Hi Everyone, It's Ruby Tuesday again!
I think you can figure out where I was taking pictures the other day. Yup, I was in TARGET. I thought the photos would be perfect for Ruby Tuesday.
I thought the knife and fork on either side of the TARGET symbol pretending to be a plate above was interesting.
And I wondered what these two employees were talking about. I thought there was a certain IRONY in the juxtaposition of the look on the face of the employee on the right and what it says on the sign behind him. But maybe it's just me! HA!
When I drove up to the store, I noticed these BIG RED BALLS spaced, oh I don't know, 50 feet apart right next to what I'd call the Fire Lane/No Parking Lane on the walkway.
Have you ever seen such balls at the Target you go to?
This ball is right in the middle of the walkway!
I got a little caught up in taking pictures of the balls as you can tell.
Now what I want to know is
I have an idea but I'm not sure, soooo, how about YOU putting your thoughts in a comment?
Then I'll tell you what I think late on Tuesday in a comment.

Now don't forget to visit your fellow Ruby Tuesday bloggers. I'll make every effort to visit some of you even though I'm taking a little break to concentrate on my teaching this semester.
If you are new to Ruby Tuesday say so in your comment and I'll definitely try to visit you.
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UPDATE: Kay found this link: Red Ball Project Sponsored by Target
I love all those red balls! What is it made for? Love all the reds popping in the photos,Mary!
Posted Mine,HERE!
Happy RT:)
Never a shortage of red around here!
No idea what those balls are for! So you will associate Target with red and buy more stuff?
That guy's expression was pretty funny. I wonder if he's just thinking about some troublesome customer or what he's going to eat for lunch?
My kids always want to sit on the big red balls in front of Target.
That's a great posting for Ruby Tuesday. I will have to see my local Target to see if they have them.
First time I hear about Target :-) The red balls are super for Ruby Tuesday. I don't know where there are for, but good that they are red ! In Antwerp there were grey concrete cubes on the grey walkway, I think to prevent cars to park on the walkway. People called them the stumbling blocks and they had to be removed because they caused so many falls.
Oh, I do have to find a Target store! We don't have any here in our province but I plan on being in the US in October and I shall visit one then. Those red balls sure do look neat.
Target is a GREAT place for Ruby Tuesday opportunities!
I love all that RED.
Are the red balls to keep cars from coming up on the sidewalk? They are spaced kinda far apart for that, so I really don't know.
thanks for hosting, Mary ;-)
Hildegard I think you're right! And yes, if you are walking along and not looking you could have a nasty fall! :(
I will be up any moment
I think they're the harbingers of an alien invasion myself. I never trust big red balls lying about looking that purposeful.
I bet those (pretty red) balls are there to "celebrate" Ruby Tuesday with us *g*... or maybe to prevent customers from "wild parking" =)
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
The RED concrete orbs in front of the Target are there...because the architect said so!
I feel neglected and left out. MY Target has no balls. what do you think that says about Connecticut?
Ha! I've been waiting for someone to do Target for Tuesday. I heart target!!
I just happend by from Columbo's blog. I would say the balls are to keep cars from running up on the sidewalk,or from parking there, so the fire trucks can get in if necessary. Our Target DOES NOT have red balls.
Dear Teach,
What a splendid idea painting the concrete balls red.
Shortsighted me does not stand a chance on gray concrete versus gray asphalt.
In Norway there's no risk in getting sued when setting up man-traps like these.
In USA one is not taking any risk, but painting the balls red.
I like that.
The warnings on coffee cups that they are containing hot beverage...that is stretching it a bit far.
From Felisol
Target is a natural choice for Ruby Tuesday. At the end of July, I did a Ruby Tuesday post entirely consisting of my first visit to the first day the brand new Super Target near my house was opened! Anyway, I think the balls are for young children to climb upon and slide off while they are waiting with Mom for Dad to bring the car around.
I have Red Stuff From EPCOT today.
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
Nice red shots at Target. Perfect for Ruby Tuesday!
Mine's up!
