Thursday, April 29, 2010

Yard Art on Thursday

Here's some Yard Art from a condo development way out on Long Island (exit 70 on the LIE). While my BIL and SIL looked around at the various styles of spaces I walked around taking pictures.

This is a stone basket planted with pansies. Very pretty!



Ingrid said...

I like the basket !
You are quiet late today my thursday is almost over, lol ! I will close now and start with supper ! Have a nice day !

ellen b said...

Hello Mary. I like that basket with the pansies in it. Gives me an idea. I've got my post up. Will there be a link later?

Sherrie said...

Hi Mary,
Very pretty Yard Art. Love Pansies. Mine is posted. Have a great day!

A View of My Life

Anonymous said...

I really like that basket of pansies. It's real pretty :) Great choice and thanks for sharing :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Pansies are so welcomed this time of year and they are gorgeous in the basket. :)

Patti said...

Hi Mary,
the pansies are so pretty in the basket. I would love something like that in my humble garden.


Patti said...

P.S. Here is my link:


happily retired gal said...

Nifty Spring basket ;-)
I don't see Mr. Linky, but I've shared my Yard Art at my WordPress blog this morning.
Hugs and blessings,

♥ Kathy said...

oh I love that! It's too cute!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Gorgeous presentation! The basket looks like a gift of flowers!

Here is mine!

happily retired gal said...

I like the way you create a 'gallery' of yard art ... how fun ;-)
Hugs and blessings,