Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ruby Tuesday

You are invited to participate in Ruby Tuesday

What are the rules?

On Tuesdays (or Wednesdays, or Thursdays...) you can post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED.

I will post a NEW Ruby Tuesday each Tuesday.

Your photo can contain lots of RED

or a little RED

When you've posted to your blog, come back here and add your link to Mr. Linky and leave a comment telling me you've posted. Then I'll visit you! We can all visit each other.

Feel free to use the Ruby Tuesday badge at the top of this post on the one that was made by Elaine of Napabonaniya APAD in the sidebar.
That's it

You can combine your Wordless Wednesday on Tuesday with Ruby Tuesday...

Anybody who has a camera and an eye for RED can participate. Let's have fun!

This meme was suggested by Leonard Blumfeld



Anonymous said...

Hi Teach !
Wish I had seen this one earlier ! I had such a beautiful one of a red rose ! Perhaps next Tuesday ...

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary

I am back !! Of course with my 'Red' ..a rose !!
I clicked on Mr Linky and posted my link .

But shall give it to you here anyway .

Hope I did things right ! :)
Btw , great idea starting with a 'code red' on the color RED ! :)

Anonymous said...

Mary Mary Mary, this is for Tuesday only? I'll post mine up next week since I've missed on this week's :(

Travis Cody said...

I need to take some pictures of the red rhododendruns (sp) that are blooming all over the place out here. Of course there's lots of other colors too.

Ladynred said...

Those are great reds. I'm joining in. Thanks for the invite. Mine's up!
Home and Garden

Anonymous said...

My Ruby will be up GMT+8 @ 1200am(29May) :)

maryt/theteach said...

hey, guys this is great! I'm glad you are interested! You can post with a new "red" subject any time after each Tuesday, okay? Don't forget to visit the others who have posted! :D

Anonymous said...

Your blog is very creative, when people read this it widens our imaginations.

Juliana RW said...

Hi Mary,

I will join this Ruby Tuesday... tomorrow. Thanks for the info

Odat said...

Hey I like this idea..I saw it on Idaho Daily Photo...I just may do this, next week tho. Hope I remember...I'm such the airhead lately. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi! This must be fun...count me in!

Askew To You said...

I'd like to try. Toys for the pool.


ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

passing by from karen of silly mankeez....I love color red too! Love to join this meme!

Durward Discussion said...

It's not my photo, but we lost a lady today who could really wear red well: Cyd Charisse

There is a link to her obituary on my site

me ann my camera said...

My first Ruby Tuesday posting... doesn't everybody love red; this is a fun idea.

Becky said...

This is such a cool idea ! We should see some really interesting photos.

Shosh said...

I got my first Ruby Tuesday. This is fun way to celebrate pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hi Teach, this is such a neat idea. I'm joining and hoping to be a regular poster.

GMAC said...

passed an entry already. this is a nice site with cool and amazing pictures.

Storytellin' Mama said...

Red Books are so appealing!!

Sherrie said...

Hi! Would love to join in on Ruby Tuesday. I have the link at my site, but I will wait until next week to post a photo. I have a question. Do the photos have to be recent or can they be a blast from our past? Thanks!!


eastcoastlife said...

I'm participating in Ruby Tuesday. :)

Anonymous said...

My first one today. It's in my chicagoexpat.com photo blog. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi I am going to start today..hopefully I can keep up with my husband!

Anonymous said...

I uploaded mine today, since I'm going to be quite busy tomorrow. Hope you all enjoy!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Mine's up..Ruby Tuesday

Andrea said...

Hey, great fun!
I found the perfect red this morning.

♥ Kathy said...

Hi Mary,

I found you through Blue Monday and just love your blog. Now I see I can play with the color red too! I'll definitely be participating! See you tomorrow!!

♥ Kathy

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Jackie said...

Hi Mary,
I had no idea that this would qualify for Ruby Tuesday. But, now I have added the logo to it.

I will also add a link to my sidebar. Gee I hope I can code it right.

I will not count this one on MR. Linky.

I will start off fresh next week. Okay?

Thank you so much for stopping by and making me aware.

Now I just need to find the logo for the Thursday meme you teach.

I haven't checked my mail yet. My connection today is simply terrible.

I am headed right now to work on WW.

Thanks again and I will definitely try my best to post reds on Tuesday from now on!!:-)

Anonymous said...

hi there!! happy tuesday..my RED is up :)

Elle said...

Another Ruby Tuesday post at Feeding My Enthusiasms (http://feedingmyenthusiasms.blogspot.com). Fun Tuesday event!

MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Too fun
I'll play along

Karen Baking Soda said...

Fun idea! I played!

Anonymous said...

My first Ruby Tuesday. I just love these photomemes. :)

prkl, Finland

Anonymous said...

this is my first entry too


MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Here's my link!

cookie said...

heres my link...

Pictures and Cultures said...

Hi there here's my Ruby Tuesday entry


Euroangel said...

i wish to join some of my sites here...it's me Ruby
Explore Germany
Discover USA
Euroangel Graffiti
Simply The Best

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Cacai M. said...

hi, this is my first Ruby Tuesday entry. From now on I will be one of the participants.. thanks! here's mine: My Ruby Tuesday #1

have a good day!

Treble Hook said...

I've added my site and my first Ruby Tuesday post. I've been looking for a photo meme to participate in and this looks like a good one for sure! Thanks for hosting it!

Lynda Howells said...

l have just come across your wonderful blog "Ruby Tuesday" and love it, so have joined. I have just posted my first image. I would have posted it on tuesday if l had know about the sight then..if you see what l mean!x lynda..l am at http://chocolatelifeandjazz.blogspot.com

Maia said...

Hi Mary, It's my first visit here.
There is much red in this period of the year.

Anonymous said...

A thousand apologies, but I've been doing this meme for a few weeks now, and keep forgetting to come over and add a link - just wanted to let you know how much I've been enjoying this meme each week :)

Mommy Diary said...

I love doing this. :)
<a href="http://www.mommydiary.net>Mommy Diary</a>

gemini said...

Got my ruby too. great one here and I love Gatsby. Join me too at RT.

Kero said...

my first entry for Ruby Tuesday is up!...

sorry i'm lost. i could not find Mr. Linky.....i'd love to join every week!

oh yes, i recently joined your Sepia scenes. your memes are fun!!

my first ruby tuesday is here http://thepinkzest.blogspot.com/2010/02/gulf-bike-expo-2010.html

Ruby said...

RT day! I am back!

earn money at home said...

Sounds like a great idea. I look forwards to posting some of my favorite red party favors I have created. I own my own business and create personalized party favors from home and I really have some great pieces.

My Handmadehappiness said...


Jacqui said...

Hello - I have been meaning to join in here for a while, and I have added a couple of holiday snaps today.

Rhonda said...

Hi, Mary... I posted to place #'s 89, 90, and 91. Sorry. I'm new to blogging networks and I messed up with #89 and #90. #91 is good. I also placed two Ruby Tuesday buttons on the page. Thanks for having this meme.


hahai.ponce said...

Hi Mary,

I dropped by Dee's and clicked your badge.

I like your idea, I know it'll be fun. I'm joining next week for this Tuesday meme.


Wifey10 said...

Hi mary,
Post my entry for ruby tuesday for tomorrow. http://alwaysfilipina.blogspot.com/2010/07/royal-collections.html
Thanks! Red is always stunning! :)

Christian said...

Hi..I'm Christian. I'm new to Ruby Tuesday. Hope I could still catch up. I'll be posting more REDs soon.

I just followed you... Hoping to see you in my blog some other time.


Mel_Cole said...

Hi there, my first time to join here. Haven't read the books you got in your red pictures :)

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Wow! So many people participating in Ruby Tuesday! You have quite a following. I don't know how you will get around and visit everyone!

anemonen said...

Thank you for inviting to this lovely red blog. My link is posted in Mr. Linky

Junneth said...

hello Mary! Certainly I don't like to miss this Tuesday is this meme, red is life, active and full of vigor just like the author of this blog!

Herr D said...

During a short period in the summer the sun doesn´t go down above the polar circle. But when the sun starts to get a little bit tired, there is a light show beond imagine :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi my friend, it is a great privilege to be a part of Ruby Tuesday... I am enjoying posting some red in my 2 blogs... Have a blessed day in the Lord :)

Don Wood said...

I am back having been away for a while . XXX Don

raya said...

hi this is my first time to join Ruby Tuesday!

Karen said...

My first post with RT. You'll get to see my red fleece bathrobe if you go to my blog. lol blessings on your day Mary and all!

Rubie Lee said...


here is mine,

quotes said...

I love your blog. You do everything to get your readers involved. Live visitor info is a nice touch.

Dawn Elliott said...

I'm another newcomer to Ruby Tuesday. I love ALL shades of red and think your idea is simply genius! What fun it is to participate!

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Robfar said...

i signed up but am having trouble finding the code to backlink

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