Those red balls are really awesome!
They're probably not much more than decorative bollards.
Mine is posted now!
Have a wonderful RT.
Target is not one of my favorite stores but I do wonder about the pretty red balls. Maybe they were having some kind of employee fire training. lol. The last time I was at the nearest Target there were no red balls.
Those red balls are cool! lol
fab red balls! happy red tuesday! ^_~
I love those red balls too!! :)
Target' oversized canon balls (crowd control?) always amuse me. The target beside the guy's face is pretty funny, Mary.
I've never seen big red balls like that in front of a Target store -- or anywhere else, for that matter. They remind me of exercise balls. I have one, but mine is green.
Happy Ruby Tuesday.
Cool Ruby Tuesday post!
After seeing a lot of fun Ruby Tuesday posts all over, I've decided to join in on the fun! ;-)
I think the balls are some kind of preventive measure against cars going on the sidewalk or smashing into the building? That's my wild guess. ;-)
Great location for RT shots. I have never been to a Target, do they have a garden department?
I have posted a red rose bud and a different style Dahlia for this week.
I hate to admit that I’m clueless … but I’m clueless about the purpose of the red balls. I have, however, published my 3rd Ruby Tuesday at Small Reflections … and anyone who knows me will understand why I focused on this person ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Target has to be one of my favorite stores. I think I'm in there at least twice a week.
Great entry for Ruby Tuesday - such a natural place to find red!
I've seen a lot of Target stores, but never one with big red balls!
I love the picture of the team member in front of the "picture yourself here" sign ~ Ha! As a former HR manager for Target, that just cracks me up.
I'm sure that as Back To School winds down and Halloween has to be set overnight, there are probably lots and lots of similar expression on Target team members across America!
Have a great Ruby Tuesday - mine will be up after midnight!
Wow! these are great red collections Mary! Cool shots!
Mary what big red balls you have lol! Happy Ruby Tuesday to you!
Great idea for Ruby Tuesday! I love the expression on that guy's face. I suspect the balls are there to protect the building from being hit by cars. You'd be surprised how often that happens in parking lots.
I can actually picture pedestrians leaning on the those red balls for a rest. Happy Ruby Tuesday!!! :)
I sure see the irony as well ;o) And yes, the Target that I'm shopping at has those big red balls, too.
Have a wonderful Tuesday, Mary!
There were no balls on the sidewalk at our Target last time I was there. Great Ruby Tuesday post and I also like your new header photo.
My goodness! What ARE those red balls for? We don't have Target stores here in Ontario. At least, I don't think we do.
I love that first shot! I will never look at that sign the same way again.
Karen of the MomDot Street Team
I did another Adi (our beagle dog) Can post sitting with the crimson crepe myrtles.
The face of these two employes is pricless, lol !
I also see red now, everywhere I go !
We don't have Target here... I think Denver does but I'm not sure. The ones in Wichita didn't have balls like that last time I was there.
Do they roll or are they glued down? 'Cause they would be a lot of fun if they rolled but whoever put them there probably doesn't like my kind of fun.
Hi Mary, I have no idea of why Target has the red balls in front of their store...I hope someone can tell us... My red is up... Baba
I was thinking it was some sort of security measure, like those poles that are in the front of doors at Circuit City, making it impossible to do a smash and grab with a truck (smash and grab? where did I get that?).
They are spaced so far apart, not very security like. I now am guessing that they are sculptural art and no we don't have them at my Target.
I posted mine at:
Love all the red!!! I miss Target!
The balls are there to make sure everybody reads the No Parking Here sign!!
I love the plate and the big balls too...I have seen bollards like that in seaports and its unusual to see it in the sidewalk. nice shots teach! Happy Tuesday!
I also wonder what those 2 men are talking about.LOL. my entry is up! happy Tuesday!
I Love Target and am also there almost every week at least once. I think the big red balls are there for me to sit and rest my booty on. LOL! J/K ;-) I think they look pretty cool though. Great photos for Ruby Tuesday Mary!
Mine is up also!
