Monday, April 04, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

Some pretty RED flowers to celebrate the coming of Spring!

What do you  have to celebrate Spring this week?



Robin said...

Such pretty, vibrant reds. Happy RT Mary!

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Kim, USA said...

Can't wait to see those flowers so pretty! My RT

EG CameraGirl said...

Red tulips are so wonderful. They are always the first tulips to bloom in my gardens.

☺lani☺ said...

Nice! Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Unknown said...

pretty flower =)

Happy RT!

Marites said...

so pretty..they are called red tulips? I thought tulips look different. nevertheless, they are really beautiful. have a good week!

Leora said...

Cheery! Happy Spring, Mary.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I want to put my nose right down in the center of those gorgeous blossoms and breathe their fragrance deeply!

Jeanie Callaghan said...

Today's picture is my cats - who seem to be attracted to the color red for some reason.

Mona said...

pretty flowers love it.

bj said...

Beautiful red flowers..I want some!
Out here in West Texas, we are going thru horrible winds and dust storms.

Thanks for hosting..

Maria @ LSS said...

Very pretty.

Happy RT!

Mine's here.

Liz said...

Gorgeous blooms!

Cafe au lait said...

What pretty flowers!

I played too. Mine are here and here.

NatureFootstep said...

I agree, a pretty red flower. Soem kidn of yulip would be my guess.

Felisol said...

It seems you have a lot of sun to encourage the beautiful tulips.
Have a nice Ruby Day.

Life Moto said...

lovely strong red color of the petals

Stef said...

I love it, they are so pretty! Mine is up!

Claire said...

it would be like Christmas in my garden if i have those red tulips. happy RT!

toby said...

Those are so beautiful and cheery! Great find, and perfect rubies!

IMRIZ said...

what lovely reds to spice up the spring!

Christine said...

They look like tulips, are they? I've not seen variegated leaves like those. Beautiful! Happy RT, Mary.

Mrs.D said...

what a beauty...very lovely!

Ingrid said...

Ver pretty, feels like spring !

nonizamboni said...

Thanks for sharing a bit of red cheer!

namaki said...

Nice flowers telling us spring is coming !!!

Cildemer said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful bouquet;o)

Have a nice and happy week****

Karen Coutu said...

Those are so lovely! Makes me think that the Spring weather might come our way after all. :)

Jan said...

Your flowers are beautiful, Mary.

3rd Little Pig said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday!!! I love the reds!!! And I love your meme! <3 Here's my Ruby Tuesday entry:

Dianne said...

the flowers are really pretty

Raggedy Kingdom said...

It's Ruby Tuesday Again - Hurray.
Sheila @

Carletta said...

Love these Mary!
I don't think I've ever seen leaves like that. I want some. :)

anne said...

Very awesome shot of a flower thanks for this MEME as always

Yami said...

Those are lovely flowers!

Unknown said...

We anxiously await flowers here in Michigan. Yours are so pretty!

clavs said...

Happy Rubie Tuesday! my share is up, yum!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

You know I always love flowers. Those red tulips are great! I happen to have tulips, too: orange and red ones

Vinni said...

Wow, these are wonderful flowers for a vibrant tuesday.

I have myself put up a query post on my blog, would really appreciate if you visit and answer my query.

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Very pretty and vibrant! Wish we have the season of spring here in the UAE.

genny said...

oh i love flowers , so lovely. mine is up here:

happy RT!:-)

DawnTreader said...

Very cheerful red flowers! My choice of the week was architecture with lots of red details.

Anonymous said...

Spring is here - Denmark - and for the first time in months we don't need to use the woodburner ;-)
Have a great week!

lina@women's perspectives said...

So bright color!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Delightful bright flowers! They look so brilliant gathered together in a bouquet!

Fe said...

lovely flowers...
made my first entry to ruby tuesday...
Flowing Rhythms

Autumn Belle said...

Excellent choice and they are exceptionally beautiful!

Roan said...

Gorgeous flowers! I've posted a picture of a barn, which isn't necessarily a sign of spring, but we did finally have a day nice enough to go out for a walk and take these pics. Happy spring!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Gorgeous REDS! Love those beautiful flowers!
Have a great Ruby Tuesday!

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Red flower to celebrate this month from our garden is leaf amaranth.

Dorincard said...

Superb red flowers...Are they the result of blind evolution? Or are they genetically engineered? From above. From outside our world. :)

RNSANE said...

There is nothing like brilliant red flowers to brighten your spirits and put a smile on your face!! Lovely photographs.

Mel_Cole said...

Beautiful flowers you got there ;) My Ruby Teusday

Stef said...

I love it's red.. Hope you can visit my entry too. Thanks!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

We definately need one of those in our yard!