Monday, February 15, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

Found a new Ruby Tuesday badge for you. Take it if you like and use it for your Ruby Tuesday post.

My post for you today is

Pretty tulip in the middle of Winter. Enjoy!

Sign in to Mr. Linky and leave a comment, okay? Thanks my dear friends!


Ralph said...

Lovely tulip in bloom in the cold month of February. Pretty ruby of a flower, we await the spring bloom. Beautiful! Happy President's day!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Your flower is a stunning tone of red! Vibrant and beautiful!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Nice I have tulips in my Flower garden 4-5 inches i hope all this snow didn't kill them

Rajesh said...

Very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Very nice. :)

Eleonora Baldwin said...

Great new badge! I will post my RED photo tomorrow, Tuesday and link back to you.

In the meantime, I was wondering if you had an Html code for that badge, so I could upload it instead of the .jpg image. Also, for some reason neither this nor the Mary Tomaselli photo files are visible... Just so you know.


Tink *~*~* said...

Awesome yellow and red combo - a real treat for the eyes :)

Tink *~*~*

Jim said...

Hi Mary, your tulip is real pretty. Ours in Texas are blooming but I am not sure about yours after seeing the NYC weather mess on TV.

Happy RT! Thank you for doing this, it keeps you busy.
BTW, newer etiquette says you can eat your meat without changing hands for the fork. Lefties can eat right, righties can eat left.
And the above link is for my RT.

Robin said...

What a beautiful tulip - they're my favorite flower but they don't grow well here so we don't see them very often.

Auntie E said...

Oh I love tulips and that is a beautiful capture. I bet they will be great very year all the snow and cold will produce great tulips this spring.

Carletta said...

A beautiful macro Mary!

EG CameraGirl said...

Love the beautiful tulip. Mary!

Coffeedoff said...

Beautiful flower!

Ladyinblue Sweden said...

Red at my place too

Victoria said...

So beautiful...and very rich in color...A wonderfully gorgeous shot!
Happy RT!!

♥ Kathy said...

very pretty...I can't wait to see one for real! I actually have a Ruby Tuesday post this week :D yay! I'll link up as soon as I post it!

Leora said...

Love the blur around the edges of the flower. Wonderful on this snowy February day (and more white flakes coming tonight).

lv2scpbk said...

Beautiful flower and I really like the new Ruby Tuesday badge.

sunnymama said...

It is a pretty tulip and a gorgeous colour! :)

nonizamboni said...

Oh, be still my heart! What a gorgeous flower. I always like to see deep inside flowers.
Hope your week is full of rubies, dear Mary!

Patti said...

Beautiful bright red.
I love tulips. Reminds me of spring. Someday we'll have spring.....

Happy Ruby Tuesday ~ Love the new badge, Mary.

Stella said...

Northing better than a beautiful tulip in the middle of winter. And my favorite color too.

Karen Coutu said...

What a beautiful tulip! Makes me long for springtime.

Very cute new RT tag. I'll try to remember to use it next week. :)

lynda Howells said...

love tulips but they never last long do they? shamex lynda

Dianne said...

Beautiful shot of a gorgeous flower!

Jeri ~ said...

What a beautiful Tulip....Spring please hurry!!

Chubskulit Rose said...

That's pretty!

Valentine Celebration

Anonymous said...

A very lovely bloom of the Tulip flower :)

Becky said...

I love Tulips, and I bought myself a pot just before Valentine's Day.
They look just like yours.
Happy RT Mary.

Tara said...

Beautiful color of the flower. My first entry is now up. Belated Happy Valentine.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Mary, the tulip is beautiful -- such a promise of spring.
I made a mistake and posted an endless chain (linking back to you) instead of my right link, then corrected it and I guess Mr Linky took away the wrong one automatically. Sorry for adding "the right one" after my name -- I thought they both would stay there.
Thanks again for this meme.

The Cunning Runt said...

That's beautiful, Mary. Here in Massachusetts we're a ways behind you.

Candy said...

Oh just to crawl into those velvety petals and sleep until Spring.
Beautiful Blessings ;-)

Batya said...

What a gorgeous flower. It doesn't look real.

DrillerAA said...

Excellent work, as always.

Terry said...

dear mary..i think that your newest ruby tuesday emblem is my most favourite yet...i love it!
and i agree with greyscale that your tulip is so full of life..vibrant!
oh what a promise of spring it is!
love terry

ps happy president's day!
we had a holiday in canada too.
it was "family day"..

Unknown said...

a beautiful, vibrant red.

Nancy said...

Beautiful tulip! Is Spring just around the corner?

Ingrid said...

What a pleasure for the eyes ! Outside I only see black and white !

Loree said...

Gorgeous flower and a great post for RT.

Liza said...

It's so beautiful. Happy RT!

Self Sagacity said...

Beautiful flower and such a great take. Glad I can be part of today's Ruby Tuesday.

Gena @ Thinking Aloud said...

Hi Mary!
Love, love, love your poppy - what a great image of a truly regal flower!!!!
Gena @ Thinking Aloud
a photoblog

Hootin Anni said...

love the angle of this photo!!!

10 ALBUM COVERS [scroll below my Tuesday's Heads or Tails meme to find my Ruby Tuesday.

Have a great day!!

nice A said...

Pretty red tulip for heart's month:)

Eleonora Baldwin said...

Now I can see your tulip and it is stunning! Love the blur around the edges...

My entry is up and I hope you will all enjoy it.


hip chick said...

Oh that is a beautiful tulip. I miss spring.

Jientje said...

A little bit of Spring in Winter! Lovely!

Anonymous said...

Oh, its so encouraging to see the colors of the flowers right now, in the midst of all this white.

MOO said...

Oh, a tulip in February...all we have is snow!

I Live for Fur...I Worship Fur

Melissa B. said...

We're wearing our RED today, and DANCING!

Snowbird said...

Beautiful tulip.

Stephanie V said...

That is a lovely tulip. I always enjoy the way their stems droop and curve after a day or two in water.

JunieRose2005 said...

Beautiful Tulip to cheer us!!

I have a RT for you this time.


Marice said...

what a lovely tulip :)

serline said...

Beautiful - I love the rich red color.

Desert Songbird said...

Gorgeous close up!

The Muse said...

I have found you too late too participate...but I yearn to add (prose)
or (design)
to your list next week, if possible.

The boldness of the flower belies its delicacy.

Lovely image, to be certain.

Kerslyn said...

Lovely Tulip!!! That's one of the flowers that I wish I could grow in my own garden. Sadly, Tulips don't thrive in the tropics so I would just be contented in seeing photos of it. Thanks for sharing your lovely Tulip, Teacher Mary!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...


Unknown said...

Cute new badge and pretty tulip.(I love tulips!) It is easy to solve this meme with a flower, fruit or plant. I have chosen rose hips as my theme.
Best wishes,

Holly Lefevre said...

That is a beautiful photo! A burst of happiness in February! I am glad you got my email...that badge looks very cute! I love those little feet!

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Beautiful tulip Pic !
Happy Ruby Tuesday !

Dhemz said...

this is gorgeous! mine is up as well!

Cacai M. said...

Wow.. very beautiful ruby flower.. I love it!

My Ruby Tuesday

Sara Chapman in Seattle USA said...

So sorry I'm late, thought I entered last evening. Oops.

I am wild about your tulip entry. Magnificent. Why are tulips so thrilling?

Mimi said...

I love the tulip, Mary, and the promise of spring that it brings. Won't be long now..
And the new badge is cool.
Sorry I couldn't play this week- down the country visiting family. And forgot to bring a camera, so not even a nice photo to show for it.