Monday, November 22, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

The RED side door of Grace Episcopal Church in Whitestone, NY and some extraordinary shadows!

I'm a little late this afternoon but here I am! I'm hoping you'll come around and sign Mr. Linky to show me you're playing this week!

Also I'm working on a new Ruby Tuesday badge...


Robin said...

I love the shape of this door, very graceful.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This is a beautiful red door! It looks very midieval!

My first time participating in Ruby Tuesday..thank you!

Unknown said...


Nice door and good color.

Have a nice day.

Hasse A

Rambling Woods said...

Beautiful door Mary....Michelle

Christine said...

I never get tired of looking at this door, it's that beautiful.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing more welcoming than a red door.

Felisol said...

Beautiful Gothic shaped doors, perfectly suited for Ruby Tuesday with a coat of red paint.

Lui,Heaven said...

Hi Mary!
Mine is quite sad because because we're looking back at a sad event that happened a year ago...

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

behind the red door—
grace and mercy abounding
to the penitent

Ruby Tuesday: Garden Wall

Ingrid said...

A red door, that's quiet unusual for a church ! nice pictures !

Karen Coutu said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Mary!! :)

toby said...

Wow - that certainly is a bright ruby! You can repost it on Wednesday :)

Cildemer said...

A very nice pic of a lovely door!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a great day****

ps: sorry for linking twice. I forgot to paste my link and had to do it again.

bj said...

I've always loved red doors.

eastcoastlife said...

It's the first time I see a red door in a church.

ellen b said...

Love that red door Mary!

Meri said...

Your images are so proper, so traditional. And mine is just in your face. Hmm.......

Liz said...

I love the red door.

Cafe au lait said...

Great photos. Happy RT Mary!

Maria @ LSS said...

Beautiful red door!

Martha said...

Love red doors!

Joanne Olivieri said...

That red door with the brick gives it a very artistic and creative feel. Great shot.

life's journey said...

It really looks hot red...Am back of joining the fun...

anne said...

Nice redo door

genny said...

nicely done door, it looke like the door from the cartoon i once seen in snow local version. here for the ruby tuesday entry. cheers

Angie said...

Love this door. Very inviting.

Shahz said...

Great! happy Tuesday...

Anonymous said...

I love red doors. ;-)

Gemma Wiseman said...

Very pretty views of these doors! Gorgeous setting!

Terry said...

hello teach mary...what i didn't notice last week with the nice red door was the sun splashing all over it..real nice!
happy ruby tuesday to terry

Anonymous said...

I have missed contributing to this!

Lovely door!


Hootin Anni said...

Mary: I just read your blog on flying, just below this RT post, and I too ranted about this ordeal you now have to go through to board a plane....just yesterday on MY blog.

You and me both!!!!


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Love that beautiful red door!!!
Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Empty Nester said...

Love red doors. I love anything red!

deb did it said...

I have posted about a very important topic to my heart, bleeding today for young girls...Thanks for this wonderful opportunity, Ruby Tuesday!

Auntie E said...

I still love the door and the shadows are good.
Happy Ruby Tuesday
Fall Beauties

Sandra Burns said...

First time Ruby Tuesday hopper!

I posted a red door too!

Check out my other blog:

Merry Christmas!!

Don Wood said...

Nice door I love that shape. I would like a clock made in that shape a Lancet clock. Have a good week XXX Don

My Blog Promote Thanet

MOO said...

I saw these snaps and instantly registered, "Episcopal Church." Always look for the red door...fabulous! PS: I've got the real Ruby Slippers up today.

There's No Place Like Home

KC said...

Beautiful photograph! Lovely door!
Happy Thanksgiving.

Ashley Sisk said...

I'm linking up for the first time! I love a red door...our front door is red. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope to participate again soon.

My Life as A MOM said...

The door is the same color as our living room :-)

When you have a chance please check out MY LINK, thank you!