Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things to Know Before You Go White Water Rafting

1. Never agree to a trip that's longer than half a day long.

2. You absolutely MUST wear a helmet.

3. Tie the life jacket they give you REAL tight.

4. Once you step into the BIG RUBBER RAFT there's no getting off.

5. You have to sit on the EDGE of the raft with no harness, nothing holding you in the raft except gravity.

6. Once the raft starts down river THERE"S NO GETTING OFF!

7. If you fall out of the raft, float downriver FEET FIRST. Don't worry they give you a chance to practice this.

8. Don't waste time asking yourself why do you have to float downriver FEET FIRST. It'll eventually dawn on you.

9. Don't worry about getting back in the raft after practicing floating downriver, they get you back in somehow.

10. Don't whatever you do, fall into the center of the raft. The lead rafter will YELL at you.

11. When you hit those first rapids, hold your head down and lean in toward the center of the raft. DON'T FALL INTO THE CENTER OF THE RAFT, I told you!

12. When they start stringing a line across the river above a particularly rough set of rapids, don't ask why they are doing that. YOU WON"T LIKE THE ANSWER.

13. Absolutely NEVER, NEVER go white water rafting in a country whose medical and/or helicopter services are of questionable quality.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!



Anonymous said...

im here because of few cents for you. just dropping by.

Sandee said...

Have a great day and Labor Day weekend Teach. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)

EG CameraGirl said...

If I EVER go white water rafting, I'll take these notes along. ;-)

Akelamalu said...

I'm more likely to do a parachute jump (Not that either) than go white water rafting but thanks for the tips.

Have you done all those things you told us not to do? ((wink))

judi/Gmj said...

Good Golly Ms. Molly!! Glad you told me not to aim for the center of the raft, that would be my first option, I can take yelling at me, but get my face in the river? Ha, that is sooo not going to happen. Just took this of my list of potential ways to kill my self. Thanks! :)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Good list of 13 there Teach.... Been a long time since I have done it and miss it

Anonymous said...

#14 - don't drink a ton of coffee before the trip...

Anonymous said...

During the last two trips to GA, we drove through Ocoee, where the olympic whitewater rafting events took place. Those rapids scared the bujeebus outta me. But they are sooooo beautiful!

Lew said...

# 15 keep your camera dry. White water rafting is a lot of wet fun, but certainly those rocks that make the water white are hard on the body when you are in the middle of the raft! Nice set of 13 tips!

After Hours said...

Wow sounds scary! I liked #10 the best. It's always fun to do something "fun" while getting yelled at at the same time!

Carletta said...

I live here in the midst of some of the greatest rapids in the country and I have never been. Why - your thirteen reasons. :)

Queen-Size funny bone said...

The only rafting I'm doing is in my pool.

storyteller said...

Your T-13 brings back mem’ries of the several times I’ve been ‘white-water rafting’ … but in those days they didn’t give us ‘helmets’ to wear. I wonder when they started that?
Hugs and blessings,

Barb said...

The only raft I've ever been on was at a Disney water park. That's as rapid as I'll ever get!

Mimi Lenox said...

You lost me with the "no getting off" part. No way. Nohow. No. Nope. Just no.

Forgetfulone said...

Wow. I don't think I could ever do this! that was a great TT!

Ingrid said...

I am already drowned by looking at the pictures !

SandyCarlson said...

That was a good read, Mary! I remember getting out of one of those and wondering what happened to my legs. THey had gone to rubber!

DrillerAA said...

I think I'm past this stage of life, I'll just settle for a Flippin Ranger Bass Boat!!!
Nope, the town is real, and the story is mine.

Marilyn said...

Wow. I always wanted to do this and I think you just talked me out of it.