Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Healing Lady
Michelle Gruber Caelen

The woman standing in the front of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris checks the stump of a claw of a pigeon that she's been caring for.

pigeons (Syracuse)
andrea grigolo (grigand)



Anonymous said...

Loved the theme of feathered friends.
The b & W one of the dear lady is superb some how brought out the bonding between her and the pigeon so well
Of course the second picture too is lovely .

I see you are a poet too . Could I interest you on the poems on my blog ?

The url to the my name/id will take you to the pictures I have put up.

MaR said...

Beautiful shots!! I checked out that gallery and it's wonderful, thanks for the link.
Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary - These are very evocative photos. Excellent WW choices.


eastcoastlife said...

In China, you could hardly see a pigeon. They get caught and grilled, cooked, fried, boiled...... :)

Pinay said...

What a sweet captured moment!lovely shots.
View from Fortress
Big Doors

Happy WW!

Barb said...

Very peaceful choices, Mary. I love the Healing Lady.

Juliana RW said...

wow...wonderful photos you have. I love the 1st..

Please check out mine Thanks

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

lovely photos,

Susan Demeter said...

I love the shot of the Paris lady :) Happy WW and thanks so much for stopping by!

The Mrs. said...

i love these pictures. the lady is caring for something that most people would shoo away with such sweetness.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Lovely picture of the lady. Pigeons are nice to view at the parks or in gardens.

Funny I don't enjoy seeing the pigeons that visit me everyday outside my window.
They leave me presents everyday even though it's not my birthday or anytime near X'mas!

Did I mention what present? ................PIGEON POO lots of it! **

Ivanhoe said...

Nice pics. Although I must say I don't like pigeons. There are so many of them in Europe. We call them rats with wings. Happy WW, teach!

Unknown said...

I now have the song "Feed the Birds" from Mary Poppins in my head for some reason....very nice pics. Mine is up.

Gene Bach said...

Sometimes I think sitting on a bench feeding the birds wouldn't be a bad thing to do at all. Be kind of relaxing.

storyteller said...

Thanks for your visit to my WW/OSI post this morning at Small Reflections. These photos are a marvelous pairing. Thanks also for the links ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

tx sweetie said...

do old people attract those pigeons?


Check out mine too!

Hands Together

Ingrid said...

These are very cute pictures. The trouble with pigeons is, they poop on your head if you don't watch lol ! and even then. My father once slept in the garden with his mouth open guess what happened ....
With my pigs today somebody asked me if I am dreaming of George Clooney, lol !

Gabriel said...

Loved the pictures, especially the first one. There's something so special about b/w pictures.

My post is here. Happy WW!

Heart of Rachel said...

Interesting shots. It must be nice to relax and appreciate the presence of those pigeons around.

Tink *~*~* said...

The woman reminds me of "Feed The Birds" from Mary Poppins.

My own WW today is the full moon...

Tink *~*~*

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Wonderful selections Mary...thank you for sharing.

Maya said...

The first one is my favorite. it's so touching. actually both of them. Love the expression on their faces.
Happy WW! i don't need to praise you ,you know that you're photo speak for itself.

Erin Faye said...

Beautiful pictures!

Carver said...

Those are both great shots Mary. I don't do Wordless Wednesday but I enjoyed yours so I thought I'd comment.

Mary Beth said...

Isn't it wonderful that, what to some are pests, become something of beauty to someone who cares? Your pictures are lovely!

Happy WW.

Sandee said...

Not playing this week, but wanted to comment.

First, I love your new header Teach. Awesome.

This would be me. We already feed all the birds in the area and also make sure they have more than one bird bath. Yep, this would be something I would do. Have a great day. Big hug. :)

Kimmie said...

Hi Mary!
Oh, both of these photos are wonderful!

I like the first one the best. It is very touching. There is something very special about it. To be able to see a story in your mind without words is indeed a great photo.

The second touches me also. The Simple Joy I see in the man's expression from the side view shot is priceless. :-)

Thank You for sharing Mary!

Lilli & Nevada said...

What a beautiful photo of the lady and the pigeon that is amazing that she is able to check his foot and him not fly off.

Travis Cody said...

I wouldn't have thought wild pigeons would allow that much contact with a person.

Julie said...

Very nice! I love my birds. I need to fill my feeders this weekend.

RW said...

Wow those are great Mary! Nice job!! Hey I shot that skull photo out in the desert.

abie said...

i love both pictures. it reminds me of my grand mother and grand father.

thanks for stopping by my site.

Raven said...

Two wonderful photos! I'm not that fond of pigeons (their cooing sound bugs me for some reason), but they are pretty and these are lovely photos.