Saturday, November 24, 2007

Photo Hunters - Hot

One of the supreme pleasures of my life - a HOT shower.

However my niece takes the award for HOT showers.
One morning she arrived at my house after she'd worked a double shift as a nurse. I was leaving the house and she was going to wait for me til I returned and then we'd go shopping. I told her to use the shower if she wanted, curl up on the bed, and get some sleep til I got back. Apparently (I say apparently because I wasn't there) she turned on the shower, stepped in and was busy lathering when my house fire alarm went off and scared the h___ out of her. The phone rang and it was the monitoring company asking for my password which of course she didn't know.

"Sorry, honey," the operator said "I am going to have to send the Fire Department." She pleaded with her: "I'm the niece, don't send the Fire Department. I'm just taking a shower, the house isn't on fire." When the firemen showed up, axes in hand, ready to chop down my front door, my niece saved the day by opening the door in a just a towel ready with a full explanation.

She told me later they seemed all HOT under the collar for being called out. She wondered if I'd get in trouble for having them come out for no reason.
I assured her I wasn't in trouble and neither was she. I apologized that she had been so frightened.

What she had done was she had taken such a HOT shower and had run the water for so long that the steam had billowed out of the bathroom and set off the fire alarm located at the end of the hallway.
In all the years I've lived in that house and taken showers I have never set off the alarm and neither has my husband.

I guess HOT is all relative.


HOT smiley



Anonymous said...

wonderful hot choice for today's theme. that is very relaxing after a tired day work.

Anonymous said...

LOL - what a great story!! And love your funky showerhead.

Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

That's why I moved the smoke alarm away from our bathroom. The monitors in those things can't tell the difference between water vapor and smoke.

Carver said...

Great story and photograph for the theme. That is so wild to set off the fire alarm with the shower. Have a pleasant weekend.

jams o donnell said...

Great choice for this week's theme. Have a great weekend

JesieBlogJourney said...

Oh no! What a false alarm from the hot shower! Anyway, it's suitable for the theme.

Do come and share your thoughts at my hunt.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

how could I forget about a hot highlight of my day?! Wonderful take on this weeks theme. Have a wonderful Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Oh now that's what I'm talking about...I l-ov-e- a hot shower too. What a hilarious story about your poor niece. One of our smoke detectors situated right outside our main floor bathroom goes off from shower steam too! happy hunting...

Melli said...

Ahhhhhh! JUST the way I like MY shower! Hot, Hot, HOT!!!

maryt/theteach said...

Thanks every one for visiting and the great comments.

Pat the showhead is funky...attached to a 60 year old shower pipe that used to have one of those wide showheads with no pressure behind it.

Anonymous said...

A hot shower does wonders for my aching back!

jmb said...

Great story Teach. It does seem incredible that she set the fire alarm off. Be grateful you didn't have a sprinkler system and come home to a wet house.

maryt/theteach said...

Thanks for commenting secret agent mama and jmb. I must say I did wonder how she set the alarm off. but these kids nowadays...what are you gonna do?

Queen of My Domain said...

Oh a hot shower is just pure bliss. I've never set off the fire alarm though.

Sarge Charlie said...

that sure looks hot to me teach

YTSL said...

Hahaha, thanks for the laugh. And BTW, that shower photo's great too -- and could have been used for the curvy Photo Hunt as well! :)

Alix said...

Great choice and a great story!

maryt/theteach said...

Hot enough for me Sarge! :)

Wilson said...

Certified HOT water!... I often took a bath with HOT water when I was still in Japan a couple of months a go!... Pretty cool entry you go here!.... Thanks for dropping by mine... You can see my other entries here...

Dare to Blog
Life Realities

Have a nice day!...c",)

Colin Campbell said...

It is hot enough here for cold showers now.

Eurodog said...

Seriously hot.

Anonymous said...

oh hot shower my hubby love that because that will help the pain in his neck. Good choice.

Natalie said...

That's a great choice...a shower sounds awesome right now!

My photo hunt picture is up. Come check it out if you get a chance. :)

Lynn said...

Wow, these alarm sometimes are so sensitive. This happens to us often. The smoke detectors set its alarm when I'm frying something in the kitchen. We just don't have like yours there where there's a monitoring company.

Anyway a hot shower usually caps my day too. :)

CRIZ LAI said...

i need a hot steaming bath now with all the sweat from the hot weather here.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

A good shot and a great story. Well, there is nobody in the shower, but at least the story was funny!

ipanema said...

i love hot showers especially in the morning!

thanks for sharing the story. :)

jennwa said...

That was a great choice. Hot showers are the best.

Mark said...

Nice one, i bet they were all hot under the collar, it almost has a fantasy twist to it, relatively speaking of course.

Cheers Mark

MaR said...

What a great story (sorry about that!). Wonderful take on the theme, I love hot (but short!) showers, don't take cold showers ever, not even in the hot summer time
Happy weekend :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to read about your niece getting a scare.

Have a great week, Mary :)

maryt/theteach said...

Oh Julie, she's fine now!
Thanks for commenting. I really appreciate it!

Siani said...

Great choice for this week's theme - and a wonderful story. Your poor niece must have been so embarrassed! Have a lovely weekend.

My HOT pics are up at Siani's Pot-Pourri.

PowersTwinB said...

ok, I ewant that shower head!!! It looks amazing! I had to laugh when you said, "Hot is all relative".../cute! My hunt is up, please come and visit

Anonymous said...

Now that was worth reading,.. lol. Great photo and what a neat shower you have there. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting my post.

maryt/theteach said...

Thanks guys, I really appreciate the comments, Becci, Siani, and Kissed.

Heather said...

That is hilarious. Your poor niece.

Everyday Healy said...

Oh! I seldom take hot shower as here in Malaysia the weather is always hot. :)

**"Liza"** said...

ahhh theres nothing better than a warm water after the day..i love the cool shower heads!

Katrin said...

What a great story to go with this week's theme! :)