I don't remember if I saw it when I visited the World's Fair in 1964 but I loved it this time. You can read below what the artist intended in this work. I think he succeeded wonderfully.
Flushing Meadows-Corona Park
Freedom of the Human Spirit, a massive bronze statue depicting a male and a female nude with wild swans soaring skyward, was sculpted by Marshall Fredericks (1908–1998) for the New York World’s Fair of 1964-65.
About this piece, Fredericks commented, “I realized that great multitudes of people, of all ages, and from all walks of life would see this sculpture…I tried to design the work so that it was as free of the earth, as free in space as possible…the thought that we can free ourselves from earth, from the material forces which try to restrain and hamper us, is a happy, encouraging and inspiring one, and I sincerely hope that my work will convey this message.” The sculpture manifests one of the central themes of that fair—space exploration—like the Rocket Thrower statue, the Court of Astronauts, Fountain of the Planets, Space Park and the Unisphere.
At the fairgrounds, the sculpture stood in what was known as the Court of States. In 1996, the construction of a redesigned United States Tennis Center and renovation of the park’s core area caused the statue’s relocation to a site near the Unisphere. At the same time, the statue was conserved in consultation with the artist. Workers chemically repatined its bronze surface to restore its original pale, aquamarine hue.
Thursday, Dec 20, 2001
did you know i have been to the brussel's world fair with the atonium, a large molecule attached to other molecules, eight feet by eight feet by eight feet hanging in the air and you walk through all of them observing all the science of mankind, see teach you didn't think i was that ccultured
a beautiful statue and i love the idea behind it.
That's a wonderful statue and I will never forget that World's Fair. I was 7 or 8 and my family was spending the summer in Connecticut and we got to go. I remember things like the boats with dolls singing "It's a Small World After All" in many languages, when it was new enough and I was young enough to love it. I also remember getting to drive child size cars that were miniatures of the real ones. Sadly I don't remember fabulous sculpture.
That's beautiful in all ways!
It's a wonderful statue.
I'm glad the movers of the statue consulted with the artist when they moved it to its "new" location.It's a magnificent sculpture.
love the statue and the artist's words
and your photo did them justice!
Behind a statue there's always a story. This one too shares a moment that brings back historic moments.
That's an interesting sculpture. Thank you for sharing the message behind it. Freedom in all forms is very significant to every individual.
I have to google World's Fair. This statue looks like it has seen everything.
That's a fantastic statue!
Interesting photo! I was at the World's Fair in 1964 but can't say as I remember this statue.
Like Carver, I also remember the "It's a Small World" exhibit. It was a new song then, or almost new.
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