Monday, July 19, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

Hi everyone welcome to Ruby Tuesday! What you see below is my first attempt at working with textures.


This is tiger lily that I took and manipulated with textures and then used the duo-tone filter on Photobucket.

I think I like it. Do you? I'd appreciate some feedback... :)

If you sign Mr. Linky and leave a comment you'll go into a giveaway of a free 4x6 photographic print of this ruby photo in its own photo sleeve and envelope...

At 5:00 PM on Tuesday I'll spin around and point to a name in the Linky list and you''ll be the winner!

** Don't worry if you didn't sign Mr. Linky because I failed to post it, you'll still be considered for the giveaway!!

BTW, It's my 100th post for Ruby Tuesday! Thanks Elaine!

**The winner of the Ruby Tuesday Giveaway is first time poster Gee. Welcome Gee! Send me your home address in my e-mail: and I'll send you the tiger lily in RED that you see above.
Thank you everyone for participating!


Lola said...

Hi, greetings! Have I missed Mr Linky somewhere?!

btw Lovely pics.


Lola said...

PS My Ruby Tuesday post this week is HERE. Hope you can join me!


Felisol said...

I went to take a look at the texture options. They were legion!
Great picture, and I so appreciate the ways you find to teach about photography, while we're having fun.

Felisol said...

My entry for this week is here:
See, I don't even know how to post Here with a link on it, when commentating.
I'd appreciate some advice.

Samson said...

Is Mr Linky missing?

Here's the link to my entry anyways


Johanna S said...

I liked the work you did on your photo !
Have a nice day!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

the light pick up but the one color seems to make it one note-- but i do not know about the options at all

marcia@joyismygoal said...

meaning to say i like the light pick up:)

Phebie said...

exciting! mine is up excited to put my name on Mr. Linky...Hope I'll win....:)

Maboe said...

Here is mine!

EG CameraGirl said...

Cool, Mary!

My Ruby Tuesday:

Jim said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday, Mary. It's already 4:26 here in London right now.

I might not make Mr. Linky, that will be 11:00 tonight. I should be sleeping as I leave the house for Houston in the morning at 7:00 (London time, 1:00 AM CDST.

If anyone wants to see my RT before five, click on the 'Jim' link above.

maritz said...

This is gret.. wheres mr linky?

Gemma Wiseman said...

A soft rosy glow in this photo! A very lovely effect!

There is still no Mr Linky, so this is mine:

On the Run

Dani said...

I think it's great work you did with the picture. I like it.

My Ruby Tuesday post is


Napaboaniya APAD said...

Lovely.. you never fail to amaze me on your PhotoShop skills :)
Happy 100th Ruby Tuesday!

Eng said...

nice subject and composition.

Good luck to the one who will get it.

Eng of Poetic Murmuring.

Unknown said...

lovely subject.

Lesa said...

I think it is stunning and should be hanging on someone's wall!

Carletta said...

For me it has a dreamlike look Mary. I clicked to enlarge it to see the texture better and saw the other two versions as well. The vibrant color shot is beautiful!

Perry said...

Interesting textures

B i r g i t t a said...

It is so fun playing around in PS don't you think :)
I like your work it has a soft red tone - maybe I had added some glow

Terry said...

hello beloved i am in my beloved manitoba and i am so happy that this low internet connection allowed me to post!
and so i will try again next week too..the little red car has been a very naughty kid!...ha!
happy ruby tuesday love from terry in the prairies

Ma.links said...

Great shot. Like a painting...

MOO said...

Love this! I enjoy working with colors/textures, too. Happy Ruby Tuesday!!

Toy Story 3

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Very interesting shot...look at it and studied it for a long time.

Marites said...

I use Photobucket but I haven't explored much of its features yet. this is really fun! :)

Margaret Gosden said...

I don't know if I like it or not. But it is fun seeing what one can do with the tools available.

nonizamboni said...

Your many talents amaze me, Mary! And nice choice of photo to noodle with.
Happy RT!

