Monday, May 24, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

I worked on this RED chrysanthemum for today's Ruby Tuesday. It was hard work but worth it: coloring the background black then cleaning up the flower from where I ran over the flower with the black color. Adobe Photoshop made it a little easier than it might have been.

As you can see in my side bar my RED chrysanthemum is for sale on Etsy.

Happy Ruby Tuesday.

And BTW our friend Robin from Israel has entered her portfolio in the Artists Wanted competition. Click through to her portfolio and rate it real high . All you need to do is click on the appropriate star, no registration or personal details necessary (hint: the 5th star on the right is “fantastic” – a 5-star rating). You can vote once every day until the contest closes.

So please - vote early and vote often :)


LifeRamblings said...

the chrysanthemum gives a nice contrast to the background. Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Lola said...

Such a brilliant red - congrats!


Felisol said...

A beautiful chrysanthemum. Of all the ways to make a picture, not two become alike. Isn't that intriguing.

I have my Powershot 11, and this summer I intend to learn how to use it to make the most of the pictures.
That and reading Ulysses by James my goals for this summer. Hopefully something new and enhanced will emerge from my good intentions...

Tussy said...

Lovely red, beautiful flower. similar to my header display I think.

My Inspiration
Bangkok in Shambles
You Got A Posty

Lori said...

Beautiful!! Thanks for sharing.

Dimple said...

Very effective photoshopping! (is that a word?). The black sets off the flower quite well!

Robin said...

It's beautiful Mary, and definitely floating :).

Happy Ruby Tuesday, and a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO! Have a wonderful day full of all things good, and thank you for everything you do for all of us here in blogland.

Elaine Ling said...

Lovely red! :)

Happy Birthday dear Mary!! :)

Elaine Ling said...

My first comment went missing .. lol

Lovely red chrysanthemum and perfect for RT!

Happy Birthday dear Mary! :)

Carletta said...

Beautiful light Mary!
I'm I seeing correctly that it is your birthday?

EG CameraGirl said...

Is today your birthday?! I hope you have a wonderful day.

It's my mother-in-law's birthday today and she is very special. So are YOU!

Leora said...

Lovely mum with great black backing! Good job.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful my friend :)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

nicely done indeed

Tink *~*~* said...

You should teach a Photoshop class online - I could never figure out how it works!

Tink *~*~*

Loree said...

Amazing. Very beautiful work.

Dharma Shots said...

The red chrysie really stands out with the black bg. My first time to join RT...thanks for the fun mary.

B : ) said...

WOW! Beautiful flower, even nicer PS work!

Anonymous said...

Lovely red colour! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday and thanks again for one of my favorite memes.

Terry said...

ha!! surprise..lazy bones, herself has done her post in time!
well dear mary t, i had to make your ruby tuesday birthday post!
i have tried to be a little tale telling bird, but sleep overcame me!
well this way, a few more people will know...even my dearest friend, felisol!
happy birthday one more time and one more time i thank the lord that felisol ever introduced me to you and ruby terry

Gemma Wiseman said...

A bright presentation of the red chrysanthemum! The detail of the petals against the black background is stunning!

Chie Wilks said...

oh, that's awesome....the black bg made the flower vividly beautiful

MaR said...

It's beautifully red!!
and...they say it's your birthday!!
Happy birthday, Mary!!!

Patti said...

H Mary, I just voted for our friend Robin. ;-)

The red chrysanthemum is beautiful.

Your birthday?? ooh, have a wonderful day!

Felisol said...

Dear Teach Mary,
I just had to come back and wish you a happy, happy birthday.
You are a source to joy to so many.
May you be richly blessed in return.

Ecclesiastes Chapter 11
1 Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days.

I hope you may eat "re-found bread" for a long, long time.

Dianne said...

that's beautiful Mary!
I love the black background, perfect for showing off the flower

thanks for mentioning Robin's portfolio, I went over to vote
that was really nice of you :)

Dianne said...


Happy Happy Birthday
I wish you all good things

ellen b said...

Your hard work paid's very pretty with the black background! Sounds like it might be your birthday judging from the other comments. A very happy birthday to you!!

bj said...

Beautiful color red...pretty flower.
Thanks so much for hosting...

toby said...

Just beautiful!

Karen Coutu said...

That must have taken lots of patience and a steady hand. :)

Jama said...

Very nice, so striking with the black background.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

First -- I love your banner photo. Beautiful pansies.

