Monday, June 14, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

I thought it would be appropriate to post our American flag for Ruby Tuesday because it's Flag Day in the United States.

This is the flag that flies in front of our shopping center. It cooperated with me that day so I was able to get some nice shots.

Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.[1]

In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14 as Flag Day; in August 1949, National Flag Day was established by an Act of Congress.

So join us for Ruby Tuesday! We love having you!


Ralph said...

Our flag is a wondrous device, full of historical rubies (the 13 original colonies). The flag needs a little wind to allow the complete view. Nicely captured for Flag Day!

LifeRamblings said...

nice shots of a beautiful flag. Happy FLag Day!

admin said...

agree, nice shots!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

When I was in US, we live in findlay,Oh, the Flag City :)

Dimple said...

Nice captures, I especially like the second one with it's swirl in the upper corner. There was a good breeze that day!

reg said...

Just some pics of our towns 150th Anniversary Parade this week

Leora said...

Happy Flag Day, Mary! Glad you remind us. I take great pride in our country.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Lovely post; thank you. I didn't forget about the Day -- but I did forget to look for a good picture for it. I'm glad you posted this.

Robin said...

Perfect choice for Flag Day.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Carletta said...

Not easy to catch it unfurled - nice job Mary!

Felisol said...

Your have a great flag, known all over the world.
The Americans also are very eager to use their flag in all sorts of contexts.
Now I also have learned that your flag has its own day!
(Ours doesn't).
Your picture of flags waving in the wind, so appropriate.
Happy Flag Day, Happy Ruby Tuesday.

Terry said...

oh mary t..i am glad i came here to check on you!
happy flag day for sure!
now i will have to make sure that the american flags we have are out on the front steps!!
we do have a wind here so they will be fluttering for sure!
god bless your beautiful flag, your troops and your president!
GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! from two canadians who love the usa! bernie and terry

Chubskulit Rose said...

Excellent choice for today Mary!

EJ said...

Very patriotic!

Loree said...

Happy flag day. I had no idea it was flag day in the US today.

Inday said...

Great patriotism!

I'm joining via Nature's Gifts

anemonen said...

I love your flag. It´s so colourful. Nice shots!

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful shots of the flag, Mary! We have our hanging out on our deck. Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Ruby said...

lovely shot!

Euroangel said...

a piece of cloth which is full of history! happy Rt day!

Karen Coutu said...

I never get tired of looking at our flag waving in the wind. :D

ellen b. said...

Happy Flag Day Mary! Perfect Ruby for this week..

Snooze said...

Happy flag day ... I love it when the constellations all line up.

bj said...

Wonderful photos...the flag is my favorite of all rubies, I think.
xo bj

Jim said...

You did good, Mary! I am glad that your shopping center flies it. I think ours do also.

Mrs. Jim said this evening that people weren't real happy here because the subdivision did not put out so many flags as they did on Memorial Day.

That was better than we did, we forgot all about Flag Day until she came home from bridge with that report.

Happy RT! :0

DrillerAA said...

Perfect Ruby Tuesday capture. But then, the flag is ALWAYS appropriate for Ruby Tuesday...or any other day.

Misty DawnS said...

VERY appropriate and wonderful photo!

The Cunning Runt said...

These are both elegant and proud, and stunning photographically!

Thanks, Mary, for capturing the day!

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Perfect Ruby Tuesday post! happy flag day to you!

Dianne said...

I like the way you can see it's waving a bit in the wind

you inspired me to find a flag shot I had taken months ago

rebecca said...


happy rojo!

Mary Lou said...

Thanks for waving Old Glory.
and for hosting Ruby Tues. I always look forward to it.

Ingrid said...

If it's a day off, I have flag day everyday.

mari said...

Great shots of the flag in motion!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Wonderful flag shots. I remember loving getting Flag Day off school. Here on the west coast I think even little kids finish school at the beginning of June. They miss that holiday!

Jacqueline said...

Just learning to link. I hope I did it right. Love the name Ruby Tuesday. Thanks for hosting and bringing so many wonderful ideas to so many people.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Beautiful post. Such fun hopping around and checking so many sites so EZ'lee

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh yes this is a perfect shot for flag day!

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

You captured our flag perfectly. Flags can be hard to photograph if the wind isn't cooperating.

anne said...

Happy Flag day to you, nice captured mine is up and its here thanks

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Our beautiful national flag! Thank you for these amazing pictures!
Happy Ruby Red Day!

nonizamboni said...

Beautiful captures for Flag Day, Mary and I love the pansies in your header. Happy week!

B : ) said...

How thoughtful - thank you!

Auntie E said...

Oh what a beautiful flag. The freedom it's stands for we still enjoy!
My ruby Tuesday link for you.

happily retired gal said...

Thanks for the reminder ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

PeacefulGirl said...

Cool shots! I admit I didn't even know it was Flag Day.

Ma.links said...

It is a beautiful flag.

Anonymous said...

nothing more appropriate than that! Have a great week, Mary! Sending you hugs...

Sandy Trefger said...

Very lovely images of the flag. Happy Flag Day!

From the Heart of Texas

Joanne Olivieri said...

Beautiful shots of our flag and a wonderful tribute.

Liza said...

Happy RT Mary!

My entries:
Moms... Check Nyo

Maria @ LSS said...

Great shot of the flag. Happy RT!

Jew Wishes said...

Lovely captures and wonderful tribute.

Grandmother Wren said...

My first time on Ruby Tuesday -
Thank you!

MOO said...

Sorry I'm so late today. Happy Flag Day, one day late. Love your snaps!

A Whale of a Good Time

Ali said...

I agree with you, lovely shots of our glorious flag.

JunieRose2005 said...

Beautiful pics of our flag!

I have a post up!

...And -sorry- I messed up and linked to another post also! :( It IS RED but wasn't posted as a RT post!

(I've made it harder for myself by having 2 blogs that I post these memes on!)


tilden talks... said...

i forgot it was flag day!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to learn about the history of your flag :)

ilovepink1078 said...

It talks about freedom. nice photographs.
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