Monday, February 28, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

Ruby  Tuesday

Here's a pretty amaryllis at Michael's craft store.

Soon there'll be real RED flowers to post for our Ruby Tuesday.

What have you got for RT?


Jan said...

Great idea for today. I only have non-red flowers, now, lavender and rosemary.

Robin said...

Flowers from me too this week. Happy almost-Tuesday (here in my part of the world) Mary :).

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

ellen b said...

I'm going to have to go to a craft store to be encouraged by some pretty flowers too with all this winter we're getting this year! Happy Ruby Tuesday to you Mary!

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm looking forward to the real ones. Meanwhile this is a very nice substitute.

Cafe au lait said...

Red and beautiful. Happy RT.

Risa Tzohar said...

Nothing like flowers to freshen the spirit!

Francisca said...

Flowers always brighten the day.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Flowers always add a sense of brightness or happiness - whether they are real or unreal! Lovely photo!

B i r g i t t a said...

Nice amaryllis - I only have an artifical one ;)

Ingrid said...

What a beauty this velvet rose !

"Lillagul" said...

Red and beutiful Amaryllis !
I´ve got red shoes for RT :)

Lola said...

Red & fabulous!

XOXO Lola:)

Karen Coutu said...

Very pretty! Reminds me of fall, my favorite season. :)

Dianne said...

I love Michael's
so much "stuff" ;)

Christine said...

It's quite a feat that you can make an artificial flower look so real and inviting! I'm ready for the real thing in my garden and I'll bet you are too. Happy RT!

RIZ@uncharmedlife said...

that was huge! great for indoor decors.

happy tuesday.

Linnea said...

You certainly captured the color ruby here! Gorgeous!

Cildemer said...

Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a happy RT****

rebecca said...

long white winter....
welcome RED!!!

clavs said...

My second time for Rubie Tuesday, Happy RT everyone!

genny said...

i love flowers....mine is up!happy RT!

Candace said...

The amaryllis is sooo beautiful! That is my favorite shade of red. I almost brought a flower this week; but, I brought food instead. Thanks so much for hosting! I've missed participating the last few weeks.

Mona said...

indeed pretty red flower mine is red heart :)

Dhemz said...

what a looks real...:)

lina@women's perspectives said...

Very lovely!

A Dose of Everything said...

Nice! My entry is also flowers. Happy Tuesday! :)

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Beautiful red flowers!
Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Roan said...

Beautiful flowers. The rose is amazing.

deb did it said...

red red red, ruby red, so beautiful. Spring is popping up everywhere here in yellows, purples and pinks!

Jim said...

Hi Mary ~~ Long time no visit.

You did good at Michael's for Ruby Tuesday. This is a store I have a hard time leaving until I've spent at least an hour getting ideas, etc.

Happy RT!

forgetmenot said...

I think flowers have taken over as the #1 subject matter--everybody has Spring on their mind. Soon we can take "new" shots of flowers and not have to dig through our archives for one. Happy Ruby Tuesday. Mickie

Carol said...

Beauties indeed! So ready for the yard to be full of flowers again!!!

Dorincard said...

Red flowers at memorial sites always evoke another red...
Great meme, great blog, interesting entries/participants!
Only the blue color seems to surpass the popularity of red...
Cool hot...:)
Best wishes to you all! :)

Dean and Lee Schroeder said...

that's a beautiful flower! I love flowers.

Maude Lynn said...

Nice catch!

Unknown said...

Looks pretty

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Mary, I happen to have a real red amaryllis for Ruby Tuesday:

Can't wait for outdoor flowers! Have a great day.