Monday, August 29, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

Happy Ruby Tuesday Everyone!
Reddish-Yellow interior of a lamp at a German Restaurant we like.


Lola said...

Happy R Tuesday!

Leovi said...

Nice photo with excellent night light, good perspective.

Meri said...

Lots of atmosphere!

Mika said...

Like the lamp, it's classy!

Oh I also like your new badge...a bee :) so cute!

Leckeres fuer Mensch und Katze - Goodies for a pleasant life said...

What are they offering in the german restaurant? :)

Liz said...

Love the lamp.

Cafe au lait said...

Happy RT!

Maria @ LSS said...

Happy RT.

Loree said...

Great perspective.

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful lamp !

Gemma Wiseman said...

That's a light with loads of character and charm! Stunning!

namaki said...

I bet they serve an excellent goulash !

Mildred said...

Very nice shot of a lovely lamp!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful meme;o)

¤ Happy RT ¤

From The Heart said...

Beautiful! Happy Tuesday,

Candace said...

Love the light! Nice shot. I would love to see the rest of the building. It looks like it has nice character there. Thanks so much for hosting Ruby Tuesday. I've linked up a photo this week. Happy Ruby Tuesday!

bj said...

I hope it's ok to link more than once...?
Thanks so much, Mary

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Red is such a good color. I've got two red chairs:

I sure wish this linky had thumbnails. Much more cross visiting with that kind of setup.

Love your red!

carol l mckenna said...

Very creative shot! thanks, namaste, Carol ~ Happy Ruby T from A Creative Harbor

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm.... German schnitzel, cabbage and beer! Perfect for dining under a ruby lampshade.

hugs, Mary!

Dorincard said...

Nice enlightenment!

Mel of Pennsylvania said...

beautiful lamp. love the way you took picture of it as it is indoor and not flashy. :) Joined ruby Tuesday today.

Joel said...

I'm late! Happy RT.

anemonen said...

Wow i really do like this lamp. Lovely. Thanks for hosting.

Meikah said...

Love the look of this lamp! :) Happy RT everyone! Kindly check out my Ruby stuff as well.

Marites said...

can't find the linky links to bloghop but my RT is here.

muebles baratos said...

Thanks for the post, pretty helpful data.