Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ruby Tuesday

Hi everyone, Happy Ruby Tuesday to you all!

Remember you can post anything RED - a lot of RED or a little bit of RED.




Eddie's Garden in Flushing Meadows Corona Park was created in honor of Adrian Edward Cooper. This is all the information I could find.

This was a particularly lovely garden that I came across by accident in Flushing Meadow Park during a day's outing there. When I read "donated by a good friend" with no further information my eyes filled with tears. To think someone loved "Eddie" enough to create, or have created, this beautiful garden. The "friend" obviously needed no recognition for his very sensitive good deed.

While we were at the Park we kept noticing there were people, not park employees, cleaning up the park: picking up trash and paper and putting it in plastic bags.

I stopped two of them and asked why they were cleaning up the Park. Both of them were from London and were with Citicorp global who was having a conference in Manhattan and this was a team-building day. They greeted me with friendly smiles and I thanked them for cleaning up MY park. They said they were surprised the park was so clean. They said they kept asking themselves "Where's the trash?"

These are the gloves that the Citicorp people wore while doing their good deeds. Yes, of course the gloves were RED.


I'd really appreciate it if you would sign Mr. Linky AND make a comment. This makes it a little easier for me to visit everyone. If you do one and not the other then I have to check back and forth to see if I've visited you already. Thanks very much.

I now have a Mr. Linky widget for Ruby Tuesday. Feel free to go there and use it!




me ann my camera said...

Eddie's Garden is beautiful and it is such a wonderful tribute for a friend. The gloves! How do you keep find these magnificent reds! Happy Ruby Tuesday - thank you for being a friend to blogers for this.

Babs (Beetle) said...

That's a lot of lovely red flowers - and red gloves too!

It's a long way to travel to clean up a park ha ha!

My rose is up ;O)

MYM said...

Love the garden. How snazzy of them to have red gloves too! lol

This is my first entry into Ruby Tuesday, I first saw it on Babs blogs. I see she was here just before me!

Ralph said...

I don't know anything about this gentleman either, but have to agree that he was considered to be special.

It is interesting that there are so many beautiful oases in such built up areas in the five boroughs of NYC.

You are outdoing yourself (and us?) in capturing such a wide variety of reds. Way to go!

Maddy said...

Oops not quite there yet, but I should be by the time it's Tuesday here.

Maddy said...

the 'ruby tuesday' widget / link doesn't take me anywhere, I'm I clicking on the wrong bit?

Anonymous said...

What a lovely garden. It's great that people volunteer to clean up our common areas. We are having a volunteer coastal clean-up coming up here soon...

Columbo said...

I like Eddie's Garden, and how about those red gloves! Have a super Ruby Tuesday

Ivanhoe said...

I'm earlier then usual today. Don't know about Eddie's Garden, but will stop by next time I'm in NYC :o)

Anonymous said...

I also admire that "donated by a friend." I think one doesn't have to put the name there, I think printing the name kind of breaks the sincerity behind the donation.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I didn't sign up to the linky because I'm not a Ruby Tuesday-er. (How did you like my new word?) But Mary - those flowers. They made my heart swell. Very touching story about the friend and the clean-up crew.

DrillerAA said...

Great looking flowers, but I really like the gloves. I've got a couple of posts up you might like, including this week's Ruby Tuesday.

Patti said...

What a lovely flower garden in honor of an anonymous friend! That is a sweet story.

And red gloves as well. You made a great Ruby Tuesday discovery with this! But I guess you knew that already.

Thanks for hosting, Mary ;-)

EG CameraGirl said...

Eddie's Garden is lovely indeed. I wish all our parks were as clean as Eddies!

Maria's Space said...

Awesome garden pictures. Those gloves are too cool.

Maria's Space said...

Because I take too many pictures! Thank God for Ruby Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Those Cannas are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

WOW! those are lovely shots! I'm joining this week;-) Come visit my post!

RW said...

Awesome Ruby Tuesday Mary! :D

Anonymous said...

Pretty garden with pretty red flowers in Eddie's Garden.
I would be really proud of that garden as well if I were you!! :P

Travis Cody said...

I love the color of those flowers! Absolutely wonderful!

Oh...I signed the Mr Linky and I think I have a good post for my Ruby Tuesday debut tomorrow.

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Fantastic first shot. Really makes want to visit the garden.

Another red rose (yawn) for my post this week :)

Leora said...

Mary, I enjoy your "good deeds" post. Eddie's looks like a special garden.

The Mulligan Family said...

