Monday, April 12, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

Hi Everyone! You know what today (tomorrow) is...

I posted a group of these flowers for SOOC Sunday yesterday and nobody knew the name of them.
 I don't know the name either so I posted this one flower (and used MULTIPLY in Adobe photoshop 7).

**I hope someone will be able to tell us the name...

Mr. Linky is below for you to sign and leave a comment.


LifeRamblings said...

what a lovely bloom but sorry, i don't know the name.

Eng said...

Looking forward to this meme every week...thanks for hosting!

judi/Gmj said...

Mary, those look like tulip leaves and the center of the flower looks tulipy to me. A hybrid tulip is my best guess.

Tussy said...

Beautiful, both the header and the post.

Leora said...

Mary, with the help of Judi's comment, I typed
"red hybrid tulip images"
into Google Images.

I found:
Hybrid Tulips vs. Species Tulips

The post seems to imply Tulipa linifolia, which is a species tulip.

Unknown said...

This is my first time joining this meme, I hope you enjoy my entry.

Ralph said...

Spring is here, a lower in bloom always a stylish ruby!

Unknown said...

Lovely flower! I have no idea what it is, but it's beautiful.

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

lovely flower but i don't know the name either...

Robin said...

I don't know either, but they're very pretty.

PS Love the new blog look, but it's making your blog VERY sluggish.

lynda howells said...

lovely tulipx beautiful red!xlynda

lynda howells said...

Just realised it is not a tulip, it is a flower we used to have in is a cactus l think!xlynda

Felisol said...

We call them parrot tulips. They are smaller than ordinary tulips, and well suited for our rough climate.
Beautiful shot.

BLOGitse said...

I came to say 'Hi from Casablanca!'

I'm really behind visiting all the blogs but I hope to catch up next weekend!

Have a great week!

ps. I have local red taxis on my today's posting:
bits and pieces from Casa

but I can't participate your meme because I know I don't have time to visit other players...


Tink *~*~* said...

Sorry, I don't know the name of the flower, but it does look like some sort of lily. Not much help, I know!

Tink *~*~*

Carletta said...

Lovely Ruby Mary!

Stef said...

Beautiful capture! I just love flower pictures!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful picture my friend. It is a beautiful flower :)

♥ Kathy said...

It's beautiful and I'm glad to know what it is now! Be back tonight or in the morning with my RT post :)

toby said...

Lovely shot! And I really like your new banner photo - it reminds me of a Ruby Tuesday post of mine from not long ago:

EJ said...

wish I knew, but its sure pretty!

Jan said...

Probably Leora got it right, I'm still scratching my head.

Karen Coutu said...

Love the lighting!

Dianne said...

I never know what flowers are called
this one is really pretty

Rinkly Rimes said...

A beautiful flower for another bright red day!

Marites said...

it's really pretty! Mine's up here

Chubskulit Rose said...

Doesn't it belong to lilies?

Nostalgic Marveling

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely red flower, Mary. I think it;'s a species tulip. This would be about the right time for them to be blooming in your part pf the world.

Kerslyn said...

Lovely flower! It looks like it belongs to the family of lilies.

My entry's up anyway. Happy RT everyone!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Hi Mary -- that flower looks tropical! Like something we'd see down here in FL Maybe it's just the color that makes me think that; beautiful whatever its name is.

Ladynred said...

looks like tulips to me! Beautiful flower

DrillerAA said...

Great looking flower, but I have NO idea what it is. I'll be "Digital Flower" will know if she's posts tomorrow.

The Cunning Runt said...

That a beautiful shot of I Don't Know What.

Thanks for the beauty, though.

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Hi Mary, happy red Tuesday to you! That flower is beautiful and what a sharp marcro. I don't know what the flower is either, has similarities to a Tulip in leaf, flower and center.


Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Ooooops, sorry, I clicked enter twice. Both links work tho. :))

Gwyn said...

Greetings from Juneau, Alaska!
It's been fun searching for something red.
Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Marie said...

Good morning! A lovely ruby flower! Thanks for sharing.

Paz said...

pretty flower but i have no idea about the name.


Lorie Shewbridge said...

It looks like a wildflower to me... but whatever it is, it is so beautiful and springlike. Thanks for sharing. :-)

at the cottage said...

What a simple, yer gorgeous flower :)

Ingrid said...

It's so nice to see colorful flowers now after this long winter !

eastcoastlife said...

I don't know what is the name of this pretty red flower. Hope someone can tell us.

I have many unidentifiable items on my RT post - dried seafood. Do you know we can eat seahorses?

Askew To You said...

I love the red poppies in your header photo, too. Gorgeous! Have a great day!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

I am pretty sure that is a tulip, fully open. The leaves sure look like that. Some tulips have pointy petals. Actually I have tulips for my post today. Come visit if you have a chance:

So where was the header photo taken? I've never seen that kind of poppy in fields in the USA.

Loree said...

Gorgeous flower. Sorry I do not know the name,

Meikah said...

It's a lovely flower and nice shot!

I haven't been participating for a while. Pardon me. But today, am back! :)

Hope everyone can take a peek at my entry today. Thanks!

Annie Jeffries said...

Very pretty. Looks like some sort of variety of daylily.

Gena @ Thinking Aloud said...

Gorgeous red bloom .. not sure what it is though, sorry!

Gena @ Thinking Aloud

MOO said...

First off, really love the poppies in your header. But alas, I don't know what kind of bloom this is. I'd be curious to know, though!

Kiss & Tell

Jientje said...

I think it's a tulip, I've seen hundreds this past weekend! I love your new layout Mary!

Kerri Farley said...

Looks like a tulip to me. Whatever it is is lovely!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Is my Red Lily the same plant? There is a name for ths, but I can't think of it.

I grew them in Singapore, and it also grows in New Zealand.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Beautiful poppy header! Brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flower Mary.

tilden talks... said...

i do enjoy this meme! your flower is stunning...

Auntie E said...

Lovely flower Mary...It's national tulip time at Auntie E's Garden.

Ruby said...

what a lovely tulip!

Euroangel said...

I got the same in our garden but it is still not blooming..sad to say don't also know the exact name of this tulip..have a great day Mary!

Terry said...

oh boy mary t..i seem to be getting later and later each week!
well dad golden phoned me at seven this morning and so instead of rolling over and falling back to sleep after he hung up, i decided to get my ruby tuesday post in.
your flower trail picture is so sweet.
it is suppose to be spring but mary t, it is sooooo cold!
happy ruby terry

Unknown said...

Some sort of Asian lilly is my quess but I do not know which kind.

Mimi said...

Sorry, no idea about the name, but it is a very pretty Ruby Tuesday entry.

anne said...

its a very beautiful flower, mine is up and its here thanks

Tobi Britton* said...

I don't know the name but it is beautiful!
Thanks for having us!
Sparkly Ruby Hugs,
Tobi and the Pixies!

Patti said...

lovely bloom, Mary! Happy spring.

Marice said...

wow thats lovely! hmmm isnt that included in the hibiscus family?

Small Reflections said...

Love the RUBY poppies in your header and am impressed with all you have going one here. I'm LATE with my RUBIES, but didn't want to miss out on the weekly fun if I could help it.
Hugs and blessings,

Jew Wishes said...

My, my what a lovely capture of the tulip! I love the vibrant tones and the perspective.

Beautiful, Mary!!!

Don and Krise said...

Beautiful flower. Ahhh spring is here!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

Yea Spring...Yea Ruby Tueaday's

EvalinaMaria said...

Happy Ruby Tuesday! The flower looks like Amaryllis to me...