Monday, June 21, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

For Ruby Tuesday this week I have a photo and a quiz:


Do you know who this lady is? Here are a couple of hints:

She lived with her husband in Quincy, Mass.
She is pictured here with her son.
Her collected letters are in print.
Her family home is called Peacefield.

Click here for the answer.

Please don't sign Mr. Linky unless you have posted for Ruby Tuesday.


LifeRamblings said...

what beautiful sculptures. Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Sistertex said...

It is Abigail Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams!

Beautiful statue!

Felisol said...

How interesting reading about Abigail Adams. I find reading about the great, but unknown women of the past very capturing and uplifting.
I certainly will spend more time with this interesting woman, once my Odyssey is over.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful sculpture, mary! Love the pretty red flowers!

Ralph said...

Abigail Adams, of course! We were in Boston and managed to pass through Quincy on I-93 on the way home. Cool statue!

Robin said...

Yup, Abigail Smith Adams. Lovely statue and gorgeous flowers.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Jim said...

The statues look awfully dull beside those pretty red flowers. Nice shot, Mary!
Happy RT!

Lady Patchy said...

interesting story .those red flowers are pretty as well as the sculpture.

charmie said...

The sculptures is beautiful and the information you give is interesting indeed:) Happy Tuesday..

This is my first for Ruby Tuesday:)

Regina said...

A beautiful sculpture.
Happy RT Mary. Have a great day.

" Regina "

Tink *~*~* said...

Beautiful statue! I didn't know who it was till I clicked. Thanks for the history lesson.

Tink *~*~*

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Great composition and wonderful sculpture. (I guessed the answer wrong - thought she was the wife)
Melbourne Daily Photo

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

What a beautiful statue. It's nice to see great public art like that.

Thank you for the wonderful link to the library's web section on women in history. :-)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Hi Mary -- I posted my link and went to visit Mr Google. When I came back I saw that you had a link to the answer. (Nobody ever said I do things the easy way.)

So Abigail -- wife of JOhn Adams the 1st? And her son? Now I'm going back to read your link to see what I missed.

Anway, we are hoping to make a trip up the Eastern Seaboard later this summer and I keep finding things to add to our itinerary. Now Peacefield goes on the list.

EG CameraGirl said...

Ha! The Adams family. I used to know Quincy well when I lived in a town just south of there. :)

Lovely ed blossoms!

hrg at Sacred Ruminations said...

Wonderful statue surrounded by lovely ruby blossoms ... thanks for the link ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Karen Coutu said...

Very pretty way to show off these statues. :)

Marites said...

that's a beautiful sculpture of a really talented lady. Happy RT!

rebecca said...

i'm ready.with a passion RED post.
does that count?

happy ruby tuesday!
let me know...
there is no end of my love for RED!

thanks for the chance to share.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

It is good to remember a real woman. Not many women are honoured.

Misty DawnS said...

Abagail Adams! I must admit I had to do some Google research to come up with the answer. I love the statue though - it's beautiful!

Dimple said...

I thought, it's not Abigail Adams; then I looked, and it is!

I read an excellent biography of John Adams by David McCullough which I recommend highly.

Patti said...

What a coincidence that we just drove through Quincy this weekend. The bride and groom live there as well!

That's a wonderful statue. Thanks for the history lesson.

Jan said...

Hi Mary, everyone is smarter than I; I had to google Peacefield. Love you photo.

Dimple said...

Mary, I accidentally got on twice--must have been a senior moment! Anyway, both links are to the same post. Feel free to delete the second. Sorry!

Chie Wilks said...

that lady in the sculpture is Abigail Adams...hehehe thanks for sharing info about her...

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

You've given your blog a makeover and it looks lovely!

ellen b said...

What a great statue and what a nice name of a place to live Peacefield....

Paz said...

I learned something new today. Cool! Cool photo, too.


Dianne said...

the flowers look lovely around the statue, beautiful contrast

Unknown said...

That's Abigail Adams! Great shot, perfect for Ruby Tuesday!

A 2 Z said...

Never heard of Abigail Adams (could be because I'm a canuck LOL). Such an intellectual woman and yet she did not have the right to vote...

