Monday, August 16, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

From Blossoms
by Li-Young Lee

From blossoms comes
this brown paper bag of peaches
we bought from the boy
at the bend in the road where we turned toward
signs painted Peaches.

From laden boughs, from hands,
from sweet fellowship in the bins,
comes nectar at the roadside, succulent
peaches we devour, dusty skin and all,
comes the familiar dust of summer, dust we eat.

O, to take what we love inside,
to carry within us an orchard, to eat
not only the skin, but the shade,
not only the sugar, but the days, to hold
the fruit in our hands, adore it, then bite into
the round jubilance of peach.

There are days we live
as if death were nowhere
in the background; from joy
to joy to joy, from wing to wing,
from blossom to blossom to
impossible blossom, to sweet impossible blossom.

Hey everybody it's Ruby Tuesday again and I though you'd like this peachy peach that my husband Vinny was eating. Lucky I took the shot when I did 'cuz  it was gone in the next few seconds.

Happy Ruby Tuesday!


Lola said...

Great shot of the (almost) disappearing peach!

Happy RT!


Carletta said...

I haven't had breakfast and a peach sounds lovely!
I like your processing Mary!

☺lani☺ said...

Nice one! Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Ralph said...

That is a fine looking peach, with the artfully edited ruby therin. Nice!

Felisol said...

These days we are importing peaches from faraway countries.
I love the fruit.
Didn't occur to me it was so photogenic.
The poem has captured the elusive joy of a peach moment.
"There are days we live
as if death were nowhere
in the background; from joy
to joy to joy, from wing to wing."
Carpe momento.

Francisca said...

I do my best not to crave what I cannot have. There are wonderful fruits here in Asia, but now you have me craving a soft, ripe, sweet. luscious peach! :-D

Anonymous said...

The peaches Denmark import are not as juicy as few years ago :(
Have a nice week!

carolina mts said...

Great shot! We did a post on peaches too.

Maria @ LSS said...

Happy RT Mary!

Modern Mom said...

Great Capture. Happy Ruby!

Samson said...

Nice one, Happy RT

I have a badge for you on my blog, stop by and grab it when you get a chance

anemonen said...

I love that photo. Lovely done

Loree said...

Great photo. Love the edits. Love the poem too.

Melissa B. said...

Oh, I love peaches! And this shot is certainly superior. Which reminds me...I need to make a peach pie!

Anonymous said...

WOOT!!! Your post a comment link is back :) Excellent photo of that peach. I love it :) Happy RT!!!

EG CameraGirl said...

I'd like to know how you've altered the peach, MaryT. I like the poem you selected to go with your post.

nonizamboni said...

Love the 'dusty' peach poem!
Happy Tuesday, Mary.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Interesting processing of the peach detail! It looks as if the whole image is a painting based on subtle lines!

♥ Kathy said...

What a great Ruby Tuesday Mary! I'll see you tomorrow :)

Dianne said...

the poem is lovely, especially the last stanza

Jan said...

Mary, I didn't recognize this as a peach!

Karen Coutu said...

Very artistic Mary! :D

Marites said...

Nice effect on the peach pic and good you were good to the draw before it disappeared. have a nice week!

bj said...

Hi, Mizz Mary...peaches sound so good to me right now...yum
Come over...I am having a giveaway.

Unknown said...

just posted my entry for this week's ruby tuesday:)

The Cunning Runt said...

Cool shot! Our peaches here in the Berkshires are spectacular this year.

And pity poor me - my housemate Holly has a new hobby, making the world's most delectable ice creams, with "peach" on the menu in the next day or two! :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love a peach! I just bet you did leave me just one, didn't you?

SandyCarlson said...

Wonderful post, Mary.

Mary Lou said...

I always look forward to joining you for Ruby Tues.
I'm making a peach pie tomorrow..

srp said...

I hope that peach was sweet and juicy and wonderful. We have had a few that good this year, but not many so far.

Unknown said...

I love the poem. I could nearly taste the peach, fresh and succulent.

Stephanie V said...

Lovely - and tasty - image. Perfect with the poem.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

I love the way you don't hesitate (at least I don't think you do) to change things up. Neat new header! I saw a lighthouse in Dungeness WA and thought of you, Mary. It was kind of far away so I'm not sure if it can post well. But they are cool!

Gale said...

I love this poem! Did you write this? (Ok...that's a kinda silly question considering your blog name and all...but the reason I ask is that I'm considering starting a fruit themed blog. It'll have recipes and reviews and stuff you'ld expect, but being a poetry lover I'd also like to include some poems. If I do ever get around to starting that blog, could I post your poem if I include a byline linking back to this site?)

ecarian at yahoo dot com

Ingrid said...

I first thought it was an ice cream, but probably it's because I am half asleep, lol !

ilovepink1078 said...

great shots! congrats...

Jientje said...

I love peaches and you made me crave one!

B : ) said...

Sorry to get off subject, but that shot of the lighthouse is magnificent! I can almost feel the mist on my eyelashes.

tinyskillet said...

My first time joining Ruby Tuesday!

Nice peach there!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh I love that poem. I just went to a peach festival at one of our local orchards. Man do they taste good.

Spadoman said...

Not only is this a fantastic photo, the words make me feel like I'm with you, sharing the fruit, something I have done in my lifetime just as you describe it.
In fact, just yesterday, I discovered Colorado peaches at the store. We used to live near where they were famous for growing them and would drive by road side stands daily and share their bounty.
Wonderful post for a Ruby day.


Anne said...

My first time to join Ruby Tuesday...

Followed you here... hope you can follow me back... thank you...

here's my share:

Unknown said...

Cool peach picture!
Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Lui said...

...i love the lines "to take what we eat, not only the skin, but the shade..."

To soak in the hue of that once forbidden color and make it ours...every Tuesday...

Elizabethé/Eternity said...

My first time to join Ruby Tuesday.Love your photo on the peach.

Joanna said...

Fascinating photo. Thanks for continuing to host Ruby Tuesday.

Grandmother Wren said...

Love the new header on your site - beautiful!

Jew Wishes said...

What a lovely capture and poem to go with.

Such vivid imagery in the's beautifully written.

deb did it said...

I am jumping in again...come see me!! Thanks for hosting! I love Tuesdays....just when I need new inspiration

Mel_Cole said...

I love peaches ;). The poem sounds lovely. Joining the second time today.

Ricepatty said...

Ruby tuesday beauty for sure!

Terry said...

hi teach mary!
we are finally back from my beloved manitoba and i am just a bit tired, but i had just better get off my laziness and get caught up with everybody!
the peaches are just glorious this year, so pretty and huge and juicy!
ha! and it only took your hubbie a few seoonds to pulverize that peach!
happy ruby tuesday beloved teach..i missed you! terry

Teacher Engineer said...

beautiful post!!!Happy RT:)

A Dose of Everything said...

Hi this is my first time to join and I'm really excited about it!:)

Here's my entry! :)