Monday, June 13, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

Hi And welcome to Ruby Tuesday
An American cupcake for 
Ruby Tuesday


Unknown said...


Lola said...


Dhemz said...


CrAzY Working Mom said...

It looks delish...I'd love to lick that red frosting from the top, please! :p

Rimkogeren said...

Funy contributions. Now I miss a cake for my afternoon coffee

IMRIZ said...

gotta hit the sack, sally, before my tummy rumbles:) will be back tomorrow for visiting other posts.

Felisol said...

The Americans KNOW have to make good looking cakes.
If it tastes half as good as it looks, I am lost to sugar and calories en masse.

Chubskulit Rose said...

That looks so sweet!

Mega Sassy said...


Bogie said...

looks colorful and yummy!

Cildemer said...

Great macro! So colouful!

Happy RT****

Carola said...

Delicious and colorful. Nice shot.

Robin said...

Yum! I want one!! I'll bet that frosting turns your tongue funny colors too LOL.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Maria @ LSS said...

That looks delicious!

Cafe au lait said...

I'm drooling but it's too beautiful to eat.

Happy RT!

Liz said...

Yummy! I'm featuring a dessert too.

Loree said...

Oh so yummy. I would love to get my teeth into one of those.

Heather said...

Love it!!

ellen b said...

Now that looks good!

Ingrid said...

So unusual to see, at least for me, I first thought it was antibiotics with ice cream on top, lol !

namaki said...

This looks very caloric but nice !

Gemma Wiseman said...

Amazing, delectable decadence! Very tempting image!

Karen Coutu said...

LOVE it!!! Did you save me one?

Leovi said...

I love that beautiful cake, pretty colors.

Clarissa said...

Drooling!I need that cake for my afternoon coffee^_^

Marites said...

colorful and yummy! :)

Becky said...

I'll take one. Delicious!

Joanne Olivieri said...

Oh, that looks positively scrumptious!!!

srp said...

And here I was trying to be so good... now, I will gain five pounds just looking at and lusting after that cupcake!

Angie said...

That looks so good, almost too good to eat!!

Dianne said...

it's huge!
and very colorful

forgetmenot said...

I hope there is "chocolate" cake under all that yummy frosting( or white cake, or yellow cake--just cake)! Cute post. Have a nice week. Mickie :)

lina@women's perspectives said...

Very inviting!

Terry said...

looks pretty yummy is you ask me teach mary!..what are you trying to do,eh?..fatten up all of your buddies??..NOT nice!...happy ruby tuesday anyway! terry

Emm said...

Super cute and it looks so yummy! Happy Ruby Tuesday to all! cheers!

Anonymous said...

What a funny idea making an american cupcake - a danish will only have two colors, red and white :-D

aspiritofsimplicity said...

yummy and pretty.

Francesco Miranda said...


Unknown said...

Hi from your latest follower. I found you blog hopping. Love the cake. Now I feel like one. Be sure to check out me out at Sarah

eden said...

Great shot. Yummmm..

Martha Z said...

That looks yummy!

Carol said...

Ok.... so now I have to have a cupcake! Looks so absolutely yummy!

Kennamatography said...

That cupcake looks real good! First time I've posted here. If there's more cupcakes I'm definately coming back! :)

Dorincard said...

Pavlovian reflex...mmm!...

Unknown said...

Oh wow... nummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yannie said...

Looks yummy..

JunieRose2005 said...

:) pretty-and looks so yummy!!!

stan said...


Raggedy Kingdom said...

I love Ruby tuesday and linked to
for my post.
Sheila @