Monday, January 03, 2011

Ruby Tuesday

My tribute to Cezanne at New Year's

Happy New Year and Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Go visit your fellow Ruby Tuesday-ers, okay?


Donnie said...

Nature has sure given us the most beautiful colors. Everything else pales in comparison.

☺lani☺ said...

Happy★ 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★2011★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛• | 田田|門| Happy New Year!!!

here's mine:

EG CameraGirl said...

I think Cezanne would be flattered.

Here's my Ruby Tuesday

Willa said...

Happy New Year!!!
Here's my 1st Ruby Tuesday for 2011


Yoshi said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday!

lina said...

Happy New Year to all...
Have a great Tuesday

LifeRamblings said...

a wonderful tribute to Cezanne. Happy New Year.

Leora said...

I like the combination of the round fruit with the plaid tablecloth.

hot cocoa toast

Robin said...

Yum, clementines!

Here's mine, a bit of a departure for me ;).

And now for something completely different...

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Carolyn Ford said...

Here is my Ruby Tuesday:

I love the fruit and table cloth...eye-catching and quite a tribute. Happy New Year to you and yours!

Peg said...

Cezannne would get out his paintbrush and palate.

After a busy spell at work, I'm back. Posted some birds at my feeder.

Liz said...

Happy New year Mary!

My entries:
Moms... Check Nyo

Maria @ LSS said...

Happy New Year and Ruby Tuesday!

Pie said...

Round fruits for New Year. :)

Rajesh said...


My entry

anemonen said...

Lovely it´s so lovely colours. Happy New Year. My first Ruby for 2011 is ready

Rambling Woods said...

Here is mine...Christmas Elf

Chubskulit Rose said...

Love that to start the year!

My Ruby Tuesday

EJ said...

Everybody needs that!

Anonymous said...

Here is my post.

bj said...

Thanks so much, Mary

Unknown said...

Happy New year. here is my first entry for Ruby Tuesday

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

And a beautifully done tribute it is! Happy New Year Mary!

Kim, USA said...

This is what I missed to prepare last New Years eve, lots of fruits!! Happy New Year! Mine is up!


Gemma Wiseman said...

This still life of fruit definitely whispers the art of Cezanne! A lovely idea! Strangely, I chose a fruity image outdoors!

Here is my post for this week:
Summer Fruits

Francisca said...

Cezanne, indeed! Luscious red apple!

Here is my link to my RB!

Ingrid said...

Now you just have to paint it !

Ruby red :

Rinkly Rimes said...

Semi-sad from me today!

Kero said...


Happy New Year and Happy Three Kings!

My Ruby Tuesday entry here

toby said...

A lovely tribute :)

Here's mine

Felisol said...

Happy New Year to Teach Mary and all Ruby Tuesday participants.
I find the mutual inspiration from nature to painting and back to photo very interesting.
Your New Years table sure is a feast for the eyes.

Jama said...

Here's my entry for this week:

Marites said...

really vibrant colors! beautiful!! happy new year!!

My RT is already up here.

Anonymous said...

agree, nature has provided humans with all the colors that would make life enjoyable to live. happy tuesday, mary.

Unknown said...

Delicious looking still life!

Unknown said...

I don't see Mr. Linky?

Karen Coutu said...

Very nice tribute!!

Here's my Ruby Tuesday post . . .

Meri said...

I don't find the Mr. Linky thing, so I'll just give you my link -

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Happy New Year, Mary! The fruit looks luscious.

My link: El Diablo

Marice said...


here's mine

Cildemer said...


All my best wishes for the new year****

Here's my Ruby Tuesday:

Linsday said...

Happy New Year and great choice for today! Mine is here

DrillerAA said...

WooHoo, animated shoes!

Anonymous said...

another year, what a fresh start for RT.

here's another mine from me:

maritz said...

Where's Mr linky? can't find it. Heres my post :

Becky said...

Perfect Mary! Happy New Year!!
Couldn't find Mr. Linky
Mine's here

Teresa said...

Great new button. Mine is here

teresa said...

Love your photo too by the way, forgot to mention in my last comment. also... what is the red robin challenge on the post before? just curious and I don't see a a link to it. thanks

hahai.ponce said...

can't find your's mine

GIOVANNI said...

Can't see MR LINKY...

Unknown said...

loved the smell of fruits and the sweet taste of more fruits.

mine is

grace said...

Here's my concert ..WAnnah see it?

can't find mr linky too! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Jan n Jer said...

Great shot...looks so lucious! My RT is up...come visit.

Gizelle said...

Aww fresh and colorful!


Shiju Sugunan said...

Happy 11! Here's my link

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Mr Linky is apparently on vacation. I'll come back tomorrow to check again.

Jan said...

Yummy, fresh fruit is a great way to start the New Year.

eden said...

Yummy! I always have round fruits on the table every New Year. Nice photo.
My Ruby Tuesday

Angie said...

Mouth watering post!! Happy Ruby Tuesday

Quilt Works said...

HI! I have not had a ruby contribution in a while... I have one now... but I can't find a linky -- did the rules change?

I see people listing links, so here is mine
or direct hop here:
direct link

Unknown said...

Lovely picture, true art.

Did you want our links here?

Have a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!!

Jenn said...

Happy New Year, Mary!

My RT Link is here:
Strawberry Parfait

anne said...

Mine is up and its here thanks

Unknown said...

Happy New Year, Mary!

Linnea said...

I should have eaten all that fruit instead of all the cookies, candy, and fudge! happy new year.

Mine is up @ Photoblogista

Unknown said...

Enjoy a Ruby Tuesday from Korea.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Hi Mary! I don't see the linky, so my post is here:

I also have a still life, you might say. Happy New Year to you and all Ruby Tuesdayers.

Halie said...

Happy New Year!

My first 2011 Ruby Tuesday post

Tussy said...

I thought it is only me that can't find Mr. Linky.

My Entry is

Happy New Year!

Anette said...

Happy New Year! Here is my first Ruby Tuesday of the year:

All the best from Anette in Norway :)

Paz said...

happy new year!

paz xox

raya said...

hello !! happy new year and happy red tuesday!! here is mine!

culture medley said...

hello!! happy ruby red tuesday!! visit me at

purethoughts said...

hello! it's still christmas here in thailand... visit me!

Mona said...

Where is the link? Anyway, here is my entry

Happy ruby tuesday everyone :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Happy New Year.

Rubie Lee said...

here is my post for ruby tuesday

genny said...

here for my first entry for this Ruby Tuesday meme for 2011. happy new year. cheers!

genny said...

by the way mine is here:


Shengkay said...

love orange!

here's my ruby tuesday..

rebecca said...

thanks mary...
with my horizon pure white for as far as my eyes can see,
red is a glowing pleasure!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Happy New Year! And many thanks for hosting this wonderful Meme!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Happy New Year Mary...hope you had a fantastic Christmas

srp said...

I tried a still life of Sunflowers.... like van Gogh... yours seems more successful to me. It is nice to see some color in this most drab time of year when we have to take down all the bright Christmas decorations!

Jew Wishes said...

How lovely, simple yet lovely to look at. It's a wonderful reflection of nature.

Gunsside said...

Happy New Year and here is my Winter REd one ;))

B i r g i t t a said...

The first we eat on every new year's first day is apple. It makes the year healthy :)
All the best to you!

Grace said...

Hello and Happy New Year!

Here's my Ruby Tuesday with a theme from Mummer's Fest in Philadelphia on January 1, 2011.

Shahz said...

Hmmmm YUm...:-)

Rubie Lee said...

I was here and i love to join the ruby tuesday,,,i've transfered my post to my another account.