Monday, April 14, 2008

Manic Monday - bud

Mo's word for today is BUD.

For this post I could have done Budweiser of course but I'm not a beer drinker so I wasn't too enthusiastic about the beer company.

But then I came across BUD's Travels.


First let's meet BUD:

BUD is a mannequin. He has been traveling around the world with his friends since 1983. He's been all over North America, as well as Europe and Southern Africa. Perhaps you've encountered him during his travels. You'd remember him, he always stands out in a crowd dressed in his trademark dapper blue suit and red tie (he also stands out because he can't sit down).

These are BUD's possessions:

Here's BUD at Ayers Rock called Uluru in Australia:

Uluru is a large sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the Northern Territory, central Australia. It lies 335 km (208 mi) south west of the nearest large town, Alice Springs.

Bud says: It is a very long way from the coast to Uluru. Don't try to walk it like I did.

Here's BUD at Mendenhall Glacier in Alaska:

Mendenhall Glacier is a glacier about 12 miles (19 km) long located in Mendenhall Valley, about 12 miles (19 km) from downtown Juneau in the southeast area of the U.S. state of Alaska.

BUD says: Don't forget to arrange for a plane to get you out of here or else bring a really warm coat and gloves. I forgot mine.

Here's BUD in Fiji:

The market in Nadi is very busy. Lots of people bring fruits and vegetables and meat to sell there. Bud thought the watermelon looked very tasty.

says: I wanted you to see this picture because it's a close-up and I wanted you to see that I'm really in these places and not pulling your leg.


BUD has been all over the world. Click here if you want to learn more about BUD and his travels.

Credits: here

"BUD says" remarks are my own.



Anonymous said...

I've not seen Bud before. What an interesting adventure. Great post, Mary.

RW said...

What the hell is Bud doing to that globe lol!

Hope you had a great weekend Mary!! :D

Travis Cody said...

I've never heard of Bud. What an unexpected take on the theme.

Happy MM!

Ingrid said...

Oh my ! I missed something ! I never met Bud !!!

anthonynorth said...

Loved this post. Can't wait to see Bud on the Moon ;-)

Kimmie said...

This was just Wonderful!!! I never heard of Bud either. Thank You or the smiles this morning!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your post about Bud. ALso, I answered your questions about the camera on my brookville blog.

Anonymous said...

You must be joking... Then again, you're not. Must go check Bud out!
There's a bra doing the world tour as well. Her name is Olga... (And I'm not kidding either!)

Suzie said...

Wow Bud really gets around. Lucky Bud

Sandee said...

This is the first I've heard about Bud. Am I living in a barn or something? Anyway, great story about Bud's travels around the world. Have a great MM Teach. :)

Unknown said...

Interesting but I think I prefer Flat Stanley, Bud's kind of creepy.
I am joining MM today, my post will be up toot sweet.

Durward Discussion said...

hmmmm Could "Bud" use a mildly decrepit companion or date?

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

This is way cool. I did not know about Bud...

You did a great thing today.

Anonymous said...

That's what I would call a Travelling Bud!

Bitter Betty said...

I have never seen Bud before so this was an awesome post! Thanks for sharing!
Love your blog!

Barb said...

Teach, you teach with such flair! I'd love to be one of your students! I'm impressed that you can convert from metric. It gives me a brain pain.

maryt/theteach said...

Bitter Betty, your link doesn't work...I wanted to visit you! :D

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious... and yet, rather aggravating too. I've not traveled much at all and yet Bud has. Harrumph!!

Anonymous said...

Whoof. I wonder if Bud has a mannequin dog.

Happy Manic Monday.

Anonymous said...

WOW... I think this is a good contender for POW...

I never knew about Bud... that is so totally cool! Kinda sad, tho that Bud has been more places than most Americans.