Monday, September 06, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

Some really RED geraniums for Ruby Tuesday.

Join us by signing Mr. Linky. And don't forget to visit your Ruby Tuesday blogging friends.



Lola said...

Love those geraniums!

Nora & Lola:)

Anonymous said...

Nice shots Mary. Happy labor day.

Carletta said...

Lovely post for the day Mary!
Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

Felisol said...

Happy Labor Day.(Ours was celebrated May First.)
A great interpretation over the theme "The Stars and Stripes".

You love your flag, and have a million wonderful ways of showing it.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Happy Labor Day Mary!

niko said...

nice reds here! happy labor day to you mary!

my entry is up now


The Cunning Runt said...

Beautiful shots, and Happy Labor Day to you!

Maria @ LSS said...


Liza said...

Happy Labor Day and Happy RT!

Annie Jeffries said...

I just planted a geranium cutting. The color is the same. I sure hope it grows and becomes as pretty as this one is.

Lui said...

Your geraniums are really pretty RED! We celebrate Labor Day May 1 and since it is a holiday, people don't really 'labor' so I wonder if it is a holiday in the US too?

Francisca said...

Happy Labor Day to our American friends. Red geraniums always make me think of the Mediterranean.

Robin said...

Lovely flowers. I hope everyone enjoyed the long Labor Day weekend. We're heading into our own long weekend over here, it's Rosh Hashana, Jewish New Year.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Ingrid said...

Beautiful geraniums !

Patti said...

Lovely ruby geraniums, Mary..

I haven't played Ruby Tuesday in a while, but I'm back.

Happy Labor Day!

Anonymous said...

Very nice. Happy Labor Day to you as well :)

Loree said...

Beautiful geraniums - perfect for RT. We have had the worst of luck with geraniums this year. They are usually hardy but some disease has killed all the ones in our yard.

toby said...

How pretty! Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend!

Karen Coutu said...

Loving the stars and stripes! I never get tired of seeing them. :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Beautiful geraniums, MaryT!

concretenprimroses said...

Lovely geranimums. Wow, Ruby Tuesday is very popular!

Dianne said...

Hope you had a wonderful long weekend Mary

Unknown said...

Pretty geraniums and so, so red!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Those are absolutely beautiful geraniums. When I was little, my great-uncle used to put scented leaves of something he called "rose geraniums" in his letters to us. I've always wondered what those were. These LOOK like they could be called that.

Unknown said...

happy labor day:)

Ralph said...

Flags and flowers are fine rubies on a holiday, really anytime!

sunnymama said...

Love your ruby flowers! Happy Labor Day. :)

Lesa said...

love that deep ruby! Happy Labor Day to you too!

Carolina Mountains said...

Love the flowers - such a deep red!

srp said...

These are gorgeous geraniums. Red is SO HARD to photograph and get the color just right... but you did.

Linnea said...

Such intense red! Thanks for hosting!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Geraniums are some of my favorites. So perky, so dependable. I've posted red dahlias for you today:

Anonymous said...

Pretty geraniums. Love the flag shots, too.

Hope you had a nice Labor Day weekend.


lina@women's perspectives said...

Lovely red...
Happy Labor Day to you :)

Christine said...

Great red in those geraniums, Mary. Hope you had a great weekend!

Bhupesh said...

As you have asked need help in adding the link!!!!

Help me out!!!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Beautiful depth of red in those geraniums! Enjoy the long weekend!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I have these geranium in my garden, the only thing is I have neglected them and the flowers are very small.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

What a gorgeous shade of red on the geraniums! Happy Labor Day!

Maria's Space said...

Hope you had a wonderful weekend Mary!

deb did it said...

I am in again this week, and I LOVE your flag images!!

Auntie E said...

Love those silk versions. sometime they look so real. Only a closer look will reveal the truth:-)

Dhemz said...

oh I miss my geraniums...too bad I left them in California.

great shot!

Marites said...

never seen red geraniums's pretty!

Anne said...

nice one...

here's mine for this weeks RT...

Jew Wishes said...

What rich reds in the geraniums. Lovely photos! Have a good rest of the week.

Mimi said...

Your geraniums are really lovely, but it's the flags that have caught my attention big-time, especially the bottom left one.
Great RT post, Mary.
Mine's up too.

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

beautiful photos...nice to be back here....thanks for this great meme

Sandy Trefger said...

Beautiful red geraniums! My Ruby Tuesday comes from Route 66 in Oklahoma! A cute restored diner!

Route 66 Diner

Queen-Size funny bone said...

I wish my geraniums were this red. they dried up from lack of water

Queen-Size funny bone said...

I wish my geraniums were this red. they dried up from lack of water

CACHANILLA73 said...

Love the reds ;)

Teuvo Vehkalahti said...

Very nice blog, I like
Pleace looking fotoblog Teuvo Images
and pleace your comments

Thank you

Teuvo vehkalahti


Linda Starr said...

Never saw a geranium that red, so cool.