Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Cremation ceremony in Indonesia

See other Wordless Wednesday participants here

This is my Doodle Garden. If you want to see a really great Doodle Garden go over to Mo's It's a Blog Eat Blog World



Ivanhoe said...

Apparently, the Blogger has some posting issues today. I cannot see your pic this morning. I had to change posting of mine from Wed to Tue in order to have my pics shown. I'll come back to check on you later.

RW said...

Wow great combo Mary! Cremation the fire looks like it is coming right out of the screen!

And your garden doodle is awesome!

I combined today to.

Maddy said...

Ooo that's a way to fire up my day!

Suzie said...

Wow that is intense. I couldnt get my pictures to load today either.

Dianne said...

I had photo load issues also, at least we're all in this together :)

amazing photo Mary

and I think your garden is lovely.

Odat said...

That cremation photo makes me shiver!!!

But I do love your garden!!! ;-)


Ivanhoe said...

Mary, you did pretty good. And look at those fishies in the pond!

The cremation photo is scary. I think I'd rather be burried :o)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I am the god of hell fire, and I bring you
Fire, I'll take you to burn
Fire, I'll take you to learn
I'll see you burn

Sandee said...

Not playing this week, but wanted to comment. Wow, that jumped right out at me. My first thought was this is the devil. Just saying. I love your doodle garden. Have a great day Teach. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)

Barb said...

That fire breathing dargan is so dramatic! Wow.

Your garden doodle is very soothing after the creamtion dragon. I'm really loving this doodle thing!

Ingrid said...

Wow that looks impressive ! (not like Jeanne d'Arc !)

Anonymous said...

Wow, such color! Thanks for stopping by my place. Sorry but I just now got today's posts up. Hope you are having a great week!

Carver said...

The first shot is very powerful and I also like your doodle garden.

Mo and The Purries said...

Your doodle garden is great!
Glad you liked your silver bells and cockle shells garden!

Oh and your wordless wednesday cremation looks like a balroc from Lord Of The Rings!

Putz said...

wow teach that wordless picture belongs on ruby tuesday, if you want to see a real closeup of my face{photo quality is just great} and you can click the image of me and get a super super blow up of me on barlowbiker, scroll down past the porta potty and past the other, it is third down, and see what a hunk i am ,mys son dad took the shot dingo on my face, which is sunburned badly which is howling at a yellow moon, my face

SandyCarlson said...

I like your doodle garden.

That cremation is startling and eerie. Wonderful photo.

(Don't know about my guy and gals. They were just hanging around outside the Wadsworth Atheneum!)

Akelamalu said...

We were in Bali a few years ago and got quite friendly with a guy who owned a taxi and took us sightseeing. On our last day there he invited us to a mass cremation that afternoon. Apparently it is so expensive that they postpone it until they have a few bodies to cremate and share the cost! Unfortunately (?) we had to decline the invitation because we would have missed our flight!

Love your doodle garden. :)

Kimmie said...

Hi Mary!

Love your doodle garden! It is so cute. :-)

Good Lord, you creamation photo scared the bejeebers out of me! Holy cow!


Marsha said...

hmmmm... several of the posts today are reminding me of lyrics to old songs...

here I keep hearing... 'come on baby light my fire... try to set the night on fiiiire!'

I hope you'll stop by if you get a chance.

Just Some Thoughts

Anonymous said...

love the fish pond...

Rambling Woods said...

Wonderful photo. You can learn a lot about a culture in looking at death traditions...

Queen-Size funny bone said...

That cremation is pretty intimidating...

Patti said...

woah, I thought I commented on this earlier..I was here. I must have been interrupted (work at home!)

That cremation photo is scaring me.

Love your little doodle garden, though ;-)

Happy Wednesday, what is left of it.

Anonymous said...

That cremation fire image, while interesting, is a bit unsettling.I just love your garden doodle. (Or is it a doodled garden??)


Heart of Rachel said...

Interesting choices. That shot of the creation is a moving image.

That's a lovely doodle.

Anonymous said...

The cremation is super cool.

Anonymous said...

Wow, very interesting! Are they cremating a person?