How do you like this first photo? I did a little photo-editing: a swirling blur in the background. I picked it for today because of the bit of RED of the strap over her right shoulder. Doesn't she have a sweet face? Her name is Debbie.

This toucan hung from the ceiling of the restaurant Tequila Sunrise. Again a bit of photo editing: I placed the toucan against a paper cut-out also hanging from the ceiling.
Please visit your fellow Ruby Tuesday bloggers!

Glad to be back here again joining y0ur meme
happy ruby tuesday!
I like Debbie's red strap best, interesting effect, great face.
I love the header photos! Being a girl from the south shore, Town of Babylon, I spent a good deal of my "mispent youth" at Robert Moses field 2.
my first time to join.. happy ruby tuesday!!
What a lovely lady and nice processing Mary!
Beautiful photos my friend. Well done :)
Love the effects.
Happy RT!
happy Rt day!
nice header! have a great month of August!
Some very clever phpoto editing in both photos! Especially love the first photo with the swirling background! Focis is kept on the woman's delightful face!
Happy RT Mary.
Nice touches of red for Ruby Tuesday. Your editing is great.
Nice lady with the red strap
Have a nice week ;)
cool shot;-) happy day
Hello Mary, This is my first post for 'Ruby Tuesdsy'. I appreciate your being host and all that involves.
I have not ventured as far into photo-editing as you as yet, finding the use of layers and such, as a bit beyond me.
Have a good week, Mary.
So the Tucan watched over you while you were eating ?
Debbie looks like a friendly person.
I like what you did with the editing on both of the pix.
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
You're so handy on the computer, Mary! Its always fun to see what you're up to.
Happy RTuesday :O)
A very interesting effect - I love to see experiments!
Yes, a happy looking person well photographed!
Love the red strap on the shoulder! A perfect photo for RT!! :D
Beautiful Runbies! Have a great week ahead Mary!
love the effects...Happy ruby Tuesday!
just entered my post :)
Hi Mary...you are inspiring me to experiment with my photos. Love the toucan!
I love senior Toucan ... happy Tuesday..
I really like your editing, Mary. Great job on both photos.
The lady sure is a woman I'd like to know. She's looking so bold and open.
I must ask Serina ow to place a picture in a picture. Such great effect. I so wanted to place a rose in the water on my entry today.
I've just arrived home from a small tour, and have to manage on my own, the family is sound asleep 2.15 a.m.
I just had to finish my Ruby Tuesday before bed.
I love the swirly, blurred effect Mary. And yes, she has a lovely face :)
I do like the effects! Happy Tuesday!
Debbie is a cute one for sure. Don't see many toucan's around these parts. Maybe on the shouklder of the occasionalpirate that passes through.
Happy Ruby Tuesday to you and all.
I love the way you love to experiment. Very inspiring!
Love the interesting effects.... toucans are such strange birds... always reminds me of Fruit Loops, only they spell them FROOT LOOPS. Ha... too much sugar AND teaching kids to spell incorrectly.
Happy Tuesday!
it's my very first time to join in here:
hope you liked it :)
Debbie seems belonging to the group who can act naturally in front of a camera ;-)
Great shots!
I applaud your sense of adventure with the processing, Mary. I don't know how to do that twirl, but it's interesting... keeps the focus on your friendly friend's face.
I love the effects!!!
PS....Mary, I get updates on tropical storms in my email, and thought of you today...looks like the new storm which turned into a tropical storm/perhaps eventually a hurricane...is heading to New York!!
a graph is on my blog just now.
Like the toucan!
After a hiatus since I was so busy getting ready for my family reunion and a subsequent computer crash, I am back.
Debbie has such a friendly face!
Yes, she does look like a very sweet person.
Happy Tuesday!
Oh, I really love the swirly effect in your first photo. Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Happy ruby Tuesday. I like the first photo best.
HAPPY RT!!!Cute post with editing..I tried to edit my picture background too:)
I love the blurry effect, so nice
Happy Tuesday, I like the parrot :)
What wonderful photos...you captured Debbie's expression so nicely.
Love the tucan!
I remember when the Robert Moses Causeway was built, way back when (did I say that?!).
Love the toucan, and the red strap is genious. Been gone most of the summer and am just now getting back into the swing of memes. Is today too late to submit?
She definitely has a sweet face! Love the Tucan! Thanks for hosting!
nice photo! btw is the toucan real?hehe..
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