Monday, May 31, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

Here's a new Ruby Tuesday badge! It's yours for the taking, to use in your RT posts or put on your sidebar...

Pool's open!

Summer's begun!

Happy Memorial Day to all my friends in the U.S.


Lola said...

Happy Memorial Day to all my friends in the USA!


Kramer said...

Happy Memorial Day (thank a vet)!

Leora said...

Enjoy - Happy Memorial Day.

We swam in a lake yesterday in the Pine Barrens - I'll post pictures and description on Thursday, for Nature Notes.

toby said...

Gorgeous - Happy Summer to you!

Felisol said...

Happy memorial day. I've also had the vets in mind while making my blog.
Your pictures are so inviting and fresh.Tempting me to believe in a summer which isn't yet here. They beautiful girl cannot be older than twelve,- or am I getting that old?
I just thought she seemed a bit young to be a life guard, but then it struck me, I might just being a senior citizen now, with all implications and twisted perspective to follow.

Deep down in my heart, there's still this six year old colt, learning how to swim.

LifeRamblings said...

Happy Memorial Day and hope you enjoy your fun-filled holiday.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Haveva Happy Memorial Day.

Ralph said...

A lifeguard has a tough job, looking and looking for trouble when there is none - yet staying mentally sharp for the emergencies to arrive. Nice ruby capture!

Robin said...

Hurray for summer, and happy Memorial Day too!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your picture is so summery! It has been hot here in SW Florida for a while, but I remember when we were back in Oregon how we'd look forward to the start of the season.

lynda howells said...

Love your images of summer..still waiting for more summer here in UK!!! happy Ruby Tuesdayxxlynda

Jim said...

You have a very nice Memorial Day post, Mary. All in read.
Have a nice holiday. :)
BTW, mine isn't patriotic buy I did fly the flag. Guess I could add it. I am a five year vet.

EJ said...

Thanks to all who recognize the sacrifice of the military men and women. Happy Memorial Day.

Hope everyone can drop by at my place.

Small Reflections said...

Perfect RUBY views for Memorial Day ... hope it's a happy one ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Loree said...

Lovely reds for Memorial Day. Enjoy.

EG CameraGirl said...

I would LOVE to be at a pool today!

Tink *~*~* said...

first time trying to sign in to Ruby Tuesday from my mobile phone - let's just say it was interesting LOL. happy Memorial Day one and all

Tink *~*~*

Terry said...

happy memorial day dear teach.
how my heart is moved at all of the sights of your beautiful american flags!
we have the flags on our front veranda.
god bless america and god bless the brave troops and god bless the president and his lady..
god bless you too beloved teach and your husband and your great nephew!
love terry

Gizelle, Vienna said...

we had "a" summer day last Saturday (23°), now we're back to winter (8°)--- :( Makes people and kids sick!

Love your reds!

Patti said...

Happy Memorial Day to you too, Mary!

I give lifeguards a lot of credit. What a responsibility they have.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Summer it is indeed

Karen Coutu said...

What a fitting choice for the holiday weekend! Hope you enjoyed yours Mary. :)

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

And a Happy Memorial Day to you and your family!

nature ramblings said...

Looks like summer time to me!!! Still to cold around here for swimming. Have a wonderful Holiday day!

DrillerAA said...

WoooHOOO!!!! Let the fun begin.

ShutterHappyJenn said...

Summer is now wrapping up here in the Philippines. :)

Dianne said...

I really like the composition of the top shot Mary

Unknown said...

Happy Memorial Day!


Misty DawnS said...

Happy Memorial Day to you too, my friend. Now I wanna go swimming! :-)

Marites said...

pretty lifeguard:) i miss the waters nowadays. it's been hot.

Cacai M. said...

Hi All, happy Ruby Tuesday! And happy Memorial Day Mary and all..

Here's My Ruby Tuesday: Cases

See yah.. :)

Jan said...

Cool shots, Mary. Love the new banner, too.

A 2 Z said...

Hi Maryt and every red blogger!

Beautiful red pictures of the pool and accessories! We know summer is here when the pool opens. Thanks for organizing all this fun!


Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

I read it was quite warm in NY. Lucky you! We actually had the sun come out for a few hours this afternoon. Heaven!

I have a bromeliad for you today:

Mary Lou said...

Thank you for hosting. I am more aware of Ruby things now and enjoy it very much.

Halie said...

Happy memorial day!

And happy summer too! BTW, here in the Philippines, summer's about to end :(.

Anonymous said...

Time to bring out the swimsuits over there :)

quilly said...

Hey, Mary, it's been a long time but I thought I'd play along! The pool isn't open here. It's still cold and wet and rainy!

I hope you had a great Memorial Day!

Angie said...

Summer is but a memory here, thanks for these images.

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

This looks fun, Happy Memorial Day.

Johanna S said...

Nice - love summer!

Gena D said...

Love your summer pics .... blogging across he world is such fun ... I can enjoy your summer whilst we are in winter and visa versa ...... hehehe!!!
thanks for the opportunity.
Gena D
Thinking Aloud

Ingrid said...

Very nice finding ! I am laying in the heat in Marrakech,after a round trip through the Imperial Cities of Morocco !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

yay for summer!!

MOO said...

Awesome! My shot's from the pool, too. After all, Memorial Day IS the unofficial start of summer...

nice A said...

Summer has begun in your part of the world but in here it has ended and we're welcoming the rainy season now.
Happy Memorial Day and may your summer will be great.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Nothing says summer like a lifeguard at a pool!

Red Cactus Blossoms

peacefulgirl said...

It is definitely pool weather here in Florida too! :)

Gwendolen Elaine said...

LOVE your new badge!I am so glad school's almost out...although with my kids being 15,14 and 11...I may not feel that way long;)Just kidding...Have a wonderful week!

ellen b. said...

It's hard to believe that we are into June already!! Great summer shots :0)

Ricepatty said...

Ah those sights of summer :)

reg said...

To-day was a fun day for me to try to find something red to post. So I stretched the definition of red.

Auntie E said...

OH yes right after this cast is off.. soon I hope!I want to open the pool.

Ruby said...

i wish you a wonderful start of June Mary! happy RT day!

Euroangel said...

hope that you had a lovely celebration of memorial day! June is finally here!

Anonymous said...

The only pool we get to see is the Dogs pool. Maybe we need a lifeguard.

Liza said...

Happy Memorial Day!

Cafe au lait said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday and Happy Memorial Day. :)

My Ruby Tuesday.

Dhemz said...

Nice one Mary! Belated Happy Memorial day!

Maria @ LSS said...

Great shot! Happy Memorial Day!

munamaj Sweden said...

Happy Memorial Day.
Nice pic.
Have a great day.

Marice said...

wow and as for ours, summer is over! nice shots!

Stephani Cochran said...

I had to remove my post and I already linked up (#102) Sorry! ~ Love the pool pictures. Definitely a sign of summer.

The Cunning Runt said...

I'm SO glad to welcome this Summer! I'm a guy who digs extremes, and we seem destined to get a few this year!

D.K. Wall said...

Laughing - we saw this link and thought you meant OUR Ruby Tuesday. A slightly different one - laughing.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Is she too young to be a life guard? In New Zealand, you need to be 15.

Mumzie said...

Didn't get this linked for Tuesday, but thought I would try today! I don't always have something RED; but will try to find interesting post in future. Thanks for hosting, Yvonne :)