Monday, May 30, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

Some beautiful RED cherries for dessert.

What do you have for Ruby Tuesday?


maryt/theteach said...

So sorry... It was scheduled but didn't post. It's up now...

Robin said...

Yum, I LOVE cherries!!

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Joanne Olivieri said...

Oh those cherries look scrumptious!

Felisol said...

The Cherries looks yummy.
Ours will not be harvested until August.
Meanwhile I've got water in my mouth.

Marites said...

oh, it's been awhile since i've had cherries. It's a bit expensive here. nice colors! My RT is here.

Gunsside said...

Lovely shot of your delicious cherry
- just like my choice this week :))

Karen Coutu said...

Those cherries look so perfect, they could be manmade!

bj said...

Cherries are one of my most favorite fruits. Love 'em.
Thanks so much for hosting.

Mylene said...


Angie said...

They look sooo goood!

Unknown said...

yummy! thanks for hosting!

forgetmenot said...

Cherries are soooo good--I'll be glad when they are in season and available at a reasonable price.
Always "fun" to do Ruby Tuesday!! Mickie :)

Gemma Wiseman said...

How tempting! Such a gorgeous red!

Melissa Nevaeh & Jiedyn said...

Red cherries!! Yum!!

Terry said...

dear will be almost cherry and strawberry season here.
these cherries here are so beautiful and luscious....
really nice ruby! terry

love terry

Cherry said...

happy RT! :)

Luna Miranda said...

luscious cherries! they're soooo expensive here.:p

Anonymous said...


Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Oh, yeah, cherries! We had our first ones just yesterday, too. Nothing more ruby red than cherries.

Life Moto said...

love the color and taste of cherries

Life Moto - Happy tuesday!

Emm said...

Yum Yum! hmm, now I'm craving for Cherries... wink!

Happy Ruby Tuesday to everyone! cheers! =)

Linnea said...

Oh those are really yummy burgundy red! I just ate a bunch of cherries! Thanks for hosting.

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Life is a bowl of cherries and I got all the pits....

Ingrid said...

Yummy ! haven't eaten cherries yet this year !

genny said...

so tempting cherries...yummy.:-)

Rimkogeren said...

May I have a cherry?

RNSANE said...

California's cherry season will be starting soon. Last year, they were so expensive, though! I could not indulge in them very often.

Francesco Miranda said...

Yummy! They seem really appetizing!

DawnTreader said...

Very tempting!

Mimi said...

Yum, I love fresh cherries!
They always remind me of a holiday in Turkey, where we had them with a bowl of chocolate to dip them in!
Extast upon extasy!
happy RT, Mary!

Anonymous said...

Cherries are yummy-good, and having a tree gives problems with the birds, who find themselves to be the right owner :-D

Leckeres für Mensch und Katze said...

I have only one red picture but that I like most. LG Tina

Jama said...

My most favorite fruits! we imported them from California, and they are in season right now. Quiet expensive, about $S14 per kilo.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

those look delicious! We have no cherries in the market yet but I am eagerly anticipating it!

B i r g i t t a said...

Yum yum - like to have some :)

Hooked on Memes said...

The cherries look so tempting!

GlorV1 said...

Love the cherries. We have two trees but they are not fruiting this year. Have a great week.

Carol said...

Cherries look so YUMMY!!!!

Mona said...

Looks delicious, cherries are not an ordinary dessert in my place. Just have it in cake sometimes :)

Dianne said...

looks so refreshing!

Cheryl said...

This is my first time linking for Ruby Tuesday. Your cherries look delicious!

Dorincard said...

Mmm...give me some! Unless the early worm got the cherry.

Unknown said...

Ohh, I love cherries and they are so good for us!

Anonymous said...

The cherries are looking so delicious. :)