Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Roland Parton (ahmet54)

Yvan Rouxel (Exposure)

Molly Malone
Dublin she wheeled her wheelbarrow

through streets broad and narrow

crying 'cockels and mussels! alive, alive oh!'

alive, alive oh, alive, alive oh!

crying 'cockels and mussels! alive, alive oh!'


Julia Phillips Smith said...

I love the statue! And the song, too.

Sandee said...

What Julia said. Have a great WW sweetie. Big hug. :)

Carver said...

Great statues and song.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Pretty statue of the lady :-)
Happy Midweek Mary!!

Mama Grizzly said...

oh my! THat's funny!

Gabriel said...

Great pictures! Oh, and I just LOVED your header. That picture is just priceless! :-)

My WW post is called "At the movies". It will be up in about 2 hours.

Happy WW!

Travis Cody said...

I love that statue.

Princess said...

I could almost fel the statue breathing. Beautiful shots. Thanks for sharing the statue and the song.

Hazel said...

nice picture and nice songs

Cheerio said...

I love the first one. That is beautiful. BTW, my bday is June 3. Thanks for asking.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully done! :)

eastcoastlife said...

Lovely statue and looks so alive too. :)
How do you sing the song?

sweetytots said...


Ingrid said...

Wonderful statue ! I admire the work ! the hairs and the basket must have taken hours ! In art school I had the opportunity to see futur sculptors at work ! Terrific !

Carletta said...

We used to see this at 4-H camp!
Love the photo.

Thanks for the tag - I'm just getting unbusy after the weekend!

BNS said...

Hi Mary - I remember that song! By the way, happy birthday. Sorry I missed your online party. I was away over the holiday weekend. Hope you had a good time, with many more to follow (good times and birthdays!).


Akelamalu said...

When we were in Dublin I posed for a photograph with sweet Molly and just had to sing the song! Well you can't not, can you? :)

Barb said...

Great, Mary! Now I'll be humming this all day long! Hahaha!

She is quite a lovely statue!

RW said...

A very well busted statue, good tune to Mary! :D

Suzie said...

Wow Molly sure4 liked low cut dresses

marcia@joyismygoal said...

She is so pretty but I could lend her my bronze bra

storyteller said...

I could hear the music as I enjoyed seeing the statue! Nice combination. Mine’s up at Small Reflections … a bit more Photoshop Fun!
Hugs and blessings,

Jim said...

Hey Mary, you have 'taught' me once more! Thank you much.
Are you aware that June 13 is International Molly Malone Day?

We have been to Dublin a couple of times but those times I didn't know to look for her statue. I probably walked right by it (not really, I would have stopped, admired, and wondered).

SjP said...

Wow! These are really moving statues...says quite a lot. SjP

eastcoastlife said...

You're too funny, Mary. :)

I'm going to find the Molly Malone song for myself. You get me curious. :)

Unknown said...

A fine Irish lass immortalized in stone. Great pictures.
Mine is up at The Cafe

Anonymous said...

What a great moment of reading blogs.

Anonymous said...

Great statue, or is it a bust? lol!

Happy WW and thanks for your visit to my site!

Kathy said...

What neat statues. I've never seen any I like better. Wish I could here you sing that song!