a handle on things … but I use Google Reader to ‘follow’ LOTS of blogs … including yourz ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
well this just made me all warm and fuzzy. you're an angel...soon I will be working and you will be working too so it will be the blind leading the blind. *giggling*
Thanks Mary! I don't know what happened, my Follow widget was there one minute and gone the next! I've put it back now - hopefully, it will stay put!
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
I follow you too...I just can't figure out the new blogger thingy.
This is a fun new Blogger thing, eh, Mary? As usual, I am behind the curve. Thanks for reminding me the world is going on!
I am like the sheep, I don't follow (nobody, never, lol) but I like reading your posts. You belong to the Americans who don't think that Shakespear was my neighbor and the Waterloo Lion hill is part of my garden !
Hey Mary,
Your blogs are so interesting! You always have something good to read! Thanks for sharing them with us!!
Does 'follower' have some special meaning?
I noticed that something odd had turned up 'follower' on my blogger dashboard but I don't know what it means.
Obviously not the same as sidebar /bloglist following, right?
Love the sheep.
Im not sure abot this whole follower thing. I keep seeing on the blogger page. I gotta look into it more. I like the term follower though.
Thank you so much for not having a 9-11 post.
I love ya gal I'd follow you, would love to have a chat IRL someday.
I gotta read up on the following thing. I'm just getting the hang of one blogging trend and a new doohicky comes up.
Anyway, I think you have a better handle on things than I do. I'd follow you until you got a restraining order.
Your joke always make me LOL!
You're welcome. I've always followed you, it's just public now. ;)
Well thank you Mary! I like to think of you as my friend and putting down that I follow you is just my way of saying that.
Hugs & loves :D
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