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Lovely sculpture, in any case, and a bit of history I did not know. I have a red, red rose in the rain for you today:

Terry said...

hello mary t..
i haven't got a whole lot of red in my post but the reason i did it this week was for my niece's graduation.
your ruby tuesday creation always makes tuesdays so happy and joyful.
...especially this week i needed it.

that is a pretty lady and when i clicked on to see who she was, i found that this is a very interesting site. oh for the time to have so i could study it more!
happy ruby tuesday to you beloved teacher and god bless terry

Carletta said...

Something from my teaching of history days told me I knew she was a President's wife but I couldn't quite place her. :)
You always find the best statues.

Unknown said...

First of all I love your photo and the wonderful history lesson. I clicked to read it and then hit the back button to come back and comment and totally missed up on Mr. Linky. In order to fix it (I thought it was gone) I reentered. Anyway no. 81 and 82 are in error. So sorry!

Gattina said...

Of course I didn't know who she was, but I admired the sculpture. Fortunately it doesn't look like her, lol !

srp said...

I got close... I thought it was an Adams... just couldn't remember which one!

Stephanie V said...

What a pretty sculpture and unusual, I think, for women to remembered this way.

ilovepink1078 said...

Amazing sculture with beautiful flower garden.
Mapeh Homepage

Race said...

what a beautiful entry today

Raven said...

I guessed right! Beautiful sculpture and lovely photo.

Marice said...

interesting and beautiful shot :)

My Handmadehappiness said...

fab fab pic love the flowers

EnAirRaH said...

John Adam's wife :)

MOO said...

I'm guessing Abigail Adams? And I LOVE the monochrome of the statue next to the ruby-red garden!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

that would be Abigail Adams. I never knew there was a statue of her there. I have never been to Quincy but grew up in MA (on the north shore)and have always wanted to go. Maybe sometime this summer I will take a day trip.

Digital Flower Pictures said...

After along absence I am playing Ruby Tuesday. Glad to see you are still in business.

Love the quiz. My brother was born in Quincy.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Abigail Adams was an amazing woman! The PBS series "John Adams" does a beautiful job of portraying the times and the couple!

Stephani said...

Lovely flowers and a history lessont to boot!

B i r g i t t a said...

No, sorry I don't know but it's a nice statue in lovely red surrounding :)

Candy said...

Floating through time on a blanket of red flowers...great woman of inspiration.
Thanks for sharing.

Auntie E said...

Lovely statue.
My Ruby Tuesday link for you

Apron Senorita said...

I didn't guess the correct answer but the picture is stunning. Love the details.

Yoli :)

JunieRose2005 said...

Beautiful scene!


I have mine up now!


at the cottage said...

What a wonderful photo - with a history lesson attached :) I like it!!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Great statue the framing of the photo also mary

Maude Lynn said...

I knew, I knew!

Maria @ LSS said...

Beautiful capture of the statue. Happy RT!

Cafe au lait said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday Mary. :)

Liza said...

Lovely photo!

Dhemz said...

oh I so love the statue...and those red flowers too....good one!

Self Sagacity said...

Hope you can stop by and see the red slipper that looks like your badge.

Self Sagacity said...

Thxs for hosting. It is nice to have ruby on a Tuesday sometimes.

TeresaDawn said...

I had no idea who the statue was of, probably someone more popular in the USA, but she reminds me of Anna & her son from the movie The King & I.

The Cunning Runt said...

As a Massachusetts boy born and bread, I'm embarrassed to have been clueless on this one - great mystery post, O Rubilicious One! ;)

The Cunning Runt said...

...that would be "bred," of course...


stan said...

Nice scatter of blooms ard the standing statue. I have a sort of "statue" on my entry!

Leora said...

I didn't get a chance to do Ruby Tuesday this week, Mary, but I wanted to recommend this book to you:
Mrs. Adams in Winter: A Journey in the Last Days of Napoleon, by Michael O'Brien. Louisa Adams tells a bit in the book about what it was like to have Abigail Adams as her mother-in-law.

Claremont First Ward said...

I love that you had the answer linked. Her statue is a little more flattering than her picture. :)

Dee said...

Lovely statue! Interesting!