Great photos! Love that they were using red gloves too! Perfect! My Ruby Tuesday post is up too... It's on my GumboYaYa site - here it is:

JunieRose2005 said...

Oh yes! A very beautiful garden, indeed!

My post is up, too!


Jim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This week my Ruby Tuesday photo has only a little red in it, but if you've seen my previous Ruby Tuesday posts of the Royal Poinciana blossoms, you'll "get" this one. ;-}

Jim said...

Hi Mary, I love your personal experiences at Eddie's Garden during your visit. I have not been there.
Evidently Wikipedia.en has been there. I couldn't find that article but someone on his/her Flicker photo wrote most of what the Wikipedia people had.

Mine is also from a visit, blog excerpts from some posts of our trip to Russia.

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

This is a very cool carnival. It's my first time and I'll definitely be back! Beautiful garden, by the way. I could look at photos of gardens for day!

Karen Coutu said...

The garden is beautiful! Lots of lovely reds!!

Karen of the MomDot Street Team

Raven said...

What a lovely garden... and what a nice story to go with it. Those flowers are truly gorgeous. And the gloves and the story that go with them are just nice.

Carletta said...

Lovely images! I loved the angle on the last shot.
This really is a wonderful tribute - thanks for sharing it!

judi/Gmj said...

Well color me red in the face! I blogged and forgot to sign in and comment. Silly me. Worth the trip to see this beautiful garden!

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful garden ! I like to see gardens with flowers but I am too lazy to put some in mine, lol !

Anonymous said...

I like your reds and the beautiful inspiring stories of real people. I was touched also by Eddie's Garden and the wonderful declaration of friendship and love.

Anonymous said...

Sorry if this comment is a duplicate...
Wonderful friend and lovely garden!!
Happy Tuesday!

Barb said...

What a beautiful garden, Mary! How refreshing to see people un-littering for a change!

Minkydo said...

Such a lovely garden. It's neat that people volunteer to take care of it.

eastcoastlife said...

This is a lovely garden! And I'm surprised people volunteer to pick up litter of others. They are awesome. :)

Marlow Traore said...

it will be ruby....

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is such a beautiful garden, spectacular! I also chose flowers this week, haha. It's wonderful that those people were cleaning the park without even getting paid for it.

Alice at I Was Born2Cree8
Or Reflections on Ruby Tuesday

♥ Denise BC ♥ said...

Hello, This is my first Ruby.
The park looks very beautiful, to build the garden.
Hugs to all participants,

Jientje said...

People from London, cleaning upa park wearing red gloves! Wonderful red post Mary! I've got pictures from London in my Ruby Tuesday post for today!!

Anonymous said...

Whoof, my Reba Tuesday is up now, arf, arf.

Reba @ Reba’s Run
or this dog’s Reba's Ruby Tuesday

CharmaineZoe said...

Lovely flowers Mary and great story!

I've got my Crab in a Cube pic up for Ruby Tuesday :-)

Kerri Farley said...

Love Eddie's garden!
This is my first Ruby Tuesday :)

Akelamalu said...

Eddie's garden is just beautiful. :)

The Mumma said...

Those are gorgeous flowers. I've got to wonder about the team-building though. I mean, it's definitely a noble and worthy thing they are doing, but my experience of team building generally involves drama games or sport. Just thought it was an odd activity for the purpose. I bet if I go away and think about it, I could come up with a rationale for the activity.

Felisol said...

Dear Teach,
I so appreciate the way you have opened my eyes to details in my surroundings.
Your Eddie's garden pictures are just wonderful, so are the gloves.
Don't you love it when some think tiring like plucking weed can be brightened by putting on a pair of red gloves? (Mine have been turquoise this year. Also colorful)
Have a most rubingly Tuesday!
From Felisol

Anonymous said...

A cheerful little bird from me...

Mo and The Purries said...

That's a lot of lovely red flowers.
What a great park.

Mine's up - I went for an experiment in photography for Ruby Tuesday, taking a picture from a moving car.

Your Ruby Tuesday weekly meme has really taken off, Mary, I'm impressed!

Anya said...

my first time to join ruby tuesday, i hope i got it right.

your's is so lovely, and inspiring at that!

Suzie said...

What a nice thing for them to do

Yrsa said...

A beautiful red park built with love :)

LingoVise Says... said...

I'm a bit late this week... wow, terrific to see so many players!!

Really enjoy the view of this lovely garden... I need a friend like that :)


marcia@joyismygoal said...

