Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

Go on over to Hey Harriet for other Shadow Shots on this Spring Sunday!

Here's my young pear tree ready to burst into bloom on this lovely Spring day! 


wanderlust said...

Spring is officially here! Isn't it great!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, it looks just like our little pear tree which is also ready to burst into bloom! Lovely shadow shot, Mary! Hope you've had a great weekend and wishing you a great week as well!


Coffeeveggie addict. said...

nice shad0w sh0t!

Small Reflections said...

What a kewl sign of Spring! Love the crisp clear shadow on the sidewalk. I also love the lovely yellow daffodils in your header and always enjoy your Maxine cartoons. The Passover cartoon this week made me laugh aloud ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

♥ Kathy said...

I bet you can't wait to see it bloom :) Great shadow shot!

Ralph said...

The small tree leaves a nice shadow that is easily noticed. The sea of green and sidewalks seem to define the scene. Yet a small shadow jumps out at me. As always, a nice neighborhood!

Anonymous said...

The pear tree is casting a lovely shadow. I bet the blossoms will smell wonderful when they bloom.

Anonymous said...

Great shot. You know I've never seen a pear tree

Carolyn Ford said...

Shadows everywhere! A beautiful neighborhood full of sunshine and shadows!

Rosebud Collection said...

This is exciting..but when it has pears, it will be more exciting.
Just love fruit beautiful.
Happy SSS.

lynda howells said...

Tried to send message just now but it crashed! so if you get two messages from me..l am not going mad l promise!!
love trees and love the two together is greatx see you next sunday!xlynda

Margaret Gosden said...

I have just returned from LI where the trees are still like your pear tree. On the brink of breaking out. The bear branches making wonderful shadows, like yours.
The only colour I see is the yellow forsythia and the white star magnolia. There is still a chill in the air, but the temperature just right for yard work.

A Wild Thing said...

My mom's grapefruit tree is in full bloom in Florida...I've yet to see a bud in any form in Iowa yet...argh!!!