Monday, September 20, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

On our way to the park with Jarome on Saturday I passed hollyhocks, flowers that I haven't seen in a long time.
Welcome to Ruby Tuesday. Join us today to post something red.

Sign Mr. Linky and then leave a comment. Don't forget to visit your fellow bloggers.


Lola said...

We love hollyhocks - great shot!

Nora & Lola:)

Felisol said...

Hollyhocks are beautiful flowers.
Our climate is too cold for them, but we grow them indoors. Living room plants, they are called.

☺lani☺ said...

Nice flower! Happy Tuesday!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh I thought this is hibiscus, I a horrible with flower names hehehe..

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh I thought this is hibiscus, I a horrible with flower names hehehe..

bj said...

I love that you put your linky up a day early. Thanks...

Hollyhocks are so one of my favorites. I love their old fashioned beauty.

niko said...

nice one! i love the flower!

my entry is here

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful flower ! Love the color combination !

Leora said...

Hollyhocks are such pretty flowers! This one is a star.

Gemma Wiseman said...

This hollyhock is so lovely! Beautiful soft crepe-like petals and a wonderful colour!

Patti said...

Hi Mary! I doth returneth to Ruby Tuesday.

The hollyhocks are very pretty. I've never had any of them in my garden. I'd like to grow some.

Happy RT!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful shot. That little hint of red is just perfect. Excellent. Happy RT :)

Liz said...

At first I thought it's Hibiscus. They look so much the same. Great shot.

Maria @ LSS said...

Love the color. Happy RT!

Cafe au lait said...


Happy Ruby Tuesday.

Tink *~*~* said...

Hollyhocks just scream, "Cottage garden" - love 'em! :)

Tink *~*~*

Francisca said...

That's a very vibrant hollyhocks! Thanks for hosting, Mary!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I've always loved hollyhocks! I was entranced by the photo strip of Jarome at the park; but I'll come back to read it later because I'm working on battery here (stopped by the side of the road for lunch and to post my Ruby Tuesday -- all the necessities of life).

EG CameraGirl said...

Very pretty blossom, MaryT!

Hootin Anni said...

That hollyhock looks so near to a Rose of Sharon in coloration.

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

so simple yet soooo beautiful.....

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful flower!

ellen b said...

Love the ruby center on that flower Mary! enjoy our last few days of summer!!

Dianne said...

I know RT is all about the red but wow!! I love the purple-ish color :)

Karen Coutu said...

What an unusual color combination! Red is truly at the heart of it. :D

Jan said...

Love the hollyhock, Mary. Also, love the slide show of Jarome at the park. The photo of the shoes, all lined up, is priceless.

MOO said...

Beautiful. Gorgeous. Lovely capture!

Martha said...

So pretty!


Unknown said...

The hollyhock looks very similar to rose of sharon, which is a hibiscus. Lovely flower.

I love your slide show. How creative!

Carolina Mountains said...

We had some at our old house - love this shot!

nuts said...

Lovely! looks like hibiscus..

My entry is up here:

grace said...

Mine is unique.. Body paint.

khaye said...

nice color combination.

Auntie E said...

very nice, love the way those flowers look.

Halie said...

Good looking flowers. Thank you for hosting this meme again.

anne said...

Yeah I thought it is hibiscus, nice one.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

I totally love hollyhocks. Next year I'm planting some!

Anonymous said...

Hollyhocks I do not know, but it looks like hibiscus and are just as pretty ;-)

Paz said...


Paz ;-)

Jientje said...

I love hollyhocks,I usually see them in Fraznce when I'm on vacation!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

My mother's favorite flowers were hollyhocks! Thanks for the beautiful memories of MOM!

Peg said...

Looks like a "purple hat" society flower.

lina@women's perspectives said...

Really beautiful flower!

Sandy Trefger said...

It's a lovely Ruby Tuesday today! The hollyhock photo is stunning! Such a beautiful flower. I'm sharing a few photos from Midpoint Cafe on Route 66. Lots of red for Ruby Tuesday!
Have a great day!


Stephanie V said...

What a perfect hollyhock! The red is a beautiful shade.

Jew Wishes said...

Lovely contrasts of tones. This is a beauty of a photo.

Don Wood said...

My Hollyhocks are all finished . Nice shot . XXX Don

"Lillagul" said...

Great shot on the beutiful Hollyhocks !
Lova that color !!!

Mel_Cole said...

Oh wow, what a beautiful flower.

My Ruby Tuesday post is in my Heart's content blog.

Carol said...

Love the HollyHock we have them in our yard and I love them a gift from my father.

haisley said...

nice blog.....
here's mine

Kranky Granny said...

Mary, it is so nice to be able to join the festivities at Ruby Tuesday once again. My, how the list of entries has grown during my absence.

Hope everyones enjoys taking a trip back in time to last July 4th with me.