Monday, January 02, 2012

Ruby Tuesday Comes to an End

I want to thank everyone for their loyal participation in this Ruby Tuesday meme for such a long time.  But the time has come to close this meme and let Ruby Tuesday fade into the past.  For me it has been a wonderful couple of years and I hope all of you enjoyed what we had for the time we had it.

 Thank you again and I'll see you around...


Angie said...

Oh NO!!!!! Will miss you dearly.

DrillerAA said...

NO, No, no!!! This is no way to start my new year! What am I going to do with my badges?
Oh well, life goes on. Thank you for hosting this meme and giving us the opportunity to improve our photography skills. Best wishes to you and yours.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh another great meme to close. Goodluck Mary and thank you for the opportunity to be part of your meme.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

So sorry to hear this!

Mika said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mika said...

I love joining your RT Meme and I am sad to know you are closing this one but I am wishing you the best to whatever you desire.

Will always be a fan

Jama said...

So sad to hear about this...

bj said...

I am sorry to see you go...I love red and have so much of it, this was a favorite meme of mine. HOWEVER, I also know that after awhile, these things must get tiring.
Maybe someone else will pick up the ball and run with it.:)
Thanks for being so loyal for so long.
xo bj

Sherry said...

This is such a sad day for us RT fans. We will surely miss this meme and we are all wishing you good luck, Mary! Thank you for giving us RT :)

Sasha said...

I do hope someone else will pick up this meme and continue with it :)

Robin said...

Thank you so much Mary, for all you've done, and I hope we'll still continue to see you around the blogosphere.

I wish you the best of luck luck wherever your path leads, and hope that all is well with you and Vinnie.


Liz said...

That's sad news. I'd like to continue this meme but with your permission , of course. Please let me know if it's alright with you. :)

Happy New Year!

Carole M. said...

well it was nice of you to host it for two whole years; it's a dedication. Well done, and enjoy your projects of 2012. Thanks for sharing..

Unknown said...

Ruby Tuesday has been one of my favorite memes for a long time, both to follow and to post. I hope someone will pick it up. Thank you for hosting it for so long. Have a good 2012 and I hope to see you on the web.

Felisol said...

Dear Mary,the teach,
I want to thank you for bringing so much fun into my life and through you let me meet so many lovely and interesting people.
I clearly see that keeping this site going on and on must have taken much time and effort from your side.
Please know that you've brought light and interest for photography, nature, people, for seeing the ordinary in a new way and finding the special on unexpected places into so many people's lives.
You've had more than hundred participants with you every week, and they have in return been allowed to bring forth their interpreting of the theme.
You have indeed sown and harvested manifold.
I thank you for being so generous and kind. Always encouraging, never harsh or negative.
I pray for your health and prosperity.
May you receive blessings in return for the good work you have done.
Best wishes Felisol

Hootin Anni said...

I do hop you'll be continuing with blogging tho! It's always a disappointment to know that another great meme has 'bit the dust' and in this case it's RUBY dust.

It's been fun while it lasted and may your days ahead bring you laughter and joy.

Thanks for hosting while you did....will miss ruby tuesday.

DawnTreader said...

What is it they say - "all good things come to an end"... I don't know how long you've been keeping it up, I think it was about a year ago that I joined in. It's been a fun one to participate in but I can well imagine that keeping it going week after week can become too much eventually. And a new year is always a good point to start fresh and change direction or whatever. Thanks & Happy New Year to you!

Gemma Wiseman said...

O Mary! Always sad to see a great meme fade away, but a great meme means regular enthusiasm! And that is so hard to maintain over a long period when there is important living to do too!

Thank you ever so much for maintaining this meme for so long! (I think I was there with you right at the beginning! All I know is that I have many many Ruby Tuesday posts!)

Wishing you happiness for 2012!

nonizamboni said...

Its a sad day but thank you for all you put into such a fun meme.
Wishing you all the best, Mary. You'll be missed.

