Monday, August 09, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

Who are these people? My nephews, Jerome and Carl, and me. About 20 years ago... That's me in the middle with my mouth open as usual... We're hiking at Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, N.Y.

Carl's RED jacket makes this photo appropriate for our Ruby Tuesday

Happy Ruby Tuesday to all my favorite RT bloggers... that means YOU!


Lola said...

Great shot!


Chubskulit Rose said...

Brrrrr, looos cold . Have a nice Monday Mary.

☺lani☺ said...

Nice photo, priceless!

niko said...

yay thats one cute jacket!!

my entry is here..

my entry is here

happy monday!

Rambling Woods said...

Lovely memory photo Mary...Michelle

EG CameraGirl said...

Hehehe! Sure is cold where you are!

Neat photo too.

Leora said...

So your nephews are all grown up now? It looked like a fun day... I would go on a hike like that one.

Carletta said...

With 'feel like' temps forecast this week between 100-105 the snow and ice in this is appealing to me!
You have two Jeromes then?
Looks like they love their Auntie!

Maria @ LSS said...

Happy RT Mary!

Liza said...

Great photo!

Felisol said...

I think we have about the same temperatures.
"There's not such as bad weather, just bad clothing," the Norwegians say.
How nice to see our dear teach.
Are you getting younger all the time?

Anonymous said...

Excellent photo my friend. :)

Gemma Wiseman said...

You all look wonderful together! Great family shot!

Julie said...

'Morning Mary, once again, thank you for hosting. This is only my second week, but it is amazing how red has jumped out at me from the landscape this week!

Wifey10 said...

Your nephews must be grown ups now. I like long walks as well.
Finally I got my entry here right.
Have a blessed week ahead!

eileeninmd said...

Mary, it is a nice memory for you and your nephews. Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Linnea said...

It's fun seeing photos from your past!

Karen Coutu said...

What a great idea to post a nice memory like that for RT! :)

Anonymous said...

When I see a camera pointing at me I turn away (and shouting bad words :)
Your nephews don't look as happy as you *LOL*

toby said...

Oh, I love looking through photos from way back! This is a great one - thanks for sharing it with us!

Marites said...

i miss hiking..looks cold out there:) I like old photos!

Misty DawnS said...

And now you don't look a day older than in that photo! :-D

Chie Wilks said...

you are still looking young as you were...nice picture..

Delphyne said...

Been away for awhile and happy to be back!! HRT, everyone!

Becky said...

Super picture. I'd love some of that cool weather right now!

Mylene said...

It is really nice to keep some old pictures.

The Cunning Runt said...

I LOVE the Mohonk-Smiley Preserve! Used to climb there all the time, and always thought Sky Top (at the Mountain House) was the coolest!

tilden talks... said...

Where is your hat? Button up that jacket!

Jan said...

Now, that's really digging back in the files. Fun photo to share.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

A wonderful photo! I bet your nephews would get a kick out of seeing it after 20 years :)

Unknown said...

Your right, it does! It looks like a nice hike!

Elaine Ling said...

Wow~ I'm sure this picture brought back much memories :)

at the cottage said...

Brrrrrrr :) Great shot though but brrrrr

Francisca said...

I love hiking too. Photos like this, although of a colder time, warm the heart.

Auntie E said...

Lovely photo of your family. Love the cool look. Must have been a great hike.

Ingrid said...

A cold picture, lol ! Your nephew looks like straight out of Naples !

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

I love the way you find these things and post to inspire us all. Neat shot.

Stef said...

Indeed appropriate! Happy RT!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

It's so much fun to see all the old pictures.

Jientje said...

To think Jerome now already has kids of his own! How quickly time flies eh? Have a great week Mary!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I guess the two boys are much much taller than you are.

Were you panting because you had a long walk?

joco said...

Hiya MaryT,

First time here and I hope I'm ruby enough. Will try harder next week :-)

Spadoman said...

Wonderful photo of a cooler time of the year. Makes me want to think about Fall and the upcoming Winter, but it will be in the 90's here, with very high humidity today, I'll have to settle for the picture.


bj said...

Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful red day.
This photo cooled me off, just looking at it.

B : ) said...

How terrific. It's fun going back, via photos, isn't it?

Jew Wishes said...

What a lovely family photo. It's a great winter shot!

Gee said...

So Happy it's Tuesday again....

The one with the View said...

Can't believe that snow actually looks nice! After 100s for the last few weeks here in Texas, something cooler would be nice!

Teacher Engineer said...

nice shot!

Dhemz said...

wow! 2 decades ago....nice one!

Unknown said...

Nice picture!
I'm posting here again after being away for several months. Good to be back!

Best wishes,

MarieElizabeth said...

I love to see how everyone views this theme. Fun!

Mimi said...

Happy RT, Mary.
The trees seem to have a ruby hint too.
I'll give RT a miss this week, just back from, would you believe, Porto!!
I got some good RT pics there.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Snow looks pretty refreshing right about now. This heat and humidity makes me long for fall.

Thanks for hosting!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage


Thanks for hosting this great meme!