Monday, January 24, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

A decorative wall hanging in a new restaurant in Port Washington called " La Bottega."
They have delicious paninis!

Let's see what you have for Ruby Tuesday...


Lola said...

Love that wall hanging!

XOXOP Lola:)

☺lani☺ said...

Love it! Happy Ruby Tuesday!

LifeRamblings said...

how inspiring!

EG CameraGirl said...

I like that sign a LOT! Love the weathered board they have glued the words onto.

Ralph said...

A panini in Port Washington near the water sounds wonderful. But not in the cold winter, the warm summer, that is

Robin said...

I love that wall art.

Shades of Pink is holding a giveaway for one of my custom Photoverse prints - swing by and check it out!

Unknown said...

i love the sign, and how it's made.

DawnTreader said...

How funny... My Ruby Tuesday post this week is a sign, too. Yours is really good.

Unknown said...

interesting notes on the wall, very well said.

Donna@Conghaile Cottage said...

Love the wall art...So Clever!
Hugs to you,

Queen-Size funny bone said...

that would look great hanging in my old house

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I've seen that saying before, but never displayed so fetchingly! I'd love to have that in my "canal cottage." Heck, I'd love to visit it in that restaurant ;>)

Hooked on Memes said...

Beautiful words and such an attractive sign.

Liz said...

Great find for Ruby!

Maria @ LSS said...

I love that sign. Happy RT.

Cafe au lait said...

What beautiful words.

Felisol said...

This wall art inspires me. I like to call it inspiration, when I sit wondering; "Can I make something similar"?
I'd so like to try.
With other words of course.

Cildemer said...

Just lovely!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a beautiful week***

Ingrid said...

Excellent ! I should hang that at our entrance door !

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Nice find. I like what is on that wall art. Happy Ruby Tuesday.

Carletta said...

I love this Mary!
It is me! :)
I'm seeing it with old patined wood and I'm making it a soon to do craft project. Thank you!

Gemma Wiseman said...

A beautiful, inspiring sign with lovely russet tones of red!

Christine said...

I am continually delighted by the ruby red photos you find, Mary! This is super!

Mimi said...

That provides a good blueprint for a satisfying life.
Love the wood behind it too. And to look at it and eat a good panini sounds perfect.
Happy RT, Mary, I'm too busy at the moment to post, but enjoyed yours.

Becky said...

I really love that sign. How unique!

genie said...

Love your red shoe button and the sign. Thanks for sponsoring our Ruby Tuesday meme.

Karen Coutu said...

Now I'm craving a panini!

Love the new look Mary!! :)

Dianne said...

I love the sentiment of the sign and its design

Unknown said...

I love the wall art and the message. Thanks for sharing.

EnAirRaH said...

Happy Tuesday! Its good to see that sign every morning after you wake up..

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Super sign, Mary! And good photo of it, too. Glad you were out having fun.

genny said...

here with my entry this week.

nice shot on the wall decorations. cheers!

Dhemz said...

how cool is that! have a wonderful one...:)

Mom Wish Lists said...

Oh my goodness, I thought they have delicious "p_n__s" lol...sorry, it just my 150/120 vision that reads it so badly.

Anyway, i love that wall art. very creative.

Anonymous said...

You will see this sign lots of time in the future - minding the words about the kitchen in your house ;-)

Paz said...

lovely wall hanging.

lina@women's perspectives said...

Lovely wall art!

Roan said...

Love the sign. Great saying.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Very COOL sign!
Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Candace said...

LOVE the wall hanging! Thanks so much for hosting. It's been fun finding the "ruby" in my life lately. Have a great day, Candace

Aruba said...

visiting and would love to join this meme...will be back later to post it.

Health, Nutrition and Our Kitchen

Unknown said...

Very creative, love the message and wall hanging

Heather said...

It's funny how those words whisper through my heart and mind each day. Wonderful reminder and touch of ruby!!

Aruba said...

happy RT day!

Sam said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday. This is my first time to join. And I'm loving it already! Cheers! :)

Annie Jeffries said...

Great sign. Definitely would lure me in.

By the way, I love the sentiment you have posted at the top of your blog.

anne said...

I am so so late, I am sorry. Anyway lovely picture though.