Monday, October 11, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

 Today is Ruby Tuesday. Anyone can post something RED but it has to be photographed by you. Simple huh?
Why not give it a try!

The last red roses of summer.


Lola said...

Beautiful roses - great memory of Summer!


eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous roses, Mary! Happy Ruby Tuesday!

EJ said...

That's gorgeous!

LifeRamblings said...

those are delightful roses.

eastcoastlife said...

Autumn is just as gorgeous. :)

☺lani☺ said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday! Beautiful flowers!

Carletta said...

Beautiful Mary!
It's so hard this time of year to be saying 'the last of'.
Have wonderful week.

Anonymous said...

We've gotten a couple of frosts here, so I think we're done as well. Nice rosy shot!

Junneth said...

Gorgeous post Mary! Red roses- what a delight to my eyes! My Ruby Tuesday is posted #13. Have a pleasant Ruby Tuesday!

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely red roses, MaryT! I still have some red roses blooming but they do NOT look as nice as these.

Risa Tzohar said...

The really really red ruby Tuesday!

rebecca said...

i am thrilled that ruby tuesday is collecting our passion in red today...
my son's birthday.
come see him in a glow of red.

srp said...

I still have roses going strong.. October is prominent for another big blush of blooms... the last of the season. Just lovely!

Sandy from the Heart of Texas said...

Beautiful roses! I have yellow roses still blooming and should have them until our first freeze in November. The best thing about roses disappearing in the fall is that they'll be back and more glorious in the spring!
Happy Ruby Tuesday to you! Today I have red from a soda shoppe.

Liz said...

What beautiful roses! Happy RT.

Anonymous said...

Goregous Mary :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful red roses!
Happy Ruby Tuesday! I don't have flowers this time, but red jewellery.
Best wishes,

Anna's Ruby Tuesday

Cafe au lait said...

Gorgeous roses.

Tink *~*~* said...

Your roses are outstanding! One of the things I miss about living on Da Loverly Isle of Long is gardening. The soil, the weather, I was so used to these. In Florida, the whole thing is so foreign!

Happy Ruby Tuesday,
Tink *~*~*

Robin said...

Beautiful roses Mary!

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Ingrid said...

Fortunately I can always buy them in a shop ! it's so sad to say good bye to summer !

Gemma Wiseman said...

Your red roses still look very beautiful even if they are the last ones of summer!

Francisca said...

They may be the last, but they are beeeeeautiful!

Patti said...

Beautiful red roses, Mary. I posted this morning but forgot to link. woops

I hope you are feeling better today.

Take care.

Margaret Gosden said...

I hope not the last! I love those that survive to the
frost! Yours look good.

Dianne said...

beautiful flowers Mary

Inger-M said...

The flowers are beautiful! But I also love the red shoes :-) Thanks for the opportunity to post something I care about!

Peg said...

I love those last roses, especially when they are surrounded by the beauty of fall. Very pretty.

Karen Coutu said...

You always find the prettiest red flowers Mary!

Love your new header by the way. :)

Mimi said...

You've still got roses?
Wow! Lucky you!

Maude Lynn said...

Beautiful roses!

MOO said...

Oh, I just love red roses. Great capture!

Roan said...

They are beautiful. I miss summer already. Happy Ruby Tuesday!

ellen b said...

Very pretty Mary! Happy Ruby Tuesday to you..

Nancy's Daily Dish said...

Beautiful roses!

Fhaye said...

I love roses too! Happy Ruby Tuesday everyone!

toby said...

just beautiful - those are so alive!

Jan said...

Love the roses.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Oh, I have one or two left, but it sure is ending. Wonderful red.

Christie said...

This is my first visit to Ruby Tuesday! Thanks for hosting! Christie at Three Pixie Lane

nuts said...

Beautiful roses! I love to have that in my garden. too bad, I can't grow flowery plants here.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Gorgeous roses with lasting beauty.

Unknown said...

It's gonna be a while before we see these pretty roses again.

Kranky Granny said...

The last flowers of summer always make me a little sad.

I have and ending and rebirth of another type this week.

Lui said...

Wow, those are real RED roses! They will never survive in my place with my frisky dogs!

anne said...

A beautiful red roses.

Unknown said...

great capture. deep,deep red. i just posted mine:)))

Don Wood said...

I love roses i like the smell of a rose garden on a summer evening it is the best. XXX Don

"Lillagul" said...

Lovely red roses !
Here is the roses also singing on the last tune.
Have a nice Ruby red Tuesday :)

Auntie E said...

Love the rubies of summer.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Nothing so lovely as that last rose of summer...except the first rose of springtime!
Happy Ruby Day!

Spadoman said...

Wow, I'm late! Ruby red roses, perfect end of summer and a great example of rubiness.


Misty DawnS said...

I hate when I do my post early and then forget to sign in *smacking forehead*.

Your roses are beautiful. I am going to miss all the flowers!

lina@women's perspectives said...

Love the roses :)

Jew Wishes said...

I love this capture of ruby red beauty. The roses are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful red roses. I love the composition of the photo and the lighting.

Snooze said...

The last red roses for the northern hemisphere ... and the southern hemisphere is edging closer to flowers (it's mid spring here).
Have a great week.

Junneth said...

Hi Mary! I made my post last October 11, but I forgot to link....