It's Ruby Tuesday and the family went out to dinner to celebrate my BIL's birthday! The restaurant is called Piccolo Luguria and has this little table and chair with RED geraniums outside the front door.

A bunch of RED details at the dinner table. that's Jarome with his "Nono" (grandpa). Isn't he getting big? He'll be 5 in October...
Join us for Ruby Tuesday and sign Mr. Linky below.

Happy birthday to your BIL! those geraniums are really eye-catching and Jarome is such a cutie pie.
Hi Mary. One look at that table and plant and you just know the restaurant is going to be wonderfully warm and welcoming.
That's a great family portrait! Nono's pride and joy in his grandson just shines through and Jarome's personality and happiness just shine.
A nice place for a birthday party. Maybe the cook gets to sit outside and get some air?
Jarome is getting big! I will check Piccolo Luguria for a future visit. Tonight Mrs. Jim and I will probably pick a fish 'n' chip place on High Street in St. James Wood (London).
Lovely geraniums, and Jarome is looking as cute as ever :).
My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
happy RT day! lovely images again Mary! love it!
have a great week Mary and thanks for sharing these wonderful images...seems that i don't see my first comment..
Jarome is so good looking. Funny thing; when they are babies, we think they are the most wonderful we've ever seen. Then, as one year adds to another, they only get better, and we love then even more.
Great pictures. Jarome is just so adorable kid.
Happy Tuesday!
He's definitely getting bigger AND more handsome, if that's possible. :)
Jarome's a handsome young guy... Happy birthday to your BIL... I love the shot, too. I can so see sitting on that chair sipping a limoncello and watching the crowd go by...
Lovely geraniums. I have pink ones in my garden.
Lovely flowers. Happy Birthday to your BIL.
Sounds like a great place to celebrate a birthday.
Happy RT!
Jarome is so sweet! The geraniums are lovely and such a rich red.
The geraniums are a welcoming bright colour at the restaurant! And Nono seems so quietly proud of his grandson! Jarome has such a delightful expression on his face!
Loved both photos and now I'm hungry :O)
You will just never guess what I posted this week :)
Your rubies are just lovely! And that sweet little boy is getting to be quite handsome - enjoy!
Yes, a very big boy and cute too!
Great shots.
Wow! Jerome is getting big!! Still a cutie though. :)
A happy photo! He posed so nicely for you, not an
easy task usually!
Looks very inviting, Mary.
And Jarome is a fine boy.
Happy RT, mine's up.
Happy birthday to your BIL. The geranium is beautiful. I dont have that colour in my garden. And what a sweet photo of Jerome and his grandpa.
Happy Ruby Tuesday.
And happy birthday!
Happy birthday BIL - fellow cancerian!
Happy Birthday to Jerome! He is adorable. The ruby and blue plaid shirt are very becoming on the handsome young man!
Mine is here:http://thepagansphinx.blogspot.com/2010/07/ruby-tuesday-goes-to-summer-solstice.html
Wonderful images, and thanks for hosting Ruby Tuesday!
Happy Birthday to your BIL. Those are some nice touches of ruby red you captured ;-)
Looks like a great restaurant for a celebration! Jarome is a cutie!
I had a great time linking up last week so I'm back for more RED! Thanks for hosting! Jacqueline
Happy belated birthday. Jarome is cute and I see red in his shirt too. He definitely knows how to play by the rules. :-)
Geraniums surely are a beautiful red, and Jarome is a real cutie!
Please delete No. 82. I linked to the wrong post..
Thank you for hosting us.
He's a cutie pie!
What w handsome lad (and Nono!) Thanks for sharing these beautiful family pics!
we have the same birth month, hehehe mine is up and its ehre thanks http://www.terryannemary.com/2010/07/ruby-tuesday-14-storage-box.html
Thanks for this site I get to share my photos to everyone! :-)
What a lovely little table vignette!
Jarome is becoming a handsome little man. :) I can hardly believe he is almost five.
happy birthday to your BIL...way to go!
oh I love geraniums....:)
That little table looks like I need to sit awhile. I wonder if they serve Red Zinger tea? Lovely little boy you have there, too.
Happy birthday to the Nonno, I will be Nonna end November for the first time !
He's a big boy for a 4 year old.
Thanks for sharing the pictures and Happy Ruby Tuesday!
When I see red geraniums I think of the Mediterranean. But they look pretty here too. Happy [belated] B'day to your BIL.
Happy birthday to BIL! Lovely geraniums...one of my favorite flowering plants! Jarome is adorable!
Happy Ruby Day!
I see you have a food related theme going. That's what I posted today for Ruby Tuesday.
Those fellows look like their ready to manga!
What a handsome couple of men.
The geraniums are beautiful. I think red is my favorite. Handsome young man!
Pretty red geraniums. I would also stop and stare on. A red drink on a birthday celebration will surely make a day colorful. Cheers!
Hi! I'm joining Ruby Tuesday for good and have just done my first post for today's RT. Hope you like it. :-)
Those geraniums look good enough to eat!
Shall We Dance?
Jerome looks so handsome, he's growing up so fast
I love the window behind him
Seems to be a nice place to visit. Fine pictures :-)
Enjoyed your photos. There was quite a bit of red to find in your dinning picture and the flowers are beautiful.
happy birthday to your BIL :) great shots!
Family celebrations are wonderful - especially when they span generations like this one does. And the restaurant looks charming - love the window!
What wonderful reds!
What a precious family photo! Aww.
The second picture is much more enjoyable than the first!
Very nice geranium picture.
Kids sure do grow up fast.
I love the flowers on the little table!
...And I love all the reds(and blues) at the table. Your little guy is a cutie!!
I love geraniums!
Love red geraniums!He is cute that little one!
Happy Ruby Tuesday! Thanks for hosting and More power!
Love the View of the Bay photo.
Hi Mary. This is my second entry for the Ruby Tuesday Meme. Hope you'll visit me sometime in my blog (http://jingcans.blogspot.com/) Have a Happy New Year ahead!
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