Monday, November 01, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

This Ruby Tuesday I have a bunch of grapes that I stamped on cardboard and then took a picture of. It is part of my collection of three-letter word refrigerator magnets I sell at Etsy. You see I had to use "VIN" for "wine" because it's 3 letters and "wine" is four. Maybe I'll start a collection of four-letter word magnets.:)

Sign in as always at Mr. Linky below. Thank you!


Lola said...

Love that magnet - great colours!

XOXO Lola:)

Verna Luga said...

wow, it's nice... dropping by for RT.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Very pretty!

Chubskulit Rose said...
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Chubskulit Rose said...
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niko said...

nice color combination!!

my entry is here

happy RT!

EG CameraGirl said...

Cool idea for fridge magnets!

Liza said...

It's a cute magnet.

Cildemer said...

Nice work! And I like French "vin";o)

Have a great Tuesday***

Ps: could you suppress link 20 because I made a mistake. It links to my other photo blog. Thank you very much;o)

Cafe au lait said...

Love this magnet! Happy RT.

Lui, Heaven said...

Hey that's a cool one, Mary! I love the three-letter design concept!

Francisca said...

I admire you for having the skill to make such crafts. That's cool. Thanks again for hosting!

MOO said...

Oh, I love this! I'm featuring a pie from my new blog today:

Who's Your Granny?

Gemma Wiseman said...

An imaginative, beautiful creation!

bj said...

I think your Ruby Tuesday meme is the most fun for me...
Many thanks...

♥ Kathy said...

That is so pretty Mary!

Dianne said...

very pretty magnet design
I also love the latest blog look :)

Leora said...

Love the playfulness of the grapes. Simple and joyful.

Karen Coutu said...

I know I've said it before, but I think your magnets are a great idea!

Loree said...

Lovely magnets. Vin sounds more sophisticated than wine, somehow :)

Misty DawnS said...

I think it's very pretty! You are so creative!

Jenn said...

Great stamping on that one!

srp said...

It's a rainbow! Love the rainbow colors!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Mary, the magnets continue to amuse and decorate. Now I'm seeing great 3-letter words everywhere. You should make a contest or a poem of the best ones.

And the eyelashes on the receptionist are phenomenal!

Shahz said...

Hello!!! CUte!!

Junneth said...

Gorgeous shot! Happy Ruby Tuesday dear Mary!

Ingrid said...

Vin is OK because it's wine in french, lol !
Now I am back in Belgium and can look at yard arts again !

Design It Chic said...

Hi there! I just found your blog from moving on from one blog to another and i love what you're doing here! I'm following you now! Yaaaaay! Also don't forget, if you need any help increasing your blog's traffic or easy blog tutorials, you know where to come!
Today we start a brand new fun campaign that promotes fellow blogers, and we'd love to have you on board with us! Happy Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

VIN is the danish word for WINE, so for me your grape magnet is quite right :-D

anemonen said...

Great maganets. Love them

aspiritofsimplicity said...

very nice.

Roan said...

Love the magnet!

kat said...

Very nice magnet...happy RT..

mine is here

anne said...

Nice refrigerator magnet, I have also here but it was damaged by my kids ouch

anne said...

Nice refrigerator magnet, I have also here but it was damaged by my kids ouch

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

What a fantastic moon and sky photo!!!
Lovely poem as well!

NanE said...

Thank you for hosting Ruby Tuesdays, this is my first time participating. Your stamped grapes look great. Have a wonderful day, Nan

Empty Nester said...

I like it! I'm going to check out you Etsy store!

genny said...

here for the ruby tuesday meme. count me in!

Auntie E said...

Oh making them into magnets what a great idea. I think I will get the kids to do some crafts today, They have the day of school.

ellen b said...

I like it!

Terry said...

hi mary it is almost midnight but i finally am finished...i am using my mini lap top and i find it a lot harder...i prefer my xp!
happy ruby tuesday beloved terry