Monday, February 14, 2011

Ruby Tuesday


How wonderful Ruby Tuesday and Valentine's Day coincide this year! Show us what you have for both days...


LifeRamblings said...

Have a sweet Valentine's Day!

Leora said...

What a funny little wild thing! He makes me smile.

Robin said...

Happy Valentine's Day, and thank you too for the beautiful card! (So much yummy indulgence and calorie-free too - yay!)

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Risa Tzohar said...

Well, that's taking an original angle on Valentine's day!

EG CameraGirl said...

Hehehe! Love your Gorilla valentine, Mary!

Unknown said...

Happy Valentine's Day!
Anna's Ruby Tuesday (14 Feb.)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

He made me laugh...Happy Valentine's Day

Felisol said...

Wild thing,
you make my heart sing,
Happy Valentine's Day

☺lani☺ said...

Happy Valentine's Day to all!

Dhemz said...

hahhaha..wild thing cute! happy valentines day!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Happy Valentine's day Mary!

Carletta said...

Hi Mary,
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
Today I get to share my birthday with the whole world including my Ruby Tuesday friends.
As I'm leaving here I'm singing that old song - "Wild Thing, I think I love you...." :)

Forty Pound Sack said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you and your furry friend!

Rekha said...

Happy Vday....check out my wild side...lovely.

sunnymama said...

Happy Valentine's Day and Ruby Tuesday! :)

Maria @ LSS said...


Cafe au lait said...

Cute thing. Happy Valentine's Day.

Joanna said...

Nice that Ruby Tuesday coincides with Valentines celebrations. Enjoy the day.

Joanna said...

Sorry for posting a second link. Somehow the first one (#38) linked to an older post. I'd delete that one if I knew how.

bj said...

Hi, Mary..Cute little wild thing.
Have a beautiful day with lots of love and....chocolate. :))

Leovi said...

I love caring and love a gorilla.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Such a fun, creative Valentine's Day card! Hope your day is a great one!

Christine said...

You are such a wild thing, Mary! Happy RT and Valentine's Day!

Ingrid said...

Happy Valentine's day to you too !

Unknown said...

Happy Valentine's Day from Denmark

Karen Coutu said...

My photo is of a Valentine our 7 year son made. :)

Happy Valentine's Day Mary!!

teresa said...

Happy Valentine's day!

Rinkly Rimes said...

Valentine's Day is long gone here. So I'll wish you well for 2012!

ellen b said...

Happy Valentine's Day Mary! Hope you had a nice one!

forgetmenot said...

Happy Valentine's Day--Right color for the right day!!!! Mickie

bj said...

Mary, I linked two again. Is that ok?

Unknown said...

Love your Valentine's ape. He is such a wild thing!

lina@women's perspectives said...

Cute :)
My post isn't related with V-day...

toby said...


nuts said...

happy valentine's day!

Clarissa said...

Happy Valentine's Day!cutie gorilla^_^

Rubie Lee said...

sweet monkey happy valentines day

genny said...

happy valentines entry is up. cheers!

sheng said...

Happy Valentine Dear!

It's my first time here at Ruby Tuesday...i hope i am welcome:)

Have a great day..

Becky said...

Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day Mary. Love the little guy!

Jientje said...

That's a cute fellow!
I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day Mary!

Anonymous said...

This gorilla is a sweet Valentine's Day Guy :-D

Maria's Space said...

Happpppppyy Belated Valentine's Day

Dorincard said...

Cute monkey! "Wild and wonderful", like West Virginia. :)

ilovepink said...

Happy Valentine's Day!

eastcoastlife said...

Have romantic days all through the year, everyone!!

Grace-Luvsclassics said...

Hi, Happy Valentine's day.

That is a sweet photo!

For my link, I made a mistake, the correct link is the second one, if I can link up again.

This is an image of the wall division ( in a heart shape) at one of our favorite Italian restaurant's that happens to be voted the best in the county for several years!

Unknown said...

Happy valentines day, belated today

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Looks like you had a wild Valentine's Day ! lol

SandyCarlson said...

Happy Valentine's Day. Thanks for your card. Thanks for sharing the joy.

clavel said...

I am participating ruby tuesday, I am new in the blogger's world, and I don't know how to get your badge for ruby tuesday. tnx!

Nina said...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

A photo of hope and possiblilty and promise: a red bud ready to open.