Monday, March 28, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

Here's a pinkish flower from a fresh bouquet brought to my sister-in-law's house yesterday. Unfortunately I don't know the name of the flower...
Anyone out there know?

Have any of you got tulips coming up or is it too early?


Jeanie Callaghan said...

I decided to share some memories of my girls when they were little this week.

Kim, USA said...

That is a very pretty flower but don't know the name. Haven't seen my tulips yet. I am already excited!
It must have been love

Leora said...

Lovely and delicate!

Tulips are trying to come up - so far, we have crocuses, daffodils and snowdrops.

nuts said...

Oh, I am familiar with the flower but I don't know the name. :(

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Pretty flower with a cottagey feel. Alas, I canot help you with its name.

Melbourne Daily Photo

☺lani☺ said...

Nice place!

bj said...

I have no idea what the flower might be except....BEAUTIFUL. :)
Thanks so much for hosting and thanks, again, for putting your meme up early.
xo bj

Robin said...

Ahh, you're up to my "pink is a form of red" tricks - a woman after my own heart ;).

Whatever they are they're lovely.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Cafe au lait said...

Those are pretty but I don't know the name too.

Maria @ LSS said...

So pretty.

Liz said...

These are so pretty.

Cildemer said...

I don't know the name of flowers too but it surely is a very beautiful bouquet!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a nice and happy week****

Kayni said...

First time to join, I'm sharing my harvest of red tomatoes :). No tulips yet in my area.

Ingrid said...

Honnestly I don't care about flower names I only see their beauty. My knowledge stops with Tulips, Roses, Daisies and Sunflowers.

ellen b. said...

I have seen some tulips around here Mary but they'll come out in their full glory in April around these parts!

B i r g i t t a said...

Too early for tulips here ad sorry I don't know the flower's name but it is very pretty :)

Felisol said...

Delicate and beautiful flowers.
The way the blossoms are attached to the stalk, I'd go for freesia, or some lily variation. Do they smell?
Anyway they are are and extremely posh looking.

Gemma Wiseman said...

A delicate and beautiful flower! Very pretty!

Karen Coutu said...

No tulips here yet. I think it's going to snow Thursday, Friday, and Saturday here. :\

Dianne said...

I never know what anything is called
but they sure are pretty

Unknown said...

i have problems with naming flowers, too. it doesn't matter, so long as we admired the beauty of it:)

Becky said...

Pretty flowers Mary, but I'm afraid I don't know what they are. It's too early for any flowers here. We're having cold temps yet, and getting tired of it!

teresa said...

Very pretty, not sure what it is though. who cares, just great to look at.

Maude Lynn said...

I don't know what it is, but it's pretty!

Unknown said...

pretty flower!

gengen said...

We do not have tulips but i like them. Your flower is first entry....

Angie said...

Looks very much like Geraldton Wax (a West Australian bush). Whatever it is it makes for another great RT.

Anonymous said...

Good one !!

SavvyMama said...

awwwwww...simply gorgeous!

Dhemz said...

sweet! I have no idea what kind of flower that is.

Unknown said...

I don't know the name of your pretty pink posies are, but they are stunning.

lina@women's perspectives said...

Lovely flowers! Sorry, I can't help with the name :)

Kai Rui said...

that was lovely flower...
up with my first entry..

happy tuesday..;)

Vernz said...

lovely flowers... mine is up.

clavs said...

My post is up. Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Shobha said...

Nice flowers and such a lovely colour.

Claire said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Claire said...

lovely flowers to brighten one's day. posted my first entry for Ruby Tuesday.


Unknown said...

I have seen some tulips bulb but not flower yet. but i have seen crocus already

anne said...

Lovely orchid best for spring.

RNSANE said...

It is always nice when someone brings flowers! I don't really know what yours are - sadly, renting a house and working so many hours, plus taking call, I haven't had much time for gardening.

Anonymous said...

I can't help you, but they are pretty! In Denmark the first spring flowers are making the nature very colorful after a long, snowy winter ;-)
Have a great week!

Rosie Gan said...

Let's just call them "Pretty".'May I have a bouquet of pretties?' sounds right.

Martha said...

Pretty... no tulips here, we've got some daffodils on the side waiting to bloom... waiting for a warm day I guess!

Dorincard said...

Red-hot blog...:)

Mrs. Mac said...

Nothing blooming in our neck of the woods just yet .. I had to pull a photo taken late spring/early summer last year .. it's nearing tulip time .. SOON!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

I do not know the name of these beauties but they are precious!
Happy Ruby Day!

Irish said...

aww so pretty

Marie said...

The flowers are so beautiful!

Thanks for hosting this meme. It's my first time to join here.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Don't recognize those pinkish-red cuties, sadly. But I can report there ARE tulip buds in my back border!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I don't know, but I like them.