Monday, October 10, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

The Solitary Red Apple for Ruby Tuesday


Mel_Cole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robin said...

Mmmm... I can't decide if those are making me more hungry or more thirsty!

Here's mine for this week, a teaser for things to come:

Through the Rainbow at the Litvak Gallery

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Ralph said...

A welcoming platter of fruit graces the table, and the guests enjoy the beautiful and tasty view along with the conservation between friends. Sweet!


Lola said...

Love that so red apple!

Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Here’s mine!

Kim, USA said...

Fresh fruits yummy!

Market Colors

Yuè said...

an apple a day keeps the doctor away :) here's my entry

Mel_Cole said...

Take two comment:
Your Apple is an "Apple in the eye" in this picture. I need to eat one as I have a cold.
Come and visit my Ruby Tuesday too.

Marites said...

oh, i love fruits! colorful and yummy combination! my RT is up here.

Kramer said...

Love the orange offset...

Sul Ross Lobos here

Tina´s PicStory said...

here is mine:

Sherrybasherry said...

I prefer the apple! ;)

Here's my entry for this week.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That apple just pops! Great illustration for your wonderful meme -- because that's what red does!

Mildred said...

Very nice composition!
Thanks for sharing;o)
Mine is here:

Have a nice and happy week****

Liz said...

Delicious and healthy!

My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo

Carolyn Ford said...

beautiful image...
here is my Ruby Tuesday:

Maria @ LSS said...

I love fruits. Happy RT!

Mine's here.

Cafe au lait said...

Mine is up.

My entry.

Shannara said...

Wild Strawberries, the last one this year... =)

anemonen said...

Beautiful my RT is here:

Carola said...

Wonderful photo. I love all these bright natural colors.
This is my post

Ingrid said...

Very juicy ! I love fresh juice !

EJ said...

Yummy fruits.

Mine is here.

EJ said...

Yummy fruits.

Mine is here.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I like that, an apple comfortable with the oranges.

My entry

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love fruits, I would take fruits over any other desserts.

My Ruby Tuesday

Mark said...

I very welcoming Tuesday. My post is at

Enjoy your tuesday.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Always a delight to see a plate/bowl of fresh fruit! Looking good!
Here is mine:
Blackbirds and Pie Scarecrow

B i r g i t t a said...

Now I must have my apple :)

carol l mckenna said...

Awesome Header photo ~ Wonderful ~ Apple looks delicious! thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

Helen Campbell said...

Fun photo! We just got some fresh apples from our local orchard... they are so wonderful this time of year!
Here's my entry for this week:

Gallery of the Mountains said...

Great still life - here is my link today

Marice said...

i want some! here's mine

Becky said...

Love fresh fruit, and this summer has been so good for apples. Love your header.

kidsturf said...

I cant see the link here... where is it?

Jama said...

Here's mine:

lina@women's perspectives said...

So fresh...

Marie said...

Yummi. Fresch andfull of vitamins.A lovely colourful picture.

DrillerAA said...

Nice header photo.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Love the new header photo, Mary. Beautiful lily blossom. And the apple! Happy fall!

Leovi said...

A delicious still life of pretty colors.

My Journey said...

hi there, this my my first time to join your weekly meme.

Here is my entry for this week..

Nancy said...

Yummy! :)

Leif Hagen said...

It's cool to join in the Ruby Tuesday fun!

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Beautiful fruit pic ! Now I want an orange .lol

Artlover said...

I take the red one among the oranges:-)

Dorincard said...

Red apple...great daily treat!

Jacqueline at said...

Oops! I put that I was linked to you in the wrong post :( I will change it in the morning!! Thanks!

Felisol said...

Sorry, I entered the wrong date.