Irony and not my usual joyful

lucy said...

The flowers are beautiful but I love the gloves. Wouldn't it be wonderful it we all had gardens planted in out names?

My first entry but not my last!

Dianne said...

I love Flushing park Mary and you've taken such great photos of all it has to offer.

Eddie's garden is such a sweet gesture.

and thanks to the Citicorp global folks for cleaning up :)

Anonymous said...

great garden.

Anonymous said...

I'd like a garden like that...

juliana said...

beautiful garden with a lot of red!

Anonymous said...

I love the Eddie's garden post. I used to live around there, and wish I could have seen it in person. And the red gloves are great!

Come see my red and orange daylilies for my FIRST Ruby Tuesday post.

Askew To You said...

Lovely gardens! I hope that you have a wonderful Ruby Tuesday. :D

Hootin Anni said...

I still haven't done a Ruby Tuesday blog entry...I should huh? Someday I will remember.

I, like I said, didn't do the meme of yours, but I wanted to comment on the great photo of the beautiful flowers!!!

Happy Tuesday

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I am the only person on the planet that had a brain cramp and forgot your Ruby Tuesday....I know ...you will never speak to me again...

I loved your pictures

Anonymous said...

I love the garden and the fact that team building is community service. You make a great feature writer and take good photos, too.

Anonymous said...

beautiful garden! my entry is also up. Hope you will enjoy seeing the lovely flowers in my home.

maryt/theteach said...

I got around to a lot of people today but if I didn't get to you don't worry I'll visit you, I promise, tonight or tomorrow for sure. Thanks everybody for posting and making Ruby Tuesday such a success! :)

Cátia said...

Great pictures!wonderful

MyMaracas said...

What a lovely tribute that park is, and what pretty red photos, too. I agree, it is touching that the friend did this without taking any credit or recognition.

This is my first time participating in Ruby Tuesday. It looks like a fun group.

HeatherK said...

I decided to post a Ruby Tuesday. Have been thinking about it for a couple of weeks. Very nice Garden Pictures.

Anonymous said...

so touching! a garden donated by a friend. Anyway, my entry is up. Hope you could visit and see what's red in my home.

Anonymous said...

A lovely garden! My entry is up...hope to see you there.

Anonymous said...

I used to live withing walking distance of Flushing Meadow Park on Kissena Blvd when I was a child! Cool to see these photos of from there. I'm back for my 2nd Ruby Tuesday.

Geraldine said...

Your garden photos are beautiful and perfect for Ruby Tuesday! What a crowd over here. Well done Mary.

Happy Ruby Tuesday! Ill be back to participate soon. Gotta find me some interesting "red with cred" LOL!!!

Hope to 'see' you soon again too.


Anonymous said...

I'm late, I'm late, I'm very very late...

GMAC said...

hi the teach, yup its my first time here and i see lots of great images in red.

the garden is a nice theme for it. great shot!

Anonymous said...

Can you hear me "Ooooh.... Aaaaaah...."? Zhose flowers are beautiful! Me and my garden are jealous =)

My red is posted, too. It was yesterday already, but I was away so I couldn't sign in.

Have a great day!

storyteller said...

Looks like your Ruby Tuesday meme is really catching on. I see posts all over the place and there are TONS of links here. Good for YOU! I keep meaning to participate and may do so sometime soon, but this week I did HoTs on Tuesday at Small Reflections and posted nothing at Sacred Ruminations … primarily because I’m obsessed with the Olympics at the moment.
Hugs and blessings,

Gemma Wiseman said...

Eddie's Garden is such a delightful way to honour a friend! In some ways, the whole story does not matter, only that people feel the friendship and perhaps pass on the same tribute to another in some way!

The red flowers are glorious!

Desert Songbird said...

Wow! You've got a lot of participants now! I'm impressed. I didn't do one this week, but I wanted to comment - great photo. I was touched by the inscription "donated by a good friend."

Anonymous said...

Just discovered your meme on the day that I posted a photo with red, so I thought : I might as well join the ruby club :-)

Anonymous said...

I've posted some ruby red strawberries for your enjoyment. Is it OK that my name appears twice? I'm new to all this and not sure if I'm doing it right. I love the Ruby Tuesday idea.

Anonymous said...

My Ruby Tuesday entry today is pretty pictures from the Puyallup Fair. And dahlias are included. Come look!

Anonymous said...

I like the leaves just turning. That's the way some are looking in the Seattle area, too.

I have red, red, red peppers on my Ruby Tuesday post. Come look!