Monday, September 27, 2010

Ruby Tuesday Giveaway!

 Guess what the photograph below depicts? 

The first person who guesses correctly (put your guess in a comment) I'll send, for this Ruby Tuesday, this fine art photograph (4x6) below in a plastic photo pocket with a white envelope from my Etsy collection.

Good luck!


☺lani☺ said...

Looks like a huge paint object along the road! :)

EG CameraGirl said...

I need to think about this one! It's a toughy!

EG CameraGirl said...

Is it the top of a garbage container?

Cherry said...

a bit tricky, a huge rubber ball? hahaha! can't think of anything!!!

Carletta said...

I think it is one of those big red balls in front of a Target store. :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The red iconic ball in front of a Target Store?

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

ok seriously I did not just copy Carletta -- I just hollered at Bill and asked him what he thought the picture was and that's what he said -- didn't notice her comment until I was waiting for mine to post.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

The top of a fire hydrant?

Ingrid said...

a round red thing on the street, no idea, lol !

Maude Lynn said...

Is it one of those annoying red balls in front of Target?

Gunsside said...

Looks like a traffic sign maybe a triangle ;)

"Lillagul" said...

I think it´s a Mailbox seen from above :)

Francisca said...

I suspect the Target crowd is right, but I thought it was a bright red pilates or beach ball on the road.

♥ Kathy said...

I can't think of anything except the Target ball but with the yellow line it makes me think it's by a highway...

Chubskulit Rose said...

A tough one, it makes it more thrilling to guess lol..

Felisol said...

My uneducated guess; the top of an American fire hydrant.
Happy Ruby Tuesday.

Maria @ LSS said...

It's a table.

Liza said...

Hmmm, let me see... a sphere of some kind.

Happy RT Mary!

maryt/theteach said...

Everyone's doing so well! Keep it up! I won't say yet if anyone's guessed correctly. Tomorrow I'll announce around 12 O'clock PM! :)

Christine said...

I think it's the top of one of those barrier posts that keep cars from driving on pedestrian/bikeway paths.

anemonen said...

The red ball from an antenna on a car so you can find the car in the parkingplace. That´s my guessing. They are small but I thing the photo is taken rather close.

Tink *~*~* said...

It's one of those big red balls outside of Target!

Tink *~*~*

Patti said...

looks like a red rubber ball on the pavement .. but that would be too easy!

Gemma Wiseman said...

That is such a dramatic, red curved shape! I think it is a giant red bouncy exercise ball!

Karen Coutu said...

The nose of clown statue? :P

Ralph said...

Its the common look of the entry to a Target store. The parking lots is enhanced by these ruby orbs...

Anonymous said...

What i say, it´s a ball

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

It's a mystery to me--and I'll wait for the mystery to be revealed!

Marites said...

I think, it's a red or round-shaped thing painted with red. Never been to Target so I can't relate hehehehe!

Dianne said...

I think the Target folks have got it :)

Becky said...

I'm not good at these at all, but I think they are a really good idea. Looks like the roof on an outdoor eating table, maybe at McDonalds.

bj said...

Target ball...??
Thanks, sweet Mary, for hosting this amazing and fun meme...
xo bj

Terry said...

hi teach...i am glad to finally be back...i thought it might of been a car fender but that is a just a wild guess..ha..
happy ruby tuesday and for once i am early!
love terry

Misty DawnS said...

I have an idea - it's on the tip of my tongue... trying to find the proper answer... I'll be back tomorrow, if it's not too late!

Teacher Engineer said...

I think it's a red paint in the street:)Just guessing!Had fun looking at the pic:)

anne said...

A balloon perhaps, hehehe

Anonymous said...

No idea - I don't go to Target stores, as I don't need any targets...

Mary Lou said...

DUH. I've never noticed one of those in front of Target but I''m going to look now. Interesting whatever it is. Great for Ruby Tues. Thanks for having us over!

Angie said...

Whatever it is it's a mighty fine Ruby Red (I'll go for a 'fit' ball but what it's doing parked on a
yellow line is beyond me!)

Junneth said...

Red on the road signals STOP... this must be telling passers by to stop..look and pay attention to something!Just having fun here my dear Mary. Mine is posted here:

Unknown said...

Beats me.

lina@women's perspectives said...

I guess this huge red ball is a part of a monument. Hehehe, I just try to give a different answer here. Happy Tuesday...

Unknown said...

It puts me in the mind of a dodge ball.

Love your new header!!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Jones Beach! At least the sand doesn't burn your feet at this time of year.

Unknown said...

It looks like a saucer

Dhemz said...

that's what I saw in front of a target score....nice!

Joanna said...

I would have guessed a beach ball.

genny said...

hi, joining your ruby tuesday entry. i will be glad to write more about this meme. thanks!

genny said...

i guess the photograph is trying to say that stop on yellow line when the red light is on. my wild guess!

Halie said...

It looks like a ball.

Thank you again for hosting this wonderful meme.

Paz said...

Hmmm... I have no idea what that could be. Can't wait to find out the answer.


Jientje said...

It's a ball, but that's all I know!

Roan said...

I'm guessing it is a close up shot of a traffic control post. I ran into one Saturday at Target—not with my car, with my knee. You guessed it, I was walking and texting at the same time. It hurt. Still have a bruise. ;(

B : ) said...

The red ball outside Target

Auntie E said...

I think it was already guessed. My first thought was that target ball. My daughter love that ball. but now thinking of where you live I am thinking differently.I bet it is a ball from in front of the FAO Schwarz toy store.

It is so funny you would mention books, I also mentioned a book in my Post today. We must think a like.

Sandy Trefger said...
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Sandy Trefger said...

My guess would be the big red ball in front of a Target store but think some others have already guessed that.

My Ruby Tuesday for today is a look back at red Burma Shave signs!

srp said...

The big red ball outside a Target store.... I never figured out WHY they are there. Oh, it looks like Carletta has seen one too!

Mel_Cole said...

Just a red ball ornament by the sidewalk? Nice pictures!

Jew Wishes said...

Great photo and perspective on this. I love the texture blends along with the contrasts of tones.