Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wordless Wednesday



Anonymous said...

This looks like two different worlds. The conversation between the ladies would go something like this, "I don't know what happened, either. One minute we were at the city park and the next ..."

RW said...

Thank you for a beautiful WW Mary and the background ain't bad ether! ;D

Lew said...

Quite a difference in the old and new life styles! Great shot for WW.

Raven said...

What an interesting justaposition of old and new. Cool shot.

Jim said...

Hi Mary, Happy WW! I'm guessing you are on a river boat or barge on the Nile. Where else could one have both of those scenes?
I was relaxing at Telluride, Colorado, taking pictures. Come see how fast you can find YOUR bicycle.

Anonymous said...

"You know you're not in Kansas any more..."


Ingrid said...

That's a funny picture !

CharmaineZoe said...

That looks remarkably like the Temple of Kom Ombo, about 30 miles north of Aswan, so I'd say you were definitely on a Nile cruise! It's a great photo, the ancient and the modern together. Looks like you had a super time.I am so jealous, it's something I've always wanted to do. When I was younger I wanted to be an Egyptian archaelogist but somehow never got round to it (life got in the way!):-)

Barb said...

When two worlds collide?

DrillerAA said...

Love the photo.
Somehow I think I like the old better than the new.

Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

What a great photo! I'd like to be there.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Old and new and woo hoo hoo

Anonymous said...

It just screams hot to me. Then it makes me wonder if that's a pool or are they swimming in a fountain?

Ivanhoe said...

Did you photoshop the girls and the pool in? It's very cool idea :o)

Unknown said...

I love the contrast of modern and ancient in this shot. What a place for a pool. Great WW, hope you'll drop by for mine.

Carletta said...

What's wrong with this picture?

Good one Mary!
Happy Wednesday.

Barbara Doduk said...


Happy WW

B @ The Love Blog

Mojo said...

*sigh* I just love studying ancient history.

maryt/theteach said...

Hi bloggers! I should have told you that that picture is not mine... I found it on the 'net and thought it was funny. Usually I would post the person's name under the photo who took it but it didn't have any.

juliana said...

he incongruity of this made me laugh... too cool :D

MaR said...

Where is this??? Petra in Jordanien?
what a huge contrast!!
great ww !!

Jientje said...

Black and white, old world versus new world, a picture full of contradictions!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is a really great photo for Wordless Wednesday. Totally unique, for sure.

Thank you for all the visits to my blog. In case your readers are interested, they can see my post here, and/or my whole blog I Was Born2Cree8.

Anonymous said...

BARK!! Happy Woofless Wednesday. This is a very interesting pikture, and a bit weird from a dog's eye view. Bark!

Reba @ Reba’s Run
or this dog’s Woofless Wednesday

Minkydo said...

Interesting combination of new and old :)