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Hi Mary,
Thank you so much for sharing & Hosting for us . Ruby Tuesday will be missed , I have enjoyed participating in it.Happy New Year & Best Wishes !
Love & Prayers

Jim said...

That's sad but thanks for all your hard work on the meme.

lina@women's perspectives said...

Today is a sad day for RT lovers...

Thank you for hosting all this time!

Lainy said...

Oh! This is sad. I love joining your meme. Will be sorely missed.

Have a happy New Year!

Don Wood said...

I never became a regular but I will miss you all the same. XXX Don

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Please leave your links for all things red here.

It's Ruby Tuesday 2!

Ralph said...

I am sorry to see it end - but hosting this seems as if it would be so all-consuming. You deserve the break. Take care!

Carletta said...

Dear Mary,
Thank you for all you've done in hosting this meme. I know that it is hard work to maintain week after week and you deserve such credit for having kept it going for so long. I checked last night before I posted and you hadn't posted and then this morning I saw the notice. It is truly a sad day in meme land. :(
Hope all is well with you and yours. Happy New Year!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Oh no!

Oh well, thanks for hosting it. I really enjoyed it.

Take care, and have a great New Year!

GlorV1 said...

Oh that's sad Mary. I just started last year with RT and participated from time to time. Hopefully someone else will pick it up and continue. Thanks for your hard work. Have a wonderful year and take care.

hapzydeco said...

Thank you for your hosting efforts. See you down the road.

Seow wei said...

Oh, I am very sad to hear that, why you want to close it down, I definitely will miss you...

Ingrid said...

I am really sorry that you close this meme I followed almost since the beginning and had so much fun with it. Isn't there anybody who could take it over ? I also can understand you that after such a long time you have no more time or you don't feel like it anymore.
I hope you are well and don't have any problems.
Please let me know if somebody is ready to take over with your agreement of course.
Hope you continue blogging !

Mimi said...

Even though I wasn't a regular poster, I enjoyed that meme and would like to thank you for hosting it for so long...a lot of work. It was how I met you too, Mary!
Glad to see MMT will host RT2!

Jan said...

Hi Mary. I could see you were having a hard time with RT. I look forward to seeing some regular post about you and Vinny, and the rest of your family.

Maybe one of your loyal contributors will ask to host in the future.

Unknown said...

This is kind of sad.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for all your effort and hard work! Jeannette StG

Jientje said...

I'm sad to see this meme disappear even though I haven't played in a long time. I want to thank you for hosting this popular meme for such a long time. HGappy New Year, and lots of joy and happiness in 2012 for you and your loved ones Mary.

Carol said...

This has definitely been my favorite meme! Thank you for all of your hard work over the past two years!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Oh, NO! How can this be? Perhaps some hardy souls could take it over? Such a great meme, Mary. Thank you for all your hard work. Have fun where your muse takes you.


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

So sad, this has been a very good meme to be part of.

Over at My World Tuesday, the founder died, and a group took up the challenge and continued it.

What is involved in hosting this? If there is enough members to take this up, I like to be part of it.

Thank you so much. You gave me great joy.

Ann xxx

Maria's Space said...

Oh no...Sorry to see it end Mary!
It has been one of my favorites and I would be happy to host if everyone wants to join me at Maria's Space every Tuesday. What do you think?

Maria's Space said...

I have a link up on my site if anyone wishes to post their Ruby photos.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Mary I want to thank you for all of your work in hosting this lovely meme! I know it takes a lot of dedication and work. It was the first meme I ever joined. You have been an amazing host. I hope you will post some other regular posts, pictures or whatever stuff so that we won't lose touch with you. Please have a happy new year and thank you again so much for all that you have done. You are appreciated.

January Zelene said...

I will surely miss Ruby Tuesday.. goodluck

The Shuttered Life said...

Oh my! I will surely miss this meme. Just when I was about to start participating again this new year.

Thank you Mary for hosting this great meme! :)

Rosemarie said...

I am saddened when I read your post. I just recently joined Ruby Tuesday and I find it interesting. We will surely see you around…

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Sad to hear. I joined and participated and learned a lot from you and the others who took time to post. I feel bad that i dropped the ball and didn't do my part. Hope to keep in touch.

Mary Lou said...

I will truly miss you but it looks like Liz will carry RT forward. Thank you for hosting us Mary. It has been a joy to be part of this group.
Liz, I look forward to joining you.

Ida said...

Wow didn't expect this one. I've enjoyed seeing other people's Ruby shots and while I've never had the chance to participate I was looking foward to doing so in 2012. Alas I guess I won't get that chance now. Best of luck in whatever is in store for you this New Year.

Admin said...

quite sad that this meme is over...but life must go one..this is one of my fave meme because i love red so much...thanks for hosting Mary..all the best..stay happy and healthy!

my last entry for this meme..


Marites said...

ohno..this is one of my favorite memes. i'll miss you. thank you for everything.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

We will miss you! Thanks for all the fun and best of luck with whatever reason you've found it necessary to end. Wishing you the best!

Becky said...

I'm SO sorry to hear this Mary. I thoroughly enjoyed participating every Tuesday. I'll miss you.

forgetmenot said...

Gosh, I just got ready to post my "Ruby Tuesday" for the week and found you had closed it. I'm so sad--it was such fun finding "Ruby Tuesday" red things. I understand how time consuming these things can become, but we will all miss Ruby Tuesday. Thanks so much for doing it all this time. Mickie :)

donna said...

UGH :( just read this and am seriously sad....

Dinah said...

aww, this is so sad :-(

Unknown said...

So sorry. It will not be the same without it. I hope your new year is a happy, healthy and blessed one.

Meikah said...

Oh this is sad. But thank you for being a gracious host all this time. I will cherish that postcard you sent me with the RT spirit in it. :)

I hope to see you around and as active, too!

Linnea said...

Thank you for all your dedication and efforts! I really appreciate what you did for the color red and had a lot of fun with RT.

Unknown said...

RT will truly be missed! It was great to be a part of it!

My Third Eye

Grace-Life is Beautiful said...

Mary, Thanks you for hosting.
Since finding Rt, I always looked forward to Tuesdays!

I agree with Felisol.

Each time my husband and I went our for the day, through your fun meme, I had trained my eye to be ever observant for the " red Color". When my husband would see me stop and start to open up my camera case, he'd look around and say, Another "Ruby Tuesday " photo. I enjoy posting the Red meme, I shall continue on my own. I hope someone else will take on the meme.

eileeninmd said...

Mary, It was a fun meme. I will be sorry to see it end. But, I understand your need to let it end. Take care and I am sure we will still see you posting.

Halcyon said...

I just started to get into this series, but I understand that after a few years it can get old.
Good luck to you! And I guess we'll see you around the blogosphere.

Heather said...

Hi, my name is Heather! Please email me when you can, I have a question about your blog!


Mark said...

Thanks for a great meme will miss it dearly. It is a hellova lot of work so understand totally. All the best for the future.

Kenobiitti said...

Too bad, Ruby Tuesday was one of the best memes ever.

My Last RT post here (click)

Kai Rui said...

Hi Ms. Mary, it's sad to hear that your meme is closing, was glad to be once a part of it... and I would like to ask permission from you if I could continue your legacy, I would like to open a color meme this coming 28th of March called Scarlet Wednesday you can visit me here at, I do hope you'll help me promote it to your avid subscribers...thanks and God speed

Terry said...

oh mary..i am so sorry to see this..i have been away too long! have been such a good friend and i will not lose contact with you if you are still on facebook...god bless you what ever you do beloved teacher...i love you! terry

pinkyshelo said...

Oh too sad =(.. I had stopped blogging for a while and deciding to come back. And since it's Tuesday, I decided to join again in RT..just sad to know that this had ended already. will surely miss it .. Thanking you for letting me be part of it for a while.

God bless