Monday, March 21, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

A RED hibiscus flower from Michael's craft store.

What do you have for Ruby Tuesday?


Lola said...

Hi! But can’t see the RT link!

btw Anyway, here’s mine!


Kramer said...

It's a banner Monday, here's mine...

January Zelene said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday..

here's my entry Souvenir Mug

Chubskulit Rose said...

Pretty flowers Mary!

Here's my RT

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Ah, poor Mr. Linky seems to be taking a snooze!

You can find me in Puebla!

Shiju Sugunan said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday...

Here's my entry

Kim, USA said...

Happy Red Tuesday!


Felisol said...

What an overwhelming flower, I never saw a hibiscus that much alive and in contact with the camera.
Happy RT to all of you.

Joahna Vern said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday. :) :)

Here's mine. :)

Leora said...

That says red in a loud way! Hibiscus announcement to all.

Robin Red Breast

Robin said...

Happy RT!

Here's mine:

Blood Oranges

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Cildemer said...

Fabulous flower!
Here is my RT:

Have a nice and happy week****

Carolyn Ford said...

I don't see Mr. Linky, here's my ruby for this week.
I LOVE that beautiful home and it's red roof. It's a lovely place surrounded with snow...soon to melt because IT IS SPRING, now!

EG CameraGirl said...

Hoping you have a great first week of spring, Mary!

My Ruby Red is here:

anemonen said...

Lovely flower. Here is my entry

Ralph said...

We await spring, the very ruby flower just the thing that we crave. Now if the snow would just disappear to perhaps next December...

Jeanie Callaghan said...

Here's mine.

bj said...

Hi, Mary girl..I don't see the link and I left mine here. However, knowing Mr. Linky, he will show up later so I'll come back.
Happy Ruby Tuesday.
xo bj

Maboe said...

Mirage said...

I posted about a Lighthouse! :)


Unknown said...

sometimes i couldn't tell whether they're real or not.:p

i have hot air balloons for Ruby Tuesday

Jan said...

Mary, soon you'll be able to take some flower photos outside. Still raining here, today.

Kenobiitti said...

Here is mine.

Liz said...

How beautiful.

My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo

Maria @ LSS said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Mine's here.

Gemma Wiseman said...

An intense red! Very bold and dramatic!

Here is mine:
Sporty Ruby

Carletta said...

I don't have a Michael's nearby and I so love that store!
Hope you're having a great day Mary!
Oh, love your header image.

I don't see Mr. Linky.

Anonymous said...

Nice shot!

Cafe au lait said...

Love the flower. Happy Ruby Tuesday.

I played too. Mine are here and here.

Kero said...

lovely shot!

My entry is aptio lamp at dusk. hope you can visit here

Vienna Daily said...

Posting a photo of someone in a red beanie :)

Vienna Daily

Ingrid said...

Beautiful flower and love the tea made from the petals.

Birgitta said...

Lovely flower!

Rinkly Rimes said...

A rushed one from me this week! I'm just off on a cruise!

toby said...

Wow - that is really impressive! And an excellent ruby find :)

Hero said...

Wonderful flower! I´m participating for the very first time. But I have seen a lot of beautiful Ruby Tuesday pictures before.

ellen b said...

Happy Spring and Ruby Tuesday to you!!

Jan n Jer said...

Great shot!!! it looks so real!

Becky said...

This is one gorgeous flower, and I LOVE your header.

Dianne said...

beautiful flower
so full!

Maude Lynn said...

I need some of those!

clavs said...

Hi there momy rubz, my entry is up. happy ruby tuesday!

Unknown said...

Love your photo. The red is so vibrant.

Unknown said...

The red hibiscus looks pretty.

Here is Mine

Candace said...

That is the most beautiful red! I love it. Thanks so much for hosting. I'm all linked up now at #59. Have a great Tuesday! Candace

forgetmenot said...

Great flower--and you never have to water it.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Hate to say it, Mary, but I'm pretty sure those are meant to be lilies, not hibiscus. But heck, can't go wrong with red flowers any which way.

Dhemz said...

beautiful! it looks real...:)

Autumn Belle said...

You have a beautiful shot of the gorgeous red asiatic lily. Thank you for hosting and Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

The special red color and the lights makes the hibiscus looks artificial ;-)

Unknown said...

Happy RT!

Newest follower here, hope you will follow back =)

Shengkay said...

happy RT mary!

Jemina said...

Hi, this is rather gorgeous and I couldn't resist it so I edited it for you. :D If you don't approve of it, though, i'll pull it down.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Love your beautiful red hibiscus! Gorgeous and perfect for Ruby Tuesday!
Have a great day everyone!

Dorincard said...

Gorgeous hibiscus! :)

Dorincard said...

"When three people say that you're drunk, go to bed." - Albanian proverb.
When so many people say that your hibiscus is better believe it! :)

Christine said...

I am tempted to buy so many of Michael's beautiful flowers when I walk into our local store, my house would be overrun with them. Great shot Mary. Happy RT!

Dean and Lee Schroeder said...

beautiful flower! Mine is up - Ruby Tuesday

Mrs. Mac said...

I'm going to try Ruby Tuesday again .. hoping to find lots of photo inspiration from Teach Mary and her merry band of photographers.

Check out my Ruby Curios posted today

Terry said...

dear teach mary...of the pictures you have here my favourite one is that beautiful home with it's red metal looks so comfy!..i like older homes better than brand new ones..
wishing you a happy albeit a late happy ruby terry

second day of spring and bernie tells me that we might be getting a big snow storm tomorrow!

Grace-Luvsclassics said...

Happy Spring and Belated Ruby Tuesday.
Was feeling under the weather with the start of a cold, but here's my RT. Theme: Chinatown in Philly.

Jan AKA Wammy said...

At least I was able to post something this has been a tought the lily