Second - The chrysanthemum is fabulous. I wish I knew how to Photoshop. You're a good teacher, but I need some one-on-one. Want to come to Florida ;>). Seriously, it is just stunning.

Ivanhoe said...

You did a beautiful job on your red chrysanthemum! One day I will get Photoshop, too :)

ShutterHappyJenn said...

I don't think I have seen red chrysanthemums for real yet. Most I see is yellow. That's a great shot you have, Mary!

anne said...

Hi Happy Ruby Tuesday to you, the flower that you posted is incredibly beautiful. Here's mine thanks

Kim, USA said...


Marites said...

you've done really quite well, Mary:) it's really beautiful!

Becky said...

I love it Mary. Mums are one of my favorite flowers!
happy RT.

nuts said...

this is so pretty, the color is wonderful! Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Teresa said...

What a beautiful flower. You did a great job on it.

Teena said...

that's a pretty flower! Happy Ruby Tuesday <3

JLS Hall (Joysweb) said...

Such a gorgeous red flower! And what a great job you did on that background - I've never been able to master that.

rebecca said...

strong and

Halie said...

It's my first time to join Ruby Tuesday. I'm thankful that I found this meme.

Nice shot of the flower and good processing too!

Linnea said...

Love your flower. It looks stunning with the black background. Well done! thanks for hosting.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

I hear rumors it's your birthday? If so, many happy returns of the day! I have posted backyard flowers looking mighty fine in the sunlight. Red ones, of course!

Stephanie V said...

Nice work. The red is beautiful against the black. Really pops.

Marie said...

A lovely rubin in the garden :-)

Ingrid said...

Beautiful flower
I am on a round trip through Morocco, pictures on my main blog

Jientje said...

You did a great job with this Mary! Have a great Tuesday!

Angie said...

That's a terrific red & Happy Birthday. My first Ruby Tuesday is up.

EnAirRaH said...

Beautiful flower and artwork. Happy Tuesday!

MOO said...

That Mum really comes to life with your painstaking efforts!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Very pretty chrysanthemum. I always think of them a autumn flowers.

Gena D said...

What a lovely, lovely dahlia - they are one of my favorite flowers - especially gorgeous to photograph!!!!

Gena D
Thinking Aloud

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

What a gorgeous shade of RED!!! Love it!

Snooze said...

you've done a great job with the flower ps happy birthday, i hope you had a wonderful day.

Hootin Anni said...

#25 on the list says it's your birthday today?

Well, let me be another to send along happy birthday wishes to you!!!

Selina said...

hello mary, mine is up here

reg said...

Happy Birthday Mary!!!
To-days post is just a few pictures from spring a celebration of the just finished season in my Garden as of now it is Summer all the way!!!!!
I had so many pictures to chose from so I just picked a few that I liked. A couple are repeats from my blog

Lady Patchy said...

beautiful red flower.happy ruby tuesday

Sylvia K said...

Just wanted to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mary! Enjoy!


Terry said...

you are so kind mary t.
you deserve all of the wishes that we all are giving you.
it is a good day for it because we can tell you how much we love and appreciate you and it won't sound mushy..ha! terry

luckily the boys in the white jackets didn't come to haul us away!!

Misty DawnS said...

That is absolutely GORGEOUS! I hope to learn how to work on my photos with PhotoShop soon. I have CS4, but don't know how to do anything with it :-(

Tara said...

Wow! You did a great job, it looks amazing!

Annie Jeffries said...

Holy cow. I sure am late today. Lovely Chrisymum (my pet name for these flowers) Love the work you did on this.

Durward Discussion said...

Beautiful mum. Have a wonderful birthday. Hope someone gives you equally beautiful flowers.

Euroangel said...

lovely red Dahlia indeed.. catching for my entry today..have a great day Mary!

Euroangel Graffiti
Simply The Best

annies home said...

very pretty

Terry said...

hey mary t..there is a cute little doggie over at reg's that is wishing you a happy birthday and a whole ton of pretty red flowers!
love terry

Nancy's Daily Dish said...

The chrysanthemum turned out so very striking!!!

My Handmadehappiness said...

red red red i do love my Tuesdays today the mail man brought goodies

Jew Wishes said...

What a beautiful photo, so vibrant and filled with loveliness.

Unknown said...

You work is well worth it; the picture is delightful!

Donna said...

Great job. I here Photoshop is not very easy. :)


JunieRose2005 said...


I'm so sorry I messed up on my links!

I hope you can delete the ones you need to!


Johanna S said...

Lovley flower in a really nice light!