Saturday, April 19, 2008

Photo Hunters - Thirteen(13)

tnchick gave us the word THIRTEEN or 13 for Photo Hunt today.

I noticed from reading other blogs that people had trouble finding the number 13. These house numbers are right nearby my home. When it finally dawned on me that here was a whole block of 13 numbers I burst out laughing. I posted the best ones.

Other Photo Hunters are here.



Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

If that's the unit number of a house, we're thinking alike for this week's theme :)

jmb said...

What lovely number plates you found for this week's theme Mary. I love them. Have a great weekend.

Ingrid said...

You found something very nice ! I first didn't know at all what to post !

-tnchick- said...

Was that an easy find for you? I struggled with what to share this week.

My PhotoHunt will auto-publish in about an hour +10min. =) Just visiting a few while I have the extra moment =)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's pretty cool! :) I don't know if I'll be playing along this week 'cause I can't think of a thing to post! :(

JesieBlogJourney said...

Great and clear shots which I would have published the same if I have the pictures.

I think car number plates, elevator push buttons (might be interesting) and house numbers would fit perfectly for this Saturday's theme but I do not have any of those pictures.

BTW, I have publihed mine too. Do come for a visit.

Happy photo hunting.

Joyismygoal said...

Is that your neighborhood too it looks like a nice one.

Harajuku PearL said...

you are so lucky to easily find these 13s...i was really struggling so cheat a little..hehe

Pearl - happy hunting

Juli said...

Nice. I was stumped so I went with tulips if you want to check them out.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

That's great! Good idea!

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

Nice finds for you! I'm glad you didn't have to work too hard for it lol :)
Have a nice weekend!

Colin Campbell said...

Lovely old signs. Some very creative stuff going down.

Anonymous said...

Lol... it is funny when the lightbulb lights ;-)

I really like the second one... I'm not the only one guilty of not removing the hardware before painting, lol...

Melli said...

Yet ANOTHER idea I have NOT seen yet today! I am LOOOOOOOVING this hunt! Niiiice job!!!

YTSL said...

I live near at least one number 13 too. Actually, my plan was to go take photos of the number 13 bus but it was too wet and rainy this morning for me to want to venture out too far! ;b

peppylady (Dora) said...

1313 Mockingbird Lane is were Herman and Lilly Munster lived.
Nice shot of your thirteen.

Carver said...

Good shots and I had to laugh about you realizing that there was a whole block of 13. That is the kind of thing I do all the time. Hope you have a great weekend.

jams o donnell said...

Great number plates. A nice take on this week's theme

Karen Coutu said...

Nice job hunting down the number 13!!!

Now I'm going to have to work on what to post in response to your "What if" question. LOL!!

Anonymous said...

great shots! unfortunately, you'd have a hard time finding addresses here with the number 134 as people here are pretty superstitious.

Travis Cody said...

Well, those are some different ways to display your house number.


eastcoastlife said...

For some Chinese, 1348 would be a very auspicious number and they would pay lots of money to own it. It means 'be prosperous for your whole life'.

But for 1344, no one would dare to own it. I means 'failure for the rest of your life'.

How queer.

MaR said...

You did wonderfully, love your shots for the theme!!

Tokenhippygirl said...

Great photos!

Heart of Rachel said...

Those are great finds. They are unique and lovely ones.

Unknown said...

Great picks for the theme, I thought of that idea, but could not find any in my area.