Rambling Woods said...

That is an interesting effect..I like it Mary

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary,

I have updated the information about flower "Red Beauty", its Cuphea Ignea", more info on my post here

Chubskulit Rose said...

That's very creative.

Karen Coutu said...

I think I would like it better with more contrast, but then again, that's how I like all photos, textured or not. :P

eden said...

Yes, I love it. Great job!

Small Reflections said...

I've not experimented much with textures, but I do like what you've done ... and perhaps (when time permits) I'll check them out. Love the pretty new header ;-)
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Hugs and blessings,

Delphyne said...

Got my computer back and am red-y to Ruby Tuesday once again!

rebecca said...

i love that this is your 100 post!!!
happy blogiversary!
interesting use of texture. perhaps more contrast between the flower and your background would make your flower pop forward more.

thanks for hosting us.

Spadoman said...

I love the soft edges of this photo. It soothes the way it is seen. Could be a back ground for verse or portrait, or syand alone. I like it!


stan said...

like the misty pink which gives the hibiscus? a sensual feel.

Mimi said...

It's an antique, delicate, faded pink, and it's lovely.
I've no idea how to use that editing software.
Happy RT, Mary.

Linnea said...

Congrats on the 100th post! Your ruby flower looks dreamy!

Mylene said...

Your work is a good start :)

Happy 100th Ruby Tuesday post :)

Mylene said...

Very lovely!

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Congratulations on your 100th Ruby Tuesday post. :-) It's a great theme and I love red.

Anonymous said...

very nice texture. ;-)


Becky said...

Oh this is really cool Mary. It looks like a satin sheet. Beautiful. I must try it sometime.

nuts said...

hi! great work of arts!

Jenn said...

I loved how you post processed this picture... I think I'd try that one out, too.

Auntie E said...

Not sure.. I like the background, texture. I would like to see the flower raised a little, set apart for the background. However it is fun to play with the different textures.

Unknown said...

Wow! Photo Bucket must have come a long way since the last time I used it. I love the way it separated the flower from the background and texturized it.

Teacher Engineer said...

hello, i like your it:)

Gattina said...

It looks fairy ! I didn't know that Photobucket also does such things !

Alexa said...

I definitely like it! And big congrats for #100!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Hi Mary,

Neat daylily, even though it's kinda pink rather than ruby. Fun with the computer software, I see. I do like the shadow shot below. And by the way, I have a lily also, but it's a different kind. Take a peek if you have time:

Hootin Anni said...

It really matches the whole blog template set too.

Maharlikah said...

Nice work of art!

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Hi Mary,

I posted one from your area. I like the textured picture. You might add a little more contrast.

Roan said...

I like it! I love the similar hues in the flower and background, plus the texture is unique.

Marlene said...

That's a lovely work of textures. Cool to the eyes.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing and have a happy RUBY Tuesday!!!

Maria's Space said...

That is a great picture. Love the hue.

HappyK said...

I think the photo is very pretty and would look great hanging on the wall.

carolina mts said...

No Mr Linky? Visist for some colorful scenes of a mountain town. Like the lily and effects.

anemonen said...

Hi! I like your picture. I am a little bit coward to do something like you. I must be better on that because it´s fun to play with photos. Have a nice day.

Francisca said...

Congratulations on your 100th, Mary! I like how it looks like the light is coming out from inside the flower. And while I like the texture, maybe I'd have given it a bit more contrast; but of course, not playing with it myself, I wouldn't really know.

Maude Lynn said...

I think that it looks fantastic!

reg said...

I really like that pic presented to-day/yesterday. It is very unique. I am so enjoying your RT as always.

charmie said...

I love the photo.. Lovely :)

gee said...



Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Wow! Really amazing photo! Looking forward to some fun stuff! Thanks for hosting! Jacqueline

Unknown said...

What a neat effect. Well done!

It was great to see you both over the weekend. Thanks for checking out the photos I shot while we were together. It was such fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi Have a nice day!

☺lani☺ said...

First time here...