Our Target has balls too! I went to Target today with my daughter and they have the best Halloween costumes already. Can't wait for the Autumn time!
Here in Israel balls like that would be to keep people from parking on the sidewalk.
I agree - I love the juxtaposition of the guy's expression with the marketing text. Great capture Mary.
my 2nd entry is up! better late than never :-)
Awesome photos!!! Don't have any idea what the red balls are for unless they are to discourage parking in the fire lanes....my post on Ruby Tuesday is posted. Have a great Ruby Tuesday!!!
i love the red balls!
hi sandy, it's my first time to Ruby Tuesday today. :)
happy Tuesday!
wow - they are big and red!! wonderful, Judyx
I have no idea what those red balls are there for!
ohh! that's a pretty good idea to put red balls there! looks great and very attractive....
Your photos are right on target! (Pun intended, ha ha!)
There's no Target store in the Philippines but I hope they'd open here. Target was one of my favorite stores when I stayed in the US for 4 months.
my entry is up! hope you'll enjoy my red sky. Happy Tuesday!
My favorite of the big dept stores I like those red spheres they make me think about playing leapfrog
Happy Ruby Tuesday.
Oh, they would park on walkways here in Israel alright. We often have big cement balls, or mushrooms, or little metal posts lined up at the edge of places like that exactly to discourage sidewalk parkers!
PS Yup, that's my kitchen, and thank you. Coincidentally, I just blogged about it (with loads of photos) yesterday for Project Show Me if you're curious to see more: Around My Island
Now Im hingry for some reason. The Tammy was for the award for Tammy at Queen sized funny bone. I know who you are silly :)
I'm assuming that is a Target store. Have you look at their logo? It is a huge red target with a red ball center. We have them here, too. Besides being a tie-in to their logo, I assume they are to stop parking in that area and provide seating while you wait :-)
Some I've seen do and other's don't. I think I know why they are there but I won't spoil it and I'll come back later.
"Great balls of fire"!
I like the red balls!!
*starts rolling one home.....*
They aren't movable, are they?
Our Target doesn't have the red balls. Other stores have similar things, but not spaced so far apart. Spaced as they are, I think they're just for decoration.
My very first Ruby Tuesday is up.
Its a teeny tiny little post, but its there!
Oh, and the balls are ART... duh :P
Wow Mary! My Target doesn't have any balls ...
Having worked in retail I know that employee's look intimately. It is the look of wonder/frsutration at once more being asked to do more than your job calls for - it's happening in all the stores.
In my store the sales associates are now expected to do heavy moving and heavy cleaning since they laid off almost all the cleaning and dock staff.
Great red balls, but I've got no idea what they might be for.
ow... i like those red balls in the streets. red means 'stop' so i guess that's what they're there for. i don't know. maybe... maybe they're there as traffic signs or something.
P.S. Sarah Palin does not speak for me either, but of course I can't sign the petition :-)
Great idea of Ruby Tuesday and amazing pictures!
I have seen them at every Target i have ever been to, but have no idea why they are there
God me so curious I looked it up
Damn that's a long link.
I am so late posting today, but I guess someone has to be last.
As far as the balls on the sidewalk, they are to keep people from driving on the sidewalk ;)
Without reading other comments before making mine, I seriously thought it was just like the big pink ball that was bouncing around the living room when I got home from work today. No parking zone my best guess it's prevent people from parking on the walk way.
Funny expression of employee by the opportunity sign.
Yup it's been one of those days!
Better late than never right?
I worry that your Target looks exactly like my Target.
On a hopefully helpful note as I don't have time to read through 78 comments [e gad!] those big red balls are to protect the shoppers from marauding motorists who have difficulty distinguishing the sidewalk from the road, or as we foreigners say 'the pavement from the road' = see how it can get confusing?
i love your RED photos. By the way, it is my 1st time to join RT.
hope you all drop by here and see my RED entry. :)
I have never seen those red balls, but I love Target. My post is more serious and is Rambling Woods
Those red balls are very cool.
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