Monday, December 05, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

Enjoy a Santa collage for Ruby Tuesday

What do you have for Ruby Tuesday today?


Dhemz said... cute! lov'n the new header...:)

Unknown said...

i agree.. very cute:)

Helen Campbell said...

What fun Santa images! :)

Carolina Mts said...

Lovely collage - ours is about our Christmas tree.

Cheryl said...

I've really been getting into Christmas this year. I'm following Tim Holtz, making the 12 Tags of Christmas. It's killer!

Ingrid said...

Comes on purpose ! today is St. Nicolas day !

Unknown said...

Love the header...... Happy St Nicolos' Day....... have a nice day!!!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Great collage of Chrissy Santa images! Bright and beautiful!

Robin said...

Very sweet collage :).

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography on etsy and Society6 and bring home something beautiful today!

Liz said...

Cute Santas!

Maria @ LSS said...

Happy RT!

Mine's here.

Simply Delicious said...

Lovely collection of Santas.

Joel said...

Happy RT!

Seow wei said...

Cute header, I like the girls and santa too.

Cookie said...

Joining this week's RT. I Love the collage and the header!

Chrissy Brand said...

I like the range of Father Christmases on offer here- what eras are they from?

Chrissy at Manchester: a photo a day at Mancunian Wave

nonizamboni said...

Beautiful collage and I really like your new header. Isn't this a wonderful season :O)

lina@women's perspectives said...

Wonderful collage!

Dorincard said...

Superb winter holidays images! :)

Maria's Space said...

Mary, love the new header. Too cute.

Halcyon said...

Very sweet! I love this season. :)

Happy Thoughts said...

Merry Christmas!

DrillerAA said...

I absolutely LOVE the vintage Santas. Perfect for the season and Ruby Tuesday.

Roan said...

I love the new header! I love the old time Santa cards.

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis's» Ruby Tuesday entry.

Meikah said...

Red is definitely the color of Christmas! Happy holidays! :D

Carol said...

Great Santa Collage!!!

lanie said...

cute santa collage, happy holidays...

Wifey Online Diary

JunieRose2005 said...

Love these vintage Santa pictures!!!