Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Little Vacation

Hi my friends,

I'm going to have to take a little vacation from blogging because school will be starting soon and I'll be teaching 4 courses this term.

I'm feeling a little bogged down (blogged down? Ha!) and I need to take some time to re-evaluate what I'm doing and where I go from here.

I will post for Manic Monday this week and

I will continue posting for


and maybe SKYWATCH FRIDAY for now, so don't give up on me completely.

If you leave your e-mail when you comment I'll return your comment by e-mail. But I won't be around visiting the way I have been.

I will miss our daily contact. Being enveloped in blogging in the way I have and having friends like you in the blogosphere, has been one of the most satisfying, exciting adventures of my life.

You are the nicest, most interesting, intelligent, caring people I've come across in a long time.

So stay in contact for my Ruby Tuesday and Skywatch posts, will you?



Patti said...

Have a great vacation, Mary, by going back to work!
(What's wrong with that picture?)

I really enjoy your blog, even if I don't come by every day. I like your spunkiness.
Is that a word?

And Ruby Tuesday is so much fun! I see red stuff everywhere now, that I didn't even notice before.


Akelamalu said...

You'll be missed!

Sherrie said...

Hope you have a great back to school week. I work with before and after school child care and our school system stated school 3 weeks ago. The first few weeks are really crazy, getting to know everyone, getting a schedule down, and just having lots of fun. I'm so looking forward to getting into Ruby Tuesday. Have searched hi and low for my red photos. Take Care!!!

Ingrid said...

"I will" (geez, that sounds like 39 years ago, lol)
Enjoy your little vacation, I am on vacation for the rest of my life so I don't need any break anymore !

Desert Songbird said...

Mary, don't you worry - if you blog, I'll be here. It's easy to do that with Google Reader! Take it easy, and best of luck with this new school term.

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Hey lady do what you have to do and take care ta ta for now.

Pappy said...

Well I couldn't let you leave without one last comment. Nice glasses. Pappy

SandyCarlson said...

Always here for you, Mary!

Mo and The Purries said...

Have a great weekend, and rest up for the new semester.

Babs (Beetle) said...

Have a great vacation, and don't work too hard ;O)

I will continue visiting your posts as usual.

Carletta said...

Ahhh- I will so miss you! Your two blogs are like old books you want to keep coming back to read and reread.
I know teaching - lot of constraints there.
I will be here for Ruby Tuesday and will look for your Sky Watch posts waiting for your return when it happens.
Please take care my friend.
LOVE the glasses!

Jeff B said...

Completely understandable. Different seasons of life require us to shift and adjust accordingly.

I still remember our first interaction with each other. A friendship that almost wasn't, but I'm sure glad we were able to see past our differences and become buddies. Take care and I'll keep checking in from time to time.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your students Mary.

Deja vu -- this post looks really familiar! ;)

Karen Coutu said...

Love the glasses Mary! I will definitely see you on Tuesday!! Good luck getting ready for the new school year.

Karen of the MomDot Street Team

Lew said...

Our grandsons were not expressing going back to school quite that way! Hopefully, your students will give you another outlet for expressing your self. I'll still be checking in to see what's happening.

Digital Polaroids said...

Have good vacation and come back soon full of energy!

Rick Rockhill said...

Darn it, doesn't it figure, just as I discover your blog. Oh well hope to see you again.

JunieRose2005 said...


Hope you are able to be back-often!!


Leora said...

You deserve a break! 4 classes, that's a lot.

I'm glad you'll still do Ruby Tuesday, as I wrote my post for it last Friday, I love it so much! My favorite meme.

MyMaracas said...

Hope you have tons of fun while you're away!

I'm glad to see Ruby Tuesday will continue. I just found it, and I'm lovin' it.

storyteller said...

This certainly makes sense to me ... though you'll surely be missed here in the Blogosphere. Hope you enjoy each of your 4 classes ... and wish you well.
Hugs and blessings,

Dianne said...

I love the glasses too! and I totally understand needing to shift priorities.

Jan said...

I've got you in my reader, so I'll know whenever you post. Hope you class schedule goes well.

RW said...

Mary I understand how it can get but glad you be around for Ruby Tuesdays (I just made a blog just for them lol) Will miss you through the week Mary! Your just a email away!! :D

GMAC said...

see you on tuesday mary! ill be staying here also.

Anonymous said...

It's the same for me but I'll still do RT.

Travis Cody said...

It's good to take the pressure off for daily posts and visits. Take your time and we'll see you soon!

Anonymous said...

I will miss you, Mary, and I understand. I too will need to cut back on blogging, now that 'real life' is setting back in. I'll likely still post to Ruby Tuesday though... hey, it's hard to stop, haha.

Marilyn said...

I totally understand having to step back from blogging and I'm really glad you're going to keep a toe in the water too.

Take care. I